What does the number 8 mean in a person's life. The symbol of infinity - the number "8" and its meaning in numerology

The number 8 is a very unusual and interesting symbol. For most, she is associated with the sign of infinity, which gives her endless energy and constant movement forward.

The figure eight symbolizes material well-being, cash flow and abundance. Its main advantages are reliability, durability and stability.

The meaning of the number 8 in numerology

  • If the number 8 is often found on your life path, then you just need to have the correct information about this symbol and skillfully use it.

Number 8 helps reveal the strengths of a person, to strengthen the desire for the intended goals, to bring the realization of cherished desires closer. The Eight will not allow you to step back or abandon an unfinished process; with its support, difficulties on the path of life only strengthen faith in yourself.

  • In numerology, the value of the number 8 is compared with the narrowest family circle.- a married couple, their children and parents, brother or sister. The closest family relationships occur in this composition. The presence of the figure eight in the date of birth enhances a person's sense of duty to his loved ones.
  • The presence of one eight in the date of birth characterizes a person as a kind and responsible family man. Two eights are inherent in a kind and gentle personality. Such people will not tolerate deceit and betrayal.
  • The number 8 is very favorable to the financial, economic and business sphere. It helps to achieve benefits, increase savings, conclude successful deals.
  • To enlist the support of a symbol in business development, it is worth considering its presence in the name, in coordinates and key contacts.

The magical meaning of the number 8

  • In the Christian world the value of the number 8 symbolizes rebirth. To reach the Kingdom of Heaven, it is necessary to observe the 8 Beatitudes. The octagonal baptismal site symbolizes rebirth.
  • The figure eight is the highest sign for the Jews. The alignment of many forms takes place according to the principle of multiplicity of 8. The number carries a spiritual renewal, which is why the new temple is illuminated for 8 days.
  • In Hinduism, the god Shiva has 8 forms, and the god Vishnu has 8 arms. The universe is protected 8 keepers of space and time.
  • For the Chinese, the number 8 is perfect. They use the symbol to attract material wealth, use it as amulet and talisman.
  • In Egyptian mythology, the figure eight is a cosmic symbol. Located around the sun 8 planets.

  • The symbol of Buddhism is considered to be a spinning wheel with 8 spokes - an endless circle of rebirth and death.
  • The Indian lotus flower with 8 petals symbolizes the heart of Genesis.
  • The number 8 is ruled by the planet Saturn. That is why eights are purposeful and independent individuals. You can enhance the positive effect of the symbol with the help of turquoise and yellow colors.
  • Eight in the form of an infinity sign will play the role talisman when worn on a bracelet or chain.

Negative values ​​of the number 8

  • Eight can warm up excessive interest in money and power.
  • Constant activity and tension often lead to exhaustion.
  • Eight people are cynical in their statements to others, they are not shy about rude, straightforward expressions.
  • The negative value of the number 8 causes material difficulties and stress in life.

  • excessive selfishness leads to extra waste.
  • The tyranny of dependent people and arrogance towards others cause rejection in society.

Favorable meanings of the number 8

  • The meaning of the number 8 has a beneficial effect for political activity.
  • Eight accompanies in real estate transactions, helps to develop trade.
  • It reveals the creative component, develops sociability and organizational skills, brings writing and oratory skills to a professional level.
  • warms up purposefulness and insight.

  • Eight knows how to quickly and efficiently cope with the tasks.
  • Can produce right impression and quickly gain prestige.
  • Reasoning helps to plan your life correctly.
  • Eight is always on the side of justice and honesty, easily admits its mistakes.

The meaning of the number 8 in life

  • The eight are brought together two principles - male and female. This combination ensures harmony and order in relationships. The feminine principle occupies the passive side and is driven. The masculine principle takes an active position and constantly interacts with others.
  • Number 8 tends to alliance with powerful people. Common goals help create a strong family. In everyday life, he seeks to surround himself with comfort and luxury. Eight has difficulty in expressing their own feelings for the opposite sex. Appreciates in friendship devotion and fidelity, strives for stability in relationships. He despises any sign of weakness.
  • The constant desire for vigorous activity fuels interest in extreme sports. Strength and endurance help to achieve high results.
  • The ideal combination for the eight is the four. The strengths of 8 are very similar to the leadership qualities of 1. Great wisdom lies in the combination of 88.

  • The appearance of 8 in a dream is symbolic. The appearance of several characters reflects the inner mood of a person. A large number of eights dream of confident and purposeful people. Their practicality, purposefulness, control over the situation and high organizational skills help to reach the highest heights. The number 8 will become a skillful judge and adviser for the person concerned.
  • If snakes are located on the plexus of the eight, then gossip and betrayal of loved ones.
  • The mathematical image of the figure eight in a dream portends the rapid resolution of troubles and the adoption of the right decisions.

The meaning of the number 8 is very multifaceted. Proper use of the possibilities of the symbol allows you to achieve significant results. The description of the number 8 makes it clear that a person controls his own destiny and prefers to manage on his own. To avoid negative influence, it is important to learn how to manage money wisely, learn not only to earn, but also to accumulate wealth.

Video: Number 8 Numerology

Motto number 8: Discretion. The number 8 is an extroverted number.

Positive qualities of the eight: number 8 has a strong-willed character, this figure is very strong, energetic and purposeful. The number eight has authority among other people, it is powerful and self-sufficient, knows how to lead and is very demanding of its subordinates. The number 8 is reasonable and organized.

Negative qualities of the eight: the number 8 is vain, always demands recognition and is very cynical. The figure eight usually presents its cynicism as a lack of illusions. The number eight often has a weakness for money, she craves power and is able to suppress others. Eight can suffer from its excess of energy, tension and excessive activity. Usually the number eight lacks truly human feelings.

Number 8 colors: pale yellow, bronze, canary, tan, beige, dark yellow, opal.

Number 8 in the spiritual realm.

divine heritage numbers 8 and the meaning of his life lies in achieving harmony between the finite and the infinite.

The number eight is able to show people the reality of divine creation. She is endowed with divine consciousness, which she has gained in all her past lives.

The number 8 can be regarded as a dual number, it has both male and female aspects. The female side of the number eight is very susceptible to third-party influences and is often passive. The male side, on the contrary, is strong, active and demanding of others. The mission of the number 8 in this world is to prevent the 7 days of the creation of the world by God from failing, this number should continue to expand the works of creation. The number eight provides control and stability, order in everything, the knowledge necessary to bind the desires of other numbers and achieve final, even more significant progress.

The number eight is a kind of Solomon among numbers. Believing in the divine command, the number 8 becomes an honest and respected judge by all, for which she will undoubtedly be rewarded from above.

Favorable opportunities for the number 8.

Number 8 very often does not realize the enormous power and potential that lies within it. The plans of the number 8 and her dreams can often be driven by her ambition and love of money, which can lead to very dire consequences.

The number 8 will gain strength and the most favorable opportunities will open before it only when it can achieve a balance between spirituality, moral purity and well-being.

The number 8 is a kind of teacher who works for the benefit of all mankind and finds a reward for his work in the greatness of what has been achieved.

To achieve the set goals, the number eight will require a huge effort, which is likely to be accompanied by mental and physical overwork, as well as a long period of disappointment. The number 8 must give all of itself to the cause for which it undertakes, and only then will its efforts be justified.

The number eight always has a sense of purpose. The Eight understands that before you start doing something, you need a good plan, and as soon as it appears, she is ready to lead people, is ready to control them and fulfill their plans and dreams. The path to money at the number 8 lies through her sanity, quickness and intelligence. Outstanding abilities, and acquired knowledge, continuous efforts, complete with an assertive character and correct actions, are for the number eight the key to her success in all endeavors.

The ability of the number 8 to manage her affairs with an open mind and excellent leadership skills allow her to achieve a high position, become an outstanding personality and teacher, which is the reward that was promised to her earlier.

Tendencies and talents of the number eight.

number eight is able to apply many of his talents in areas such as trade, industry and organizational activities, often on a very large scale. The number 8 does a great job in a job where it needs to control and monitor the activities of other people, whether it be a controller or a director. She is able to determine the relationship of causes and effects, knows how to correct neglected cases in firms, can easily find weaknesses and direct employees to achieve the goal.

Work with real estate and loans will bring a lot of benefits to the eight. In his life, the number 8 very often encounters the management and operation of land, structures or any other property.

The number eight is often interested in politics and governance. She will certainly find application for her abilities in areas such as investment (mainly related to education or home improvement) and large-scale construction.

The number eight can get carried away with literature and achieve great success in journalism and publishing. In this case, the role of a traveling journalist or political observer is more suitable for the eight.

The very writing of the number 8 speaks of its duality and the ability to see both sides of an issue, so the number 8 can become a good judge and adviser, naturally, subject to proper training and preparation. The Eight's desire for justice will allow her to gain power and influence, but she must constantly train her mind and her hands. The number 8 should least rely on luck.

The lively, inquisitive mind of the number 8, complete with her courage and observation, allow her to show her talents in the intelligence services. With excellent self-control, she can get out of any situation.

If the number eight decides to do business, then industries such as hotels and summer resorts will lead him to success.

Eight can be an excellent speaker, her speech will not be beautiful and refined, but sincere and convincing.

The number eight is attracted to musical instruments, but her talent does not always get the proper development. Very interesting for the number eight will be work in a museum or art gallery.

The number 8 loves work related to finance, but other people often make more money than it, although the number eight gives all its strength, intelligence and know-how to the cause. But, thanks to its mental abilities and determination, the number eight will always receive its due reward.

The number eight in human relations.

Number eight constantly busy with work. The force that drives her can move her to try to be everything to everyone, which in turn will be detrimental to her strength and health. Often such activity of the number 8 can negate the very goal for which she spends so much effort. Excessive efforts can be accompanied by a sense of competition and tension, which you need to try with all your might to get rid of and find a balance between work and leisure.

The number 8 should be steadfast during the difficulties and difficult periods of life, as it is often prone to remorse and introspection.

The number eight gets along well with others and is often a good companion. This is a strong personality who has many activities and interests. The number 8 loves beautiful houses and good clothes, she prefers to look bright, her social circle consists preferably of influential people, but she does not neglect other sectors of society either.

The number eight always stands out for its honesty and sincerity, often speaking directly and sharply. She is annoyed by the repetition of gross mistakes by other people. But such anger fades very quickly, and the number 8 will rather condemn itself than others.

In marriage, the number eight is devoted to her spouse, but often does not find time to express her feelings due to huge plans and ambitions. To soften the harsh nature of the number eight needs love and admiration, so it should try to find time to express tender feelings to its partner.

The life of the number 8 will become happy when she realizes and understands her inner driving force and learns to be patient with others. She always needs to be confident in herself and not let other people take her place, only then will she receive a reward for her efforts and achieve what she has dreamed of for so long.

The figure eight represents two closed circles, symbolizing the infinity of being. The number 8 is inherent in extroverts, it means prudence.

Those born on the 8th day of the month or having the number 8 in the sum of the digits of the date of birth, have a strong-willed and tough character. They are purposeful and determined, powerful and energetic. But Eights are characterized by vanity and a craving for easy money, which can violate perfection. In addition, these people are prone to hypocrisy, often hiding real feelings for others.

8 as a symbol of prudence and firmness of character

The positive qualities of people of this figure include categorical judgments, energy, will and the ability to think. Such people know how to attract attention and lead. With their authority, they are able to force lazy people to work, inventors to generate ideas, dreamers to think realistically. This number calls for order, provides stability and awakens in people the desire to improve, develop, and multiply the fruits of their labor.

The colors of the figure eight are dominated by tones from light yellow to dark, opal.

Eights take root well in controlling bodies: the prosecutor's office, the police, and the leading apparatuses of power. They have a well-developed ability to structure, establish cause-and-effect relationships and motivate subordinates to achieve results. Success will come to people of the number 8 in the hotel business, politics, and real estate.

8 as a domineering and overwhelming character

In some interpretations, 8 denotes duality. Therefore, along with positive, development-oriented character traits, the Eight also has self-destructive qualities, such as vanity, cynicism, composure and greed. If these qualities begin to prevail in the life creed of the Eight, then such people become dangerous to the environment, they suppress and destroy the ability to understand and compassion.

Eights are able to speak sharply and unflatteringly to other people. Although then they curse themselves for such incontinence. Friendship and love for the representatives of this symbol is not an empty phrase. They just need to learn to be tolerant and patient with other people.

Determination of fate by the number 8

The number 8 in numerology is considered one of the most fateful for mankind. It determines the stability of the human psychomatrix, being responsible for the most important family values. The number 8 means a person's attitude to relatives, loved ones, loved ones: a sense of duty, responsibility for the weak, tolerance, respect and kindness.

Consider what the number of eights in the psychomatrix means.

The absence of the number 8 also indicates a person’s lack of patience and respect for elders. In this case, the cultivation of these qualities depends entirely on the personal example of the older generations. If in childhood such a child observes the care of his father and mother for his parents, then he will acquire these qualities even with the absence of the eight. But if there is no reverence and respect in the family, then there will be no one to complain about later.

Also, approximately with one 8 in the psychomatrix. This means that duty and responsibility are poorly developed, and efforts are needed to develop these properties.

Two eights may already indicate a sense of duty from birth. They say about such people: "Kindness itself." They are very tolerant, honor loved ones, take care of the elderly. Often they find their calling in the profession of doctors, social workers, rescuers.

The value of the number 8 in the triple version is tripled and represents the truth-seeker to the world. Such a person can overstep family values ​​if he is sure that the truth that he possesses is more expensive and more important. To become happy in life, Eights must first of all achieve internal harmonization, realize their inner power and become softer, more sensual.

Number 8 in history

Traveling through historical eras, we can see the significance of the octave number for humanity.
In ancient Greece, 8 is the number of Dionysus (Hermes). For the Pythagoreans, this is a symbol of three-dimensionality, love, prudence - the Great Tetractys. The Sumerians have the magic number of the sky. In China - the basis of the world order, the lucky number "wa".In Hinduism, temples are built on the basis of the mandala (square of eight).In Taoism, Tao opens 8 roads for a person - all the paths of fate.

People born under the auspices of the number eight often achieve success in sports, are able to build harmonious relationships with others. They are engaged in spiritual practices and wish to know the meaning of life. Eight people are sincere and cheerful, attract the attention of others.


The most important feature of the number eight is good luck in all endeavors. Sometimes the figure itself is called divine, since under its auspices dreams come true, plans are realized and a career is built.

A person born under the number 8 has a well-developed intuition and is able to predict the outcome of events. If he engages in spiritual practices in time in a certain period of his life, then there is a high probability of achieving the title of Master.

They never hypocrite in front of others - they easily make contact and tell the truth in person, whatever it may be. They tend to help other people rise to the heights, they can be good teachers or mentors.

Despite all the troubles and obstacles that always arise on the way to achieving the goal, they have great willpower and achieve their goal no matter what. Decisiveness, fighting spirit and a clear idea of ​​​​the future - these qualities characterize the person-eight. They are able to look at the same situation from different angles, choosing the best solution.

The number eight helps a woman cope with housework, easily sets her up in a positive way. The presence in the room of the house or apartment of the figure eight indicates that the atmosphere in the house is well-established and favorable.

Pros of Number 8

  • Representation of wealth;
  • Insight;
  • solvency;
  • Confidence;
  • Spirituality;
  • Striving for the ideal;
  • Professionalism;
  • Wise judgment;
  • performance;

Cons of number 8

  • short temper;
  • Complexity;
  • Greed;
  • faux pas;
  • Dictatorship;
  • Cynicism;
  • Despotic;

The magic of the number 8

In ancient Babylon, the number eight was the personification of the sun and all living things, which, thanks to its rays, grows on the planet. In some Christian teachings, the number eight is the prototype of rebirth and death, the beginning and end of this mortal world.

In Buddhism, the figure eight is drawn in the form of a lotus with the exact number of petals, which are considered a sign of good luck and prosperity. The number eight is the symbol of the planet Saturn. Only this sign is characterized by symmetry in writing, as well as vanity, variability of character.

Since the time of ancient Egypt, the figure eight has been considered a symbol representing balance throughout the world. In ancient China, it was believed that it was eight universes that existed besides ours and that they must have life.

According to myths, after the crucifixion, Christ was placed in a tomb on which the number 8 was drawn - so he could rise again and return to life as a holy martyr.

The talents of a person with the number 8

Eights have an inner flair for big and small money - they easily agree to risky trades, even if the probability of losing is too high. They know how to negotiate with others and convince them that they are right, without putting pressure on psychology or weaknesses. They are born traders who understand all the intricacies of industrial business and workflow management.

Initiative is one of the positive qualities, thanks to which crazy, but feasible plans can come to light. They easily cope with critical situations and find a way out not only for themselves, but for the whole company.

What attracts people with the number 8

G-8 people do not accept lies and betrayal either from relatives or from unfamiliar people. They easily part with liars and traitors as soon as they learn about the fact of fraud or hypocrisy. An innate sense of justice attracts those who are able to speak only the truth without fear of being misunderstood.

They are devoted in marriage and are not able to change their other half even under the most seductive circumstances, otherwise they will reproach themselves more than a devoted partner.

Children born with the number eight in their date of birth are able to feel a sense of duty to their parents, trying to give back doubly accumulated emotions. Often a child can be impulsive, being a little withdrawn in his own world. However, the constant care, love and affection of a mother or father can open in him the joy of communication and the manifestation of good feelings.

What repels people with the number 8

G-8 people can be tactless and cynical - others can endure such an attitude for a long time, but at some point patience will still run out.

They are inhuman people who are alien to the feeling of love and care for their soulmate and loved ones - they remain alone for a long time if they do not find a partner with the same qualities of character.

There is a tendency to self-flagellation and constant critical analysis of all actions and even thoughts. Because of this, depressions occur, the cause of which is incomprehensible to anyone except the representatives of the number eight themselves.

Because of the heaps of thoughts in the head, they do not pay due attention to feelings. They can easily go astray from the noble path, especially if a large amount of money is shown ahead. They are selfish - they like to hear about their uniqueness and greatness, but do not give anything in return.

The main meaning of the number 8 in numerology is wealth, prosperity and success in the chosen activity. A person who carries this figure in the main life set can reach unprecedented heights and help others achieve perfection.

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Number 8 mysticism

Numerologists describe the mysticism of the number 8 as follows:

  1. The inverted figure eight is a symbol of infinity (a vicious circle), therefore such a figure is associated with magic and the Universal consciousness.
  2. She is credited with the meaning of the golden mean. This is a divine sign of harmony between the male and female principles, between life and death.
  3. A lucky number, which in ancient times was a symbol of life in paradise, bliss and perfection. The value of the number 8 in numerology is so favorable that magicians use this number as an amulet.
  4. A special knot that existed in ancient China, which was woven from eight eights, was considered the most powerful amulet charged for longevity and good luck.
  5. The number eight in astrology is the designation of the "ringed planet" Saturn.
  6. The Egyptians considered 8 the embodiment of reliability. It was symbolized by a dual square - the number eight divided in half has two equal parts (4 and 4). If you divide it again, then all parts will again be equal (2, 2, 2, 2).

More information about the numerical interpretation of the number viii is described in a video shot by the School of Vedic Astrology.

The meaning of the number 8 in the date of birth

The value of the number 8 in the date of birth is expressed as follows:

  1. Those born on the 8th try themselves in various fields of activity. It is difficult for them to choose a particular occupation.
  2. Success does not come to such people immediately; they reach the heights of mastery thanks to their diligence and patience.
  3. Methodically moving towards their goal, the G8 are ready to invest all available forces and resources. They never stop halfway.

The characteristic of those born on the 8th is special, since this figure attracts Fortune.

Individual characteristics

Individual characteristics of those who are lucky to be born under the number 8:

  • diligence, willingness to sacrifice a lot for the sake of the task;
  • speed and originality of thinking;
  • criticality, a sober look at things and at oneself;
  • willingness to rely solely on their own strengths;
  • excerpt;
  • loyalty;
  • sincerity;
  • reliability, responsibility both in business and personal;
  • indefatigability, constant striving for new heights;
  • practicality, economy.

Negative character traits

Negative traits of character having a figure eight in the date of birth:

  • emotional instability, constant mood swings;
  • heightened sense of ownership, reaching greed, jealousy in personal relationships;
  • susceptibility to depression;
  • excessive fatalism, a tendency in difficult situations to refuse responsibility and rely on fate;
  • stubbornness, inability to yield;
  • pessimism and causticity;
  • superficiality, unwillingness to delve deeply into the essence of the matter.

lucky days

The most successful days of the week:

  • Monday;
  • Saturday;
  • Sunday.

Lucky days of the month:

Impact on marriage

The influence of the number 8 on marriage is dual and is expressed as follows:

  1. In the personal life of those born under the number 8, there is never a lull. Such people easily start relationships, making a good impression on the opposite sex.
  2. The duration of unions is short, since it is a difficult task to withstand the character of such a person.
  3. They are able to suppress and drive to despair pathological jealousy.
  4. Another negative property is the inability of eights to express their love and care.

Suitable partners:

  1. Long-term relationships and marriage are possible with the complete opposite. The partner must be able to give in and not seek to dominate.
  2. Favorable compatibility with those who are morally stable and know how to turn a blind eye to other people's shortcomings. Not everyone is able to wait out unfavorable periods when the eights find themselves in a depressed mood and begin to break down on loved ones.
  3. The most suitable partners are people who are busy and independent, who will be distracted by their own affairs instead of supporting scandals.
  4. The partner must be able to relax the eternally tense figure eight. Loyalty is also important: the only chance to escape from the pathological jealousy of these people is not to give them a reason.
  5. A necessary feature of a partner suitable for marriage is the ability to share the passion for work. Common interests and mutual understanding will become the basis of a strong and happy union.

Impact on the profession

Eight in the date of birth has such an impact on the profession:

  1. Usually they realize themselves in leadership positions. These are born leaders and competent bosses.
  2. When choosing a specific field of activity, they are given to the will of fate, for example, settling under the patronage of acquaintances. They can continue the family dynasty, and fully justify the hopes of relatives. But if they choose their own path, then usually this is a sought-after and prestigious profession that allows you to earn a lot.
  3. Thanks to responsibility and hard work, often turning into workaholism, they turn out to be valuable personnel in any field. It is these people who are especially needed at the stage of formation of the organization. With them, any project will not stall at the initial stages, but will develop systematically.
  4. They have a commercial flair, so they often open their own business, achieving notable success.
  5. They find themselves in the creative field, but they will never find themselves in the role of a free hungry artist. Such a person, even in creativity, will find a strategy that allows directing talent into a commercial channel. It is the G8 writers who produce multi-volume series of fast-selling books.

Most suitable areas:

  • land business;
  • banking;
  • investment projects;
  • policy;
  • individual entrepreneurship;
  • writing or publishing books.

Features of children born under the number 8

Children born under this number have the following features:

  1. Usually liked by all teachers in the school, who appreciate their perseverance and perseverance in mastering knowledge. In training, they show themselves as excellent students or solid good students, there are practically no exceptions.
  2. What distinguishes them from most kids is a sober and critical view of themselves and their successes, which is characteristic of older people.
  3. The position in the company of peers is determined by what kind of children there are more. If they are led and ready to obey someone else's initiative, then the eights confidently organize joint activities. At the same time, everyone benefits: eights satisfy their ambitions, and the rest never get bored with nothing to do. But if the majority has its own opinion and is ready to defend it, then a clash of interests is inevitable.
  4. It is important for parents to teach such children tact and compliance so that they are not expelled from the company. They are very stubborn and may not notice that they are acting alone against a whole group. Frequent conflicts can significantly spoil the atmosphere in the children's team.
  5. They need a positive example from their parents from early childhood. This is the only period when little eights are spiritually influenced and should not be missed. With such children it is worth behaving especially consistently and pedagogically verified.

What do two eights in the date of birth mean?

Two eights in the date of birth are characteristic of the most gentle and compliant people of all those born under this figure.


  • very caring with loved ones, able to sacrifice their interests for their sake;
  • have leadership and organizational skills, so others willingly follow them;
  • have a softer leadership style that many people like.

If the usual eight is prone to tough measures, then those born under these two numbers prefer workarounds. They are more likely to use cunning and praise, while getting no worse result.

What do three eights in the date of birth mean?

Three eights in the date of birth mean:

  • the instability of the qualities that give two such numbers;
  • unpredictability;
  • impulsiveness;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • aggressiveness;
  • authority.

Number 8 in numerology

In numerology, the number 8 affects men and women almost identically.


Features of women born on the 8th:

  1. Sensitive and gentle natures, but hide it under the guise of restraint and coldness.
  2. They feel an urgent need for love, but they try to be guided in relationships by reason, not feelings.
  3. A pronounced need for financial well-being often becomes an obstacle to family happiness. Choosing between a beloved, but poor man, and a less significant for themselves, but more prosperous, they will prefer the second one.
  4. They want to have children early, thus often tying themselves to the wrong person.
  5. Usually they find family happiness at a fairly late age and with a partner equal or superior in social status.


Men-eights can be characterized as follows:

  1. Usually they try to get married early. Since the desire to make a career does not allow them to devote enough time to their young wife, they are rarely destined to save their first feelings.
  2. Their relationship is best held together by the same interests for two - hobbies, travel or a common circle of friends.
  3. They play the main role in the family, they are very caring and always ready to help their loved ones.

The meaning of the number 8 in the name

The meaning of the number eight in the name is expressed as follows:

  • such people, despite their complex nature, enjoy authority in society;
  • they are as competitive as possible in the chosen area, spare no effort and time to achieve the goal;
  • people with the name number 8 constantly expect approval from others;
  • capable of great sacrifices for the sake of loved ones, so they are often exploited by those to whom they are attached.

The task of such a person is to find a balance between high ideals and reality that does not always correspond to them.

Table for calculating the number of a name


You can learn about what the Destiny Number "8" means, about its description, secrets and meaning from the video. Filmed by Dmitry Shimko channel.

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