True Vanga predictions for zodiac signs. Vanga predicted which zodiac signs will make money this year. Horoscope from Vanga for the year

In this article you will learn about predictions for the New Year 2019, what signs there are and what new things the year of the Yellow Earthen Pig will bring you.

In 2019, the Year of the Pig comes into its own. He prepared something special for each of us. What will this year be like for you personally and for the planet as a whole?

Predictions for the new year 2019

If you believe the predictions of famous clairvoyants, whose prophecies are listened to by billions of people, then 2019 will not be very rosy. But all predictions must be interpreted correctly. But to believe or not, and what conclusions to draw, is your own business, to which you have every right.

Prophecy of Saint Matrona for 2019

The prophecies of Saint Matrona sound frightening: the year will be decisive for all people. Many of them will fall dead to the ground in the evening, and in the morning everything will already be underground. But this is not about war, but rather about the end of the world. Is it so?

Perhaps the seer had in mind the beginning of a new golden era of humanity, that everything unnecessary and old would go away and a new history would begin. It is difficult to correctly interpret the words of a clairvoyant. Although knowing that she paid a lot of attention to spirituality, one can assume that she did not mean the end of the world, but the rebirth of humanity from the inside. After all, it is the loss of faith and soul that leads to greed, passion for money, and this in turn is the cause of disasters and destruction of everything around.

Vanga's predictions for 2019

Vanga’s forecasts are even worse: the great clairvoyant speaks of a third world war in 2019.

She predicts a difficult year for the world:

  • another crisis
  • hunger
  • hostilities

The reason for this is the inhuman relationships between people. The world is in for chaos and conflict. The war will begin for a just cause, and it will all end with a fight for a piece of food. People will try by hook or by crook to survive in the coming chaos, and as always, the strongest, going over their heads, will win. There will be an animalistic and dirty struggle for power.

Only Russia will remain pure, strong, indestructible.

We can only hope that these predictions of Vanga will not come true, like some others that never came true.

Scientists' forecasts for 2019

The scientist, Helena Blavatsky, wrote about the current decade, which is coming to an end and 2019 will be its culmination. She described this five-year plan as the most important for the future of the entire planet, bringing global changes. In the worst case scenario, a planetary catastrophe will occur.

Another scientist, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, predicted breakthroughs in the field of space exploration in 2019. He believed that this year would be particularly successful in this area and that soon space flights would become commonplace for humanity.

If his words are interpreted differently, it can be assumed that an evolutionary leap can lead to a man-made disaster.

Nostradamus' predictions for 2019

This is the quatrain Michel Nostradamus left for 2019:

“Out of rage, someone will wait for water,
The army was in great rage.
Nobles loaded onto 17 ships
Along the Rhone; the messenger arrived late"

What did the great predictor encrypt here? Great minds believe that the following prediction is hidden here:

  • there will be a severe shortage of water due to pollution of natural reservoirs in France
  • for the same reason there will be a riot among the military or civilians
  • the “powers that be” will be evacuated to places least affected by the disasters

Predictions of Pavel Globa for 2019

The Russian public trusts the prophecies of Pavel Globa, because he predicted a lot of events that later came true.

Unlike previous opinions, Globa predicts a favorable year for Russia: the country will gain stability, both political and economic, and will lead on the world stage.

Globa prophesies that Russia will become the driving force that will save the world from all the horror that is happening now: unemployment, poverty, wars, economic crisis, decline in production.

Hierarchical catastrophe theory

The creator of this theory, Arthur Belyaev, believes that society is spiritually degrading and the stages of this degradation end in disasters. And each time this happens faster and faster, the time between disasters decreases by 3 times each time. The last stage of degradation should end in 2019.

The first stage ended with the Great Epiphany of Rus', the second with the revolution and civil war under the reign of Peter I, the third with the Soviet stage. What catastrophe awaits us at the end of this stage of degradation?

Arthur Belyaev believes that

“The end of Russia is the end of the world”

So what will happen in 2019? The end of the world, the Third World War, a man-made disaster, or will all troubles go away and problems be resolved? I think no one can answer this question now, so it’s better to live in the present for now and not get upset in advance for nothing.

New Year 2019 - how to celebrate: signs

New Year 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. How to meet him?

  • First of all, think about your outfit. It will be better if you wear a fashionable, bright outfit that the hostess of the year will definitely like, especially if it is orange, red or yellow. The pig will also like gold jewelry, which will fit well into your image. Just don’t wear anything in predatory colors - these are the main enemies of the hostess of the year and she won’t approve of it.
  • To appease the Pig in 2019, it is not recommended to save money, because... This year's symbol is favorable to those people who are capable of generosity. If you part with money easily, it will come back to you in greater quantities. But at the same time, choose useful gifts for the New Year 2019 to your family and friends; the Pig will not be happy about unnecessary waste.

What are New Year's signs?

  • According to popular belief, you cannot repay debts before the holiday, otherwise you will be without money in the new year. Just try not to borrow money for some time before the New Year 2019.
  • On the day before the New Year, it is not recommended to start cleaning; it should be done a week before the holiday, and on December 30th you should tidy up a little.
  • If on New Year's Eve there is an abundance of various dishes on the festive table, then there will be prosperity in this house in the coming year.
  • If you wear new clothes for a holiday, it is believed that the next year will be successful.
  • Tie the legs of the festive table with ropes, then your family will live in harmony all year.
  • Don't spend all your money before the New Year, otherwise you risk spending the whole year without money.
  • Whoever gets the last drops of champagne opened on the festive night will bring good luck to the new year.
  • If, while the chimes are striking, you manage to write your most cherished wish on a piece of paper, burn this piece of paper, stir the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink it, then your wish will definitely come true in the coming year.

  • If you exchange glasses of champagne with your loved one while the chimes are striking, there will be complete harmony in your family.
  • Treat 18 strangers (the last 2 digits of the coming year) with sweets and the new year will be sweet for you and bring abundance.
  • If the previous year brought you bad luck, burn this year's calendar, let the fire take away all troubles.

Whether you believe the signs or not, it never hurts to be on the safe side. And of course, you need to enter the New Year 2019 with a bright soul, without holding a grudge against anyone. Then this year will bring you only happiness, luck and luck.

New 2019 Year of the Pig: horoscope prediction by zodiac signs

The Yellow Pig will bring something special to everyone in the New Year 2019. She has a rather complex character, so try to avoid conflict situations and direct your energy to self-improvement.

Horoscope Aries 2019 (21.03-20.04)

Get rid of everything old and unnecessary, make room for new and more interesting things. The more difficult something is for Aries, the greater and brighter the result will be.

  • Business, career, money. Don't miss your finest hour in February, voice your ideas, bring creative projects to life - this will bring results in the spring. At the end of summer, a creative upsurge awaits you. The best business partners for this year: Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.
  • Personal life. In spring and October there is every chance to meet a soul mate for those who have not yet found one. If you are under 30 years old, the best partners for you will be Leo and Sagittarius. If you are 30-40, take a closer look at Taurus and Virgo; after 40, try your luck with Libra and Gemini.
  • Luck. Don't give up on things you started halfway and good luck will be true to you. In the summer, think carefully about everything, from August to November, seize your opportunities and realize them, then all that remains is to reap the harvest and take stock.
  • Health. Try to avoid drafts, visit the dentist regularly and have your eyes checked. Say no to overwork and stress.

Horoscope Taurus 2019 (21.04-20.05)

This year, no slowness and down with conservatism! Together with the Pig, Taurus will receive new impressions and love experiences. This year, Taurus has a lot to do: they need to establish themselves at work, not forget loved ones, and arrange their home. You may have to change some of your life principles.

  • Business, career, money. The Pig will be favorable to Taurus who are related to health and education. In January, give up any kind of gambling. In February and March, you should not change jobs; it is better to reveal your potential in your current place. In August, share your brilliant ideas with your bosses - they will definitely appreciate it. In December, you will have the chance to quickly move up the career ladder, but before that you will need to make a significant decision. Best business partners: Aquarius, Virgo and Capricorn
  • Personal life. Don't be shy about your feelings and show more “calf tenderness” this year. It is better to plan your wedding for March or April - there will be a lot of happiness and family life will last a long time. Learn to give in, you will really need it in September and December. In July and October, singles can meet their soul mate. Look for partners under 30 among Virgos and Capricorns, at 30-40 you will find a common language with Aries and Gemini, after 40 pay attention to Scorpios.
  • Luck. There's nothing you can't do this year! Be careful at the beginning of the year, implement your projects in the spring, and catch inspiration by the tail in the fall.
  • Health. Pay attention to the genitourinary system and take care of your liver.

Horoscope Gemini 2019 (21.05-21.06)

2019 will bring only twice as much for Gemini, so make an effort to bring back good things, and the Pig will help you with this.

  • Business, career, money. In February-March, you may receive an offer to change your job and direction - agree, luck will be with you. In the spring, your earnings will double, but don’t rush to spend money; in May you may experience financial difficulties. Take a vacation in August, let off some steam, and get back to work in the fall. Make friends with an Aries, he will be the best business partner this year.
  • Personal life. After the not entirely successful last three years, changes for the better are possible on the love front. Take a closer look at the enemies, maybe there will be a friend or even more there. In the fall, an office romance awaits you, and maybe several. Before the age of 30, take a closer look at Libra and Aquarius, at 30-40 there will be a successful alliance with Aries or Taurus, after 40 - with Sagittarius.
  • Luck. The Pig promises fabulous luck to those Geminis who approach everything optimistically and easily, as well as to those who like to travel. Any trip will be successful and will bear fruit both in terms of career and personal relationships. By the end of the year, expect your cherished dream to come true.
  • Health. Take care of your stomach this year. To prevent diseases of the respiratory system, do special exercises. Give your body periodic rest - don’t work too hard, it won’t end well.

Horoscope Cancer 2019 (22.06-22.07)

Cancers need to work hard in the New Year 2019 and they will be generously rewarded for it. Drive away bad thoughts and be attentive and patient with your family.

  • Business, career, money. A foreign business trip is possible in the first quarter of the year. At the end of spring, share your ideas with your bosses and your salary will be increased. Go on vacation in the middle of summer and try not to overwork yourself. Afterwards, your performance will improve and good luck will accompany you until the end of autumn. Cooperation with Capricorns, Libra, Leos, as well as creative Taurus and Sagittarius will be good.
  • Personal life. Be patient with your partner and soon passion will awaken in your relationship again. In February there will be complete harmony in the family, and if you are not yet married, now is the time to change that. In the summer, with all your worries, don’t forget about your significant other. At the beginning of autumn, adventures await you and if you don’t have a partner yet, pay attention to new acquaintances. The best partners under 30 are Pisces and Scorpios; at 30-40, talk more closely with Virgos and Gemini; after 40, an alliance with Capricorns will be good.
  • Luck. Cancers may have the misleading impression that their luck has turned away from them, but in fact it only needs to be lured a little. Throw away all the grievances and open up to your family, they will do everything they can and cannot do for you. In August-September you will catch luck by the tail - ask for a promotion at work, take on more responsibility, talk about your ideas. Remember to make compromises, be patient and purposeful - and luck will be with you until the end of the year.
  • Health. Try to eat healthy, give up bad habits, be careful during a flu epidemic, there is a high chance of getting seriously ill. Nervous strain is possible this year.

Horoscope Leo 2019 (23.07-23.08)

For Leo, 2019 will be a year of change. If you are not lazy, you will get the maximum benefit from this situation for yourself. The Pig will support Leo in all new projects, but they will need to be completed. Persistence and more persistence.

  • Business, career, money. Be organized and don't go with the flow. New partners will help you move up the career ladder and this will significantly increase your income. At the end of spring, be careful with new acquaintances - they may let you down. March and November will be ideal for learning something new. Fruitful cooperation awaits you with Pisces and Gemini; a short but successful partnership with Taurus will be.
  • Personal life. This year, single Leos will have the chance to win their soulmate and walk down the aisle in early autumn. Divorced people will have special luck and you will most likely find your happiness. In mid-spring, married couples will have complete harmony, but by the end of spring, Leos may have a new hobby. Do not give in to fleeting feelings and you will be fully rewarded for your loyalty. Before the age of 30, pay attention to passionate Sagittarius and Aries; up to 40, the best partners will be Capricorns; after 40, Libra, Gemini and Scorpio.
  • Luck. Be decisive this year, initiative is only encouraged. At the beginning of the year, remember old friends; new old connections will turn into a pleasant gift from fate. In February, luck will favor Leos working in trade, science, advertising or literature. Plan your vacation for the end of spring; in the summer you will have to work hard. At the beginning of autumn, bring your interesting ideas to life, and at the end the time will come for changes for the better.
  • Health. Try to avoid nervous breakdowns and protect your heart from possible overload. This year, your main dangers are high fever, accidents and fast-growing infections.

Horoscope Virgo 2019 (24.08-23.09)

This year, Virgo will have a lot of chances to prove themselves at work and receive bonuses for it. Be careful, don’t take on too much, but don’t give up in the face of difficulties.

  • Business, career, money. At the beginning of the year, at the end of spring and mid-autumn, show initiative at work and this will be rewarded with a good salary. Try to avoid conflicts with work colleagues and improve relationships with them. At the beginning of February, try your luck in the lottery, you should be lucky. Cooperation with Leos, Capricorns, Taurus and Gemini will be good. Virgos who are related to science will work well with Aquarius.
  • Personal life. At the beginning of the year, the Pig will help lonely Virgos start an affair, will lead couples down the aisle, and will bring romance to experienced families and remind them of past feelings. However, in the spring the love storm will subside. In mid-autumn, a short affair is possible. Before the age of 30, Virgos should take a closer look at Capricorns and Taurus, from 30 to 40 there will be a harmonious union with Leo and Scorpio, after 40 years - with Sagittarius.
  • Luck. The Pig will not skimp on luck this year. At the end of January and mid-February, monetary profit is possible. In the summer, team up with a colleague and together you will move mountains. In mid-autumn, it's time to put things in order in family relationships. By the end of the year, expect your long-standing desire to come true.
  • Health. One can only envy Virgo’s nervous system, but for physical health they need exercise, healthy eating and giving up bad habits. Take a walk in the fresh air more often; Virgos need it vitally.

Horoscope Libra 2019 (24.09-23.10)

2019 will be a fundamental year for Libra - the next three years will depend on it. The year will bring a lot of love, try to control yourself.

  • Business, career, money. This year the Pig will make sure that you receive a stable income, although not very high. In everything else, constant changes await you. At the beginning of the year, receive a profit for your work last year - go on a winter vacation, it will benefit you. In February, you may have to accept or refuse an important offer that will seriously affect your career. Take a good look at the person who makes this offer to you; if he is reliable, agree. At the beginning of spring, be careful and attentive; in the summer, expect an unexpected bonus; at the beginning of autumn, work hard; by the end of the year, a promotion is possible. Leo and Aries will keep you in good company in business, you will be a leader in tandem with Virgo and Aquarius.
  • Personal life. At the beginning of the year you will be the center of attention, perhaps even meeting your soul mate. Until mid-spring, you will have to face the problems that your former passions will bring you. In the summer, the storm will subside, and perhaps your dearest person will remain nearby, but the stars do not recommend going down the aisle this year, wait until next year. Until the age of 30, a strong union is possible with Aquarius and Gemini, at 30-40 - with Scorpios, and after 40, try your luck with Aries.
  • Luck. Good luck will accompany you this year and in the next few, with one condition - you must become a parent, or at least a godfather. The child will become your mascot.
  • Health. Pay attention to your diet, do not overdo it - this will lead to excess weight. Try to go on a diet and have fasting days from time to time. Take a course of spinal massages, it will help solve some of your health problems.

Horoscope Scorpio 2019 (24.10-22.11)

In the coming year, Scorpio is planning a new addition to the house - this could be a significant other, a child, an expansion of living space, or all three at the same time.

  • Business, career, money. As you climb the career ladder, you will have to fend off the intrigues of your competitors. Calculate your strengths correctly - do not take unnecessary risks. At the beginning of the year, many pleasures await you: useful business contacts, ill-wishers will come over to your side, your salary will increase. Until mid-April, try to refrain from making rash decisions. From the end of spring, business trips abroad and obtaining a better position are possible. Autumn and the end of the year are a favorable period for learning something new or improving knowledge in your field.
  • Personal life. Don't miss your ideal in January. At the end of winter and beginning of spring there will be a lot of acquaintances with a continuation. In the spring, you may be able to buy a new house or make good repairs. In August, a stork may visit you and bring good news about a future addition to the family. For single people, at the end of autumn there will be a meeting with their soulmate, for lovers it is a good time to legitimize their relationship. Before 30, make friends with Pisces and Cancer, after that with Libra and Taurus, and after 40 you will be comfortable with Aquarius and Sagittarius.
  • Luck. This year, luck will test Scorpio's resilience: at the beginning of the year there will be problems with the operation of expensive equipment, in April, avoid gambling, otherwise you will be a loser; in the summer, disagreements and even big quarrels in the family are possible. But in contrast, luck will offer you achievements in sports and winning the lottery at the beginning of spring, in May you will be in the spotlight, at the end of summer you will receive a good inheritance, and in November there will be monetary profit.
  • Health. Try to avoid dangers and give up bad habits. Pay attention to the health of your legs and back, get your heart checked and dress warmly - frequent colds are possible. Lead an active lifestyle.

Horoscope Sagittarius 2019 (23.11-21.12)

In 2019, fame and wealth will come to Sagittarius. Love won't take long to arrive either. This year your life will change for the better, it will become bright and, of course, happy, and fate will stop putting a spoke in your wheels.

  • Business, career, money. This year, your work will not only be work for you, but will also become your favorite hobby and entertainment. For this reason, you can postpone your vacation to another time, because your work will bring you not only joy, but also good income, thanks to which you will step up the social ladder. Good business partners this year will be Scorpios, Leos and Libra.
  • Personal life. Lonely Sagittarius will meet their ideal soulmate, most likely this will happen at the end of March. If by the end of summer you are still together, then you have a direct road to the registry office. Family Sagittarius Pig will test their loyalty; by the end of spring there may be a new addition to the family or some other troubles related to children. In June and September, go on vacation with your family, it will refresh your senses and remind you of the “honeymoon”. Until the age of 30, alliances with Aries and Leo are good; before 40, get to know Gemini and Virgo; after 40, make friends with Libra and Taurus.
  • Luck. This year Sagittarius will be very popular, you will be asked to be a leader. Don't refuse, you will receive many bonuses for this. For starters, it will be financially beneficial. You will make many new acquaintances, and among them you will find a person who will become your true friend, whom you can always rely on. And besides, you will have the opportunity to shine well in front of the right person, and your career growth will fly up. And in addition, the last month of the year will be generous in fulfilling wishes.
  • Health. Take care of your nerves this year, they are too delicate and may not withstand overexertion. Not young Sagittarius needs to pay attention to increased blood pressure and problems with the back and joints.

Horoscope Capricorn 2019 (22.12-20.01)

Capricorns will spend the whole year on the move; they can’t do it any other way. You will travel, change your field of activity and move to another house. But for all this to happen, you must be persistent and persistent, and not be afraid of difficulties.

  • Business, career, money. The stars promise you profitable deals and an increase in salary. You can safely take out loans this year. If unexpected profits come your way, don’t brag or waste your money. In January, March, and mid-autumn, you may become a victim of scammers or thieves - be careful. Plan a serious purchase at the beginning of April, the end of May or the tenth day of December. An acquisition made at this time will be very successful. Good business relationships await you with Taurus, Capricorn, Libra and Gemini. Tandem with Virgo will bring decent income.
  • Personal life. The Pig invites Capricorns to let go of past grievances and start trusting people, then you will not be alone. At the beginning of spring, expect mutual understanding in your relationship. Try to open up to your partner. It is advisable for married couples to go on vacation in September, where passion will cover you and there will be a second honeymoon. Lonely Capricorns are scheduled to meet their betrothed at the end of spring, beginning and end of summer. Don't miss this chance and your union will be strong and long. The best time for couples to go to the registry office is November. Until the age of 30 there will be a strong alliance with Taurus and Virgo, from 30 to 40 - with Aquarius and Aries, after 40 years the best partners will be Pisces.
  • Luck. Good luck will be with you in all changes and trips. So you better not refuse the opportunity to go on a business trip, the offer to change your job, or the chance to move somewhere, perhaps even abroad. At the end of spring you will have an unexpected idea, don’t listen if they dissuade you, act - you will succeed! In mid-summer, a successful trip abroad awaits you.
  • Health. Every year your body fights diseases more and more efficiently, even though you don’t even know it. However, this year there may be frequent skin diseases and allergies. Try not to get too cold and do some physical activity.

Horoscope Aquarius 2019 (21.01-20.02)

This year the Pig will take off your rose-colored glasses and make you soberly assess the world around you. You will be busy searching for the golden mean in all areas of your life.

  • Business, career, money. In January you will make a big purchase that will fully justify itself. In spring you will have many ideas that you want to implement. But correctly assess your strength - are you enough to do everything at once? From mid-summer, take a vacation and relax before the autumn rush. Financial difficulties are possible at this time, but you will cope with them. In winter, your autumn achievements will be noticed, this will bring you profit.
  • Personal life. In February, a step forward in relationships is possible: both their legalization and the news of the imminent replenishment of the family. At the end of spring, single people will have a great time to find a partner, take a break from work and plunge headlong into romance. In the summer everything will be quiet and calm in the family, except for August, don’t break too many dishes, soon everything will settle down and peace will settle in your home again. Lonely Aquarians, be careful in late autumn and early winter - don’t miss your soulmate. Look for romance in relationships with Gemini and Pisces until the age of 3, after that with Virgos and Aries, and after 40, take a closer look at Leos.
  • Luck. Aquarians will have to earn their luck; for this they need to be smart, patient and not lazy, but to work hard. This year, successful large purchases will be made and lucrative contracts will be concluded, however, in order to get them, you will need to look for an individual approach. Luck will be on your side in the last days of each month, and at the end of September you will have a chance to prove yourself and realize yourself.
  • Health. Every year, the body of Aquarius suffers more and more from mental overstrain, which leads to nervous disorders. To avoid this, get used to doing exercises and playing sports. Don’t rush to work without treatment, it will seriously harm you.

Horoscope Pisces 2019 (21.02-20.03)

Pisces will have an energetic year in 2019, with a lot of positive emotions and interesting ideas. Pisces will be generous with everyone, for which fate will also give them gifts: promotion at work, romantic meetings and influential patrons.

  • Business, career, money. Try to be restrained in criticism, or better yet remain silent. And then career growth is guaranteed. One can only envy the efficiency of Pisces at the beginning of the year. Keep up the pace and don’t slow down at least until the beginning of spring, at which time your bosses will want to control the quality of your work. In spring and summer, keep your pockets wider and catch your hard-earned cash. Take advantage of them: make deals, look for influential patrons, advertise for yourself, implement your ideas. If you do everything correctly, you will reap an even larger harvest in the fall, and most importantly, you will be proud of yourself. Then you can relax, slowly finish everything you started; it’s better not to plan anything new this year. A good business alliance awaits you with Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius.
  • Personal life. If you have recently separated from your partner, at the beginning of spring a new acquaintance is possible that will continue the relationship. Lonely Pisces will meet a new passion by the end of March. In mid-September, a meeting is possible that will develop into friendship, and then into something more. It is better for lovers to exchange rings at the end of spring, then it will always be sunny in their family. Young Pisces should try to create a family with Scorpios and Cancers; those under 40 should take a closer look at Aquarius and Libra; at an older age, Pisces will have a strong union with Virgos.
  • Luck. It will not be difficult for Pisces to attract good luck; it will always be there this year. Big bosses will help you from the very beginning of the year, in mid-spring you will find new ways to earn extra money, and at the end of spring, expect the fulfillment of a long-standing desire. Only in the summer will luck rest a little and in the fall it will be with you again - winnings in the lottery, an increase in income and other good news are possible.
  • Health. Don’t delay going to the doctor; you need to start treatment on time. Stay away from contagious patients and check your digestive system. Try not to be too nervous and avoid stress. Pay attention to leg problems.

Recently, the world has been in a deep depression; events in geopolitics are not at all encouraging and aggravate the fear of a new world war. People with a special passion want to know what awaits humanity in the future. One of the most popular names in predictions is the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova. As an astrologer, it was interesting for me to look into her birth horoscope.

Zodiac sign Aquarius in Vanga's horoscope

The first thing that caught my eye in Vanga’s horoscope was, of course, the filled Aquarius zodiac sign in her chart. In addition to the Sun, in this sign Aquarius in Vanga’s horoscope there are Venus And Moon. Despite the fact that grandma was blind, she really wanted to know what would happen ahead. This is a very clear Aquarius characteristic - to predict the future, no matter in what area and by what method. The peculiarities of the planet Venus in the sign of Aquarius produce the pleasure hormone dopamine precisely through search, discovery, and mental thinking. The joy hormone dopamine is produced in such cases, as in Archimedes when he exclaimed “Eureka!” It is identically received by researchers, detectives, analysts and scientists, upon some discoveries and discoveries. This is why “Baba Vanga” and people with Aquarius inclinations love predictions. Vangelia did not have the opportunity to build horoscopes and study science. And I really wanted to predict with this position of the planets in the birth chart. Thus, the insightful old woman activated other possibilities of her perception for this matter - hearing and sensory.

Mercury and Uranus in Capricorn

World popularity overtook the old woman already at a very respectable age, and the young years of her life are not included in the prophecies. The sign of Capricorn, in which it stands in her chart Mercury And Uranus, gives indications of late activity.

Vanga's horoscope indicates extraordinary magnetic force

Vanga had a special magnetism, the gift of attracting people to her and influencing their psyche. Enormous willpower, fearlessness, as well as mass magnetism are due to the aspect of the most powerful planets in influence - Mars V Sagittarius And Pluto V Gemini. Huge crowds of people were drawn to the woman of simple origin. But, looking at the horoscope, I can say with confidence that she also did not disdain to lie and fantasize. This is indicated by the tense aspect Mercury (communication) And Neptune (illusions). Therefore, the statement of many famous people, with the help of whom the myth was promoted, that they in no way participated in the predictions, and did not hear anything like that addressed to her, is completely justified. The fact that Vanga gave some recommendations to Yeltsin may also be a myth.

Vanga's predictions and prophecies

RAS Academician E. B. Aleksandrov, Chairman of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research, referring to the opinion of another member of the commission, Yuri Gorny, characterized the Vanga phenomenon as follows:

Vanga is a well-promoted state business, thanks to which the provincial region has turned into a place of pilgrimage for crowds from all over the world. Do you know who prayed to Vanga the most? Taxi drivers, waiters in cafes, hotel staff - people who, thanks to the “clairvoyant”, had an excellent, stable income. They all willingly collected preliminary information for Vanga: where the person came from, why, what he hoped for. And Vanga then shared this information with clients as if she had seen it herself. They helped with dossiers on clients and intelligence services, under whose cover the state brand operated.

Today, to this day, Vanga’s predictions in television format are often accompanied by pictures from astrology and horoscopes. The media and various publications, false “astrologers” use her name, thus making money with fake prophecies in her name.
Also, many sites prefer to give dubious information, formatting it as “Vanga’s horoscopes”, “Vanga of Kazakhstan” magicians, “Vanga’s prayers and spells”, as well as various dream books supposedly written by Vanga herself personally.

But, nevertheless, Vanga has many fulfilled prophecies, if the sources do not lie to us:
“Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river” (1989). In September 2001, the World Trade Center skyscrapers collapsed following a terrorist air attack on the United States. The collapsed skyscrapers were called “twins” or “brothers.” They were hit by planes - “iron birds” - of terrorists. “Out of the bush” - Bush in English “bush” and “Bush” (ie the trouble dates back to his presidency). “The world will go through many cataclysms and strong shocks. The very consciousness of people will change. Hard times will come. People will be divided on the basis of faith..."(prediction date unknown). No comments needed. “We are witnessing fateful events. The two largest leaders in the world shook hands (the grandmother was obviously hinting at Gorbachev and Reagan). But a lot of time will pass, a lot of water will flow away, until the Eighth comes - he will sign the final peace on the planet” (January 1988). It's starting to come true. At least in relation to the “Eighth” (Russia has joined the “Big Seven”). By the way, even at the time when Boris Yeltsin was President of Russia, Vanga already hinted at the next one, although she did not mention the name: “This will be a completely unexpected figure. Definitely not Zyuganov or Lebed.” “Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit” (prediction date unknown). This was one of Vanga's last prophecies. While making it, the grandmother drew a large circle with her hands. “Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia... She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world” (1979). This was said during the times of the USSR, when few people uttered the word “Russia”. It is unknown which Vladimir they were talking about. Interpreters of Vanga name three contenders for the role of the fateful Vladimir - Prince Vladimir, Lenin and Vladimir Putin, aka “The Eighth”. “In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest"

On my own behalf I will add to the latest prophecy regarding oil. Baba Vanga is right, oil production will stop, but not immediately, but gradually, and much later than 2018 Oil production will cease completely by 2025–2030.

Life is unpredictable, so it's difficult to know what the future holds. However, this can be done using the zodiac horoscope. Thanks to him, you will know what to expect in 2018.

According to astrologers, in 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog will experience significant changes in the lives of each Zodiac Sign. The beginning of a new year is associated with new beginnings, achievements and disappointments. To avoid problems and troubles, and also to find out which path will most quickly lead you to success, seek help from your zodiac horoscope. The site's experts will help you find out what you should prepare for in the new year.


A lot of changes await Aries in 2018, and they will begin from the very beginning of the year. Good luck is guaranteed to you, and the influence of Mars will only add energy. However, due to the huge number of new events and changes, you will often have to change your plans. It is this instability that can frustrate you.

Of course, you need to listen to the advice of your loved ones, but sometimes you should remain unconvinced. In the new year, you need to decide what you want from life and move towards your goal, and the help of friends and family will be a reliable help.

Take care of your health. You may be susceptible to colds next year. To protect your health, take time to exercise occasionally. If you still cannot avoid illnesses, use folk remedies for colds.

To rise to the top of the career ladder, you need to demonstrate your qualities and skills at work. You should be bold and open about your ideas - perhaps it is your creative approach that will help you achieve your goals.

No special changes await you in your personal life. If you have already found your love, then most likely there will be stability in your relationship all year. If you are single, then it is likely that you will have to be in search until the end of the year. However, the Dog is an unpredictable animal, so it may well present you with a pleasant surprise.


At the beginning of the year you will be disappointed, but everything can change in the spring. To avoid grief, take a closer look at your social circle: perhaps your loved one will be the cause of your troubles and troubles. Don't be upset: in the middle of the year, a new dating period awaits you, and at this time you will have the opportunity to make new friends.

Your health will not bother you. Next year you will experience only minor illnesses that will pass quickly. The most important thing is to avoid factors that can cause serious illness. First of all, get rid of bad habits.

If you are not satisfied with your job or salary, then the beginning of 2018 is the most favorable period for changing your field of activity. However, do not make hasty decisions and do not rush to the first advertisement for a vacancy - it is better to spend time and find the job of your dreams.

You will be pleasantly pleased with the changes in your personal life. Perhaps you will move to a new level of relationship with your soulmate. If you have not yet found your love, then get ready to soon let a new person into your life.


For Gemini, next year will be a time of adventure, so it's time to think about travel and the countries you want to visit. However, you should avoid the risk: extreme entertainment in 2018 can harm you.

In 2018, junk food will be especially harmful for you, so review your diet and avoid fatty, fried and high-calorie foods. Also, make time for at least light exercise. This will help you strengthen your body and always be in shape.

From the very beginning of the year, take on the implementation of your plans. The faster you do this, the faster you will achieve your goals. It’s not scary to take risks at work, so feel free to take on large projects and participate in business negotiations. If your boss notices your desire, he will definitely encourage you.

There will be significant changes in your personal life, and it is possible that they will not please you. However, by the end of the year everything will get better. The most important thing is to avoid impulses and be less emotional. If you fall in love at first sight, don't think that this is love for life. If you are confident in your soulmate, you can safely connect your life with her.


Cancers will have success next year. The most important thing is not to miss important moments. Changes in life can be both positive and negative. You should react to them adequately and not panic.

In terms of health, you will be fine, you just need to maintain this condition. At the beginning of the year you may feel slightly unwell, but this will soon pass. To avoid problems, strengthen your immune system and refrain from overeating during the New Year holidays.

No major changes are expected in your career. If something is not working out for you at work, you should not immediately change your field of activity. Most likely, you lack concentration and effort. If you treat your work more responsibly, then your work will bring you not only benefit, but pleasure.

There will be no significant changes in your personal life, but this will not be a disappointment for you. In 2018, it is advisable for Scorpios to be alone and understand themselves. Thanks to this, you will be able to understand what kind of person you need, and by the end of the year you can safely start looking for your soulmate.


For these representatives of the zodiac circle, next year will be a turning point. Many important decisions will need to be made, and it is advisable not to make mistakes. By the end of the year, you will have the opportunity to take a break from constant problems and improve your life.

Your health will make you worry, but not for long. The most problematic period for you will be autumn. Not only your physical but also your mental state can suffer. In September, you may experience blues and slight depression, and later you will have to fight colds. But in winter, nothing will threaten your body.

A breakthrough awaits you in the professional sphere. You will be able to implement your plans and get closer to your goal. However, even the smallest problems can make you think about changing jobs. It is advisable to get rid of these thoughts, since for Sagittarius 2018 is not the most favorable time for such changes.

Next year you will find many new acquaintances and romantic adventures. However, not all of them will end well for you. You shouldn't avoid interesting meetings and dates, but you shouldn't take each of them seriously. Take a close look at your surroundings: perhaps it is there that you will find the person who will become your lover.


In 2018, Capricorns will be at the peak of happiness. Success awaits you in all areas, and new beginnings will bear fruit. The only thing that can hinder you is laziness and frivolity, but if you can overcome them, then you definitely won’t have to complain about life.

Health will not cause you trouble if you do not harm it yourself. If you feel any slight discomfort, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately. It is advisable to avoid stress and lack of sleep in order to always feel cheerful and energetic. After all, it is activity and energy that will help you in the struggle for happiness on the path of life.

Initiative will help you achieve success at work in 2018. The most important thing is not to overdo it so that your colleagues don’t think badly of you. It is advisable to establish a relationship with your boss - this way you can realize all your plans. Be more open with your colleagues as well, as it wouldn't hurt to get help from your employees.

At the end of the year, pleasant changes await you in your personal life. This period is favorable for meeting new people, getting married or making important decisions. If you are thinking about a long-term relationship, it is advisable to start looking for love in advance so that you do not spend the next New Year's Eve alone.


For representatives of this Zodiac Sign, next year will be turbulent. This is due to changes that will occur constantly. To benefit from them, take any changes for granted. There is no need to be afraid that your life will become worse: if you make an effort, everything will be the opposite.

In 2018, you need to monitor your psychological state, since heavy workload may lead to severe stress, sleep disturbances, and even prolonged depression. Work to the best of your ability and remember that health is more important.

Work will delight and disappoint you. Sometimes your work will give you pleasure, but every little thing can upset you. Since the Year of the Dog is a time of change for Aquarius, you can also think about changing your job. The most important thing is not to make a mistake, so think through any decisions carefully.

In his personal life, Aquarius does not expect anything new. The relationship will be stable. If you don’t have a soulmate, then you will spend the entire 2018 alone. However, this can be corrected if you go in search of romantic adventures now.


In 2018, representatives of this Zodiac Sign will have many reasons to rejoice. Your life will change significantly for the better. Your task is not to spoil the harmony and tranquility around you and never stop striving for the best.

To avoid health problems next year, it is advisable to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Of course, sometimes you can allow yourself a little indulgence, but don't swim behind the buoys. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible, in this case you should immediately consult a doctor.

The Year of the Dog will be favorable for the implementation of ideas. However, you should think about everything in advance if you do not want to become irresponsible in the eyes of your boss. Tell others about your plans only if you already know how to bring your idea to life.

Next year will bring a lot of joy to lonely Pisces. A lot of acquaintances and romantic dates await you. You can plunge into the world of love. However, you should not fall in love with the first person you meet if you want a serious relationship. Be very careful when choosing your life partner.

We are all human, and each of us has our own shortcomings, vices and dark sides. To many...

Horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs: love, career, work and business, family relationships. A true astrological forecast will tell you what to expect in the near future. Find out what animal year 2018 is according to the horoscope, and how to celebrate it.

The New Year is approaching, and the Kremlin chimes are getting ready to strike midnight. This means more and more people are eager to find out what 2018 will bring. Will it be plentiful or will we have to “tighten our belts”? Will single people be able to start romantic relationships and find their soulmate?

By the way, if you don’t yet know what animal year 2018 is according to the horoscope, then you should get acquainted with its symbol and owner, withYellow Earth Dog. This is a noble and faithful animal that does not refuse protection to all honest people. But who the Dog really can’t stand is scammers and scoundrels, as well as those who do not fulfill their obligations and promises.

The horoscope compiled for the year of the Dog 2018 for all signs of the Zodiac will allow you to get an accurate prediction of the near future. An astrological forecast will satisfy the curiosity of every person who wants to find out what awaits him in 2018! Find out what surprises await you and your loved ones.

Horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs

Zodiac sign Aries. As the horoscope shows, the next 12 months will be very eventful and full of changes for your zodiac sign. But the nature of the upcoming changes depends entirely on you! Try to carefully plan every important step and avoid mistakes. The first months of the year will not be the most stable financially. Read .

Zodiac sign Taurus. It's time to put your plans into action - the horoscope promises you success and stability! But remember that the key to future victories is careful analysis and planning. If you expect changes on the personal front, then you cannot rely on fate. Take the situation into your own hands and you will succeed! Read .

Gemini. For energetic Geminis, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will bring many fresh, innovative ideas. But, since the powers of any person are not limitless, you will have to independently choose the vector of your development. Perhaps you should focus on finding a suitable partner for marriage? Read .

Zodiac sign Cancer. “Cancer is moving backwards,” says I.A.’s fable. Krylova. However, the horoscope for 2018 for the zodiac sign Cancer is ready to argue with this! In the next twelve months, you certainly won’t have to “back away” or mark time. The opportune time is coming to bring long-planned plans to life! Which ones? Read .

Zodiac sign Leo. The year of the Yellow Earth Dog will not leave fearless and proud Leos without pleasant surprises! In the winter months, your financial sphere will “go uphill”, and with the onset of spring and the awakening of nature, many opportunities for flirting and love affairs await you. Read .

Zodiac sign Virgo. Your hardworking nature in 2018 will be a good help in resolving work issues. The horoscope for the Virgo zodiac sign says that the stars will align well, and you will have good chances for career growth! There is no need to be modest - do not hide your talents, and they will be appreciated. Read .

Libra. The stars predict that in 2018 Libra will have to weigh the decisions they make most carefully - after all, your future for several years ahead depends on it! You have to decide in which direction to act: to achieve career advancement or improve your personal life. Read .

Zodiac sign Scorpio. The winter months of 2018 will be quite intense - you will be looking for opportunities for development and striving to bring your plans to life. But very soon the efforts spent will bear fruit! In the first half of June you will have a favorable opportunity to make acquaintances with useful people. Read .

Zodiac sign Sagittarius. Undoubtedly, people born under this zodiac sign have happy energy. Their cheerful, easy-going nature and ability to adapt to any situation attract positivity, which contributes to success and luck in all areas of life. In 2018, the horoscope for Sagittarius promises many pleasant events, meeting interesting people and exciting adventures. Read .

Zodiac sign Capricorn. With the onset of 2018, Capricorns will experience changes on various fronts. They will be drawn to develop spiritually - the time of dominance of the Yellow Earth Dog is well suited for comprehending new things. After the January holidays, Capricorns will feel the need for personal growth. To grow intellectually, they are recommended to read more scientific literature. You can take up studying a foreign language or enroll in courses and get an additional specialty. Read .

Zodiac sign Aquarius. The beginning of the year will be quite busy; Aquarius will have to work hard to “fill the bins” for the current year. Then, with the arrival of spring, you can relax and retire. Two to three weeks of recuperation will be enough for Aquarius to come to their senses and restore their energy resource. Read .

How and what to celebrate the New Year

First of all, you need to take care of your festive costume - it is advisable to choose an outfit that will contain sunny, yellow shades. The Earth Dog also favors beige, brown and orange tones. If you want to make the outfit more contrasting, you can add a little black, but just don’t overdo it. In addition, clothing should not be flashy or flashy.

In terms of choosing fabrics for clothes, the housewife of 2018 also has her own preferences. Forget about synthetic fabrics for a while - you should wear “natural” clothes made of velvet, silk or wool. Ruffles, fringes and all sorts of tinsel are unlikely to please the Yellow Earth Dog. But you can complement your look with any jewelry, both gold and costume jewelry.

How to decorate your home for the holiday? Of course, dress up in the colors patronized by the hostess of the year! Also, don't forget to buy a plush puppy or dog made from a different material. You can show your imagination and dress up your dog in a dress or a New Year's hat, tie him a bow or put on a beautiful collar.

Love horoscope and family forecast

For people who are actively searching for their soulmate, the year 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog opens up promising opportunities. It will be much easier to start a relationship if you do not restrain yourself and are not embarrassed to demonstrate your feelings. Perhaps you should take a closer look at your surroundings - what if a worthy gentleman or a pretty girl “lives” very close to you?

Appear “in public” more often, attend public holidays, exhibitions, sales, sports and other public events. However, you shouldn’t rush headlong to where there are more people. Think in advance about how you would like to see your future chosen one or chosen one. For example, it is easier to meet a creative person at an exhibition, in a museum or at a concert than at a football stadium. And wealthy people prefer reputable restaurants to dubious drinking establishments.

Married couples will have the opportunity to refresh their relationship. The optimal time for this will be your next vacation, during which you can go on a romantic trip. If a trip to Turkey or Egypt seems too trivial for you, then go to Niagara Falls - this is a magnificent sight that will remain in your memory for a long time!

In the second half of the year, some complications in relations with relatives are possible. Try not to let yourself be drawn into conflict, you will only benefit from it. The problem will be resolved over time without your participation, and you will save your nerves and save your strength.

Financial horoscope - work, business, career

At the beginning of the year, a slight stagnation is possible. Now is not the time to start grandiose projects or radically change anything in your life. It is better to wait until spring and then make responsible decisions. However, winter time can also be used wisely - to analyze past mistakes and prepare plans for the future.

In March-April 2018, the situation will change dramatically, you will feel a powerful potential for development. Do you want to change your boring job to a more promising position? Are you thinking about opening another branch of your company? Or perhaps you are looking forward to career growth? Take action - and the Yellow Earth Dog will provide you with full support!

Those who don’t miss out on the generous opportunities of 2018 will be able to accumulate substantial capital by the fall. Accordingly, you will have to think about how to preserve and increase it. Entrepreneurs will not have any particular difficulties with this, because the freed-up resources can be spent on developing their business. But hired workers will need to look for a reliable bank or other opportunity for a successful investment.

Health and Wellness

Try to make the New Year's feast not only plentiful, but also as healthy as possible. Buy more fruits and vegetables, especially those that are yellow - the mistress of the year especially favors this shade. Replace pork and fatty smoked sausages with beef and chicken, this will help you maintain normal cholesterol levels. And, of course, try not to abuse alcoholic beverages or mix different types of alcohol.

The horoscope for 2018 according to the zodiac signs suggests that with the onset of the spring months, the likelihood of viral diseases increases many times over. To effectively counter this scourge, strengthen your immune system. Add light physical activity to your daily routine - walking or jogging in the fresh air, aerobics and fitness classes. It is better to avoid serious power loads, of course, if you are not involved in professional sports.

Take care of your psyche and nervous system. The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog prepares a lot of favorable opportunities and prospects for you, but you will have to work hard to achieve your goals. Accordingly, nervous tension will be quite high, do not increase it unnecessarily. Avoid stress and conflicts, ensure yourself healthy and restful sleep. Take every opportunity to take a break from work responsibilities and spend time with loved ones.

We are all accustomed to turning to the advice of astrologers, who tell us what the stars promise for a certain zodiac sign. But have you ever thought that horoscopes have a much deeper meaning? After all, God created us, nature, the stars and the entire universe in general.

There is one legend that one day at dawn God gathered 12 children and whispered their destiny in each ear. Each child received their special gift. Editorial "So simple!" will tell you what the secret of life is for each of the zodiac signs. Perhaps this information will help you not to go astray in life.

Predictions by zodiac signs


“I entrust you, Aries, to be the head. Lead others and light a fire in their hearts! Realize your dream to inspire others! Many ignorant people will scold your stubbornness and lecture you. But remember that without stubbornness you will never achieve your goal!”

You see, everyone advises Aries to be more compliant and soft. But their persistence and perseverance are their main assistant in life. So don’t lose your essence to be a happy person and give joy to your loved ones.


“I am giving a very unusual gift. You can easily increase material wealth in your life if the fire of love burns in your heart. The main thing is not to confuse the spiritual with the material. Love should come first for you, then you will get the second, and the third, and the tenth.”

You are one of those people for whom a bright feeling of love serves as an incentive to achieve a goal. Perhaps all your troubles in life are due to the fact that you relegate this feeling to the background.


“I give you, Gemini, a special gift: you will help people understand each other. But for this you need to pass a difficult test - to find harmony with yourself and the world around you. If you manage to do this, then the world will receive another wonderful diplomat, a politician who can organize this society.”

You need to understand yourself as a person. Your inner world and outer shell should get along like two sisters. In this case, you can not only easily achieve personal goals, but also serve for the good of society.

“I give you extraordinary sensuality, sensitivity and the wisdom that comes from them. But please don’t become a hermit sage, because the world around you needs your knowledge so much!”

Yes, Cancer is very modest and shy. But have you ever seen verbose sages who just wanted to show off in public? Your ability to empathize is exactly what most people need.

“I give you the ability to lead people. You will always know how to behave in difficult times. You will be scolded for your pride. If it were not for your ego, you would not be able to achieve prosperity. In addition, I endow you with a broad soul so that you can help everyone who needs your wise advice.”

Your strength of character and determination are able to find a way out of a difficult situation, even when chaos reigns around you. The main thing is to be responsive. This is the only way your self-esteem will have meaning.


“I charge you to follow your interests. Be true to yourself, pay attention to detail and spread knowledge around you. If you follow this destiny, then peace and tranquility will reign in you, which you can give to others.”

Your meticulousness and love of order in everything is not a flaw at all. Don't lose these qualities and you will be happy. Fill yourself with knowledge and follow your dreams.


“I give the gift of seeing beauty in the most ordinary things. Admire and praise everything that surrounds you. You can sing, write, draw or anything else you can think of, you have enough talent to express beauty!”

Think about it, maybe you have hidden talents. And you, for example, have been counting numbers all your life. You must share your ability to see beauty with the whole world.


“I give you a gift that can scare you. But please don't be offended by me. From a very early age you will be able to see the souls of others. This will bring you a lot of grief, but you will have to accept that the animal nature resides in man. But if you learn to manage this skill, you will get everything you want from this world.”

Yes, disappointment in people is an inevitable part of your life. Don't get upset and don't lose faith in people. After all, only by weeding out the unnecessary ones can you surround yourself with truly friendly, loyal and helpful people.


“I give you the ability to bring joy to people and light a fire in their hearts. Whoever you meet on your way will definitely feel something beautiful and amazing. Next to you, people will be able to heal their souls.”

So don't be afraid to make new acquaintances. Perhaps it is you who can restore a person’s faith in himself and the desire to live.


“I reward you with hard work. You can achieve great heights in life if you work hard. People around you will be filled with energy that will help them achieve their goals.”

As you know, patience and work will grind everything down. Develop, don’t be lazy, live your purpose, and everything in your life will work out in the best possible way.


“I give you the right to be happy and free in every moment of your life. Through you I can remind people of myself. Don’t forget to please yourself so that you can fill others.”

Many may say that you are too fickle and have a frivolous attitude towards life. But you are simply able to feel like a free person. And this is not given to everyone.


“I give you a heavy burden. You will be able to see everything in people - both good and bad. You will take all events too personally and worry a lot. But don’t be afraid, I will always come to the rescue.”

Yes, seeing through people is not the best reward. But such an ability will save you from many misfortunes. After all, it is better to know what kind of person a person really is than to suffer from his deception later.

You see, every person has a special gift that he is endowed with. Listen to your inner voice, develop your skills. Even if some difficulties are destined for you, remember that He will always come at the right moment.

She loves painting and is ready to admire paintings all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, is well versed in fashion trends and will give a head start to many famous beauty bloggers. Her love for sports is reinforced by her swimming qualifications! The charming girl’s favorite book is “The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli.

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