Divination on paper with checkmarks. Interesting and accurate divination on paper: for love, the future and the fulfillment of a wish

Girls love to dream. In their thoughts they have a big family, a prestigious job and a man who will carry them in his arms. How do you know if it really will? Looking at your life in the future can be very intriguing.

Why do we need fortune tellers if you can do simple fortune telling on paper with a pen on a guy yourself? After all, she is vulnerable and always in love with someone. Answers to simple questions: “Is the feeling mutual? Future husband's name? Will we be together? ”, you can get in a simple way, without special training, while having a good time.

Inner mood

With a pen for girls for love, because of its simplicity, it is popular among high school students. In this way they have fun in boring lessons, because of which not everyone can take him seriously, and this is a big mistake. The main thing in magical rites is the mood. If you really believe in what the numbers predict, feel the magic emanating from them, then you can get that true prediction that will come true after a while. Everything is decided by the mood of a person, even before the smallest ceremony.

The conclusion is this: if you just want to “kill” time in an interesting way, then do not be surprised at the results obtained and do not take them to heart. But if you really want to know the answers to questions about the future, then tune in before fortune-telling, calm down and think about the person you want to tell fortunes.

Ancient Christmas Ritual

For a long time there was a rite with which you could find out about your future. Such fortune-telling was done on New Year's Eve or Christmas. Before going to bed, you need to cut the sheet into 12 identical parts. On each of them it is necessary to write a question of interest and make a note “it will come true soon” or, conversely, “it will not come true soon”. Questions can relate to any areas in life, both mundane and fateful. All these leaves are folded under the pillow and the one who guesses goes to bed with good thoughts.

The next morning, without getting out of bed, you need to put your hand under the pillow and pull out the first sheet that comes across. What is written on it is a prediction. This method was used 50 years ago.

Ritual with pipes

There is also such a fortune-telling on paper with a pen for a guy, which will also require small pieces of paper. To do this, cut the sheet into 10 equal parts. The name of a loved one is written on one part, the rest remain white. Each leaf is twisted into a tube, they are all placed in a bag and mixed thoroughly.

Next, you need to pull out the tubes, while the fortuneteller has only 3 attempts. After reading, the tube must be rolled up and put back into the bag. If one blank sheet falls out and his name twice, then you are indifferent to him and there will be no relationship. If once his name and twice a clean slate, then you are his dream and luck will favor you. If all three times the name of a loved one comes across, then you will be together.

Divination for today

There is a very simple divination that will help determine what the events of today will lead to. It is not associated only with love and is suitable for all life situations. It is necessary to write your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the day and month in words on a piece of paper. You can use a future date if you are interested in events that will happen in the future.

Next, you need to cross out repeated letters. When those that do not repeat remain, they are counted. The number should turn out to be one, that is, if you have, for example, 12 letters left, then you add 1 and 2, and see 3 in the answer.


  • 0 - an ordinary, unremarkable day;
  • 1 - good news;
  • 2 - sad events;
  • 3 - interesting road;
  • 4 - lead;
  • 5 - nice words addressed to you;
  • 6 - an unexpected meeting;
  • 7 - longing;
  • 8 - there will be love;
  • 9 - possible betrayal.

Simple divination on paper with a pen for girls on a guy

A simple fortune-telling called "Heart", which is great for determining whether a guy loves a fortune-telling girl. The heart itself symbolizes love, and with the help of this symbol you can find out the future. To do this, you need to draw a heart on a piece of paper in a cage, while your eyes should be closed, you need to think about the object of love, and you need to write with a non-dominant hand, that is, right-handers write with their left hand, and left-handers with their right.

  • 1 - the guy has feelings;
  • 2 - only friendship is possible;
  • 3 - there is little sympathy;
  • 4 - jealousy;
  • 5 - his dreams are filled with your special;
  • 6 - there will be no relationship.

Divination that does not require mathematics

There are also fortune-telling for a guy on paper with a pen, for which you do not need to count. For example, the simplest game of tic-tac-toe can answer some questions. In this game, the prerequisite is that you need to make a wish and play a simple game without thinking about the next move. Put crosses and zeros mindlessly, and if the cross wins, then the wish will come true, if the zero does not.

Chamomile is the easiest and most ancient way for divination for love, but now you can do divination for a guy on a piece of paper with a pen for love using a painted flower. It is necessary to depict a chamomile with as many petals as there are letters in the name of a loved one. In each leaf, write a letter, you need to start from the flower column, moving clockwise. Next, you need to enter your full name in the same order. If the letters do not fit - it does not matter, you can not enter all.

Next, you need to see if there is such a leaflet where any vowels and consonants match. If there are matches, then there is a chance that you will be together. The more matches, the more likely.

Popular fortune-telling "Sotka"

This fortune-telling on paper with a pen on the guy again requires a little mathematical calculations. First you need to take a sheet in a cage and a pen. You need to define any horizontal borders on the sheet, and put dots at the ends. Next, you need to enter numbers from 1 to 99 in the cells, while zeros cannot be used. That is, reaching up to 10, for example, you need to write 1, up to 30 - write 3, etc.

Horizontally, the numbers must be written from border to border, all rows must be the same length, vertically they can occupy different places. At the end, after the numbers, you must write the full date when the ritual was performed. Next, you need to cross out two numbers that add up to 10, for example, 7 and 3 or 6 and 4. You can also cross out the same numbers, for example, 4 and 4. The pair can be both horizontally and vertically. In addition, you can cross out numbers between which there are already some crossed out pairs.

When there is not a single pair left, on the piece of paper you need to write in a row in each cell the full name of the guy they are guessing at. Write out the remaining numbers in a row under the letters and cross out the existing pairs again. Continue until there are no pairs left to cross out. Next, you need to add the remaining numbers so that it turns out from 1 to 16.


  • 1 - loneliness;
  • 2 - in the future you will be next to each other;
  • 3 - he has a girlfriend or someone he loves;
  • 4 - he is indifferent;
  • 5 - he secretly loves you;
  • 6 - he has feelings for another girl;
  • 7 - he is jealous;
  • 8 - a road awaits him;
  • 9 - separation;
  • 11 - soon you will meet him;
  • 12 - a serious conversation awaits you;
  • 13 - wedding;
  • 14 - he has feelings for you;
  • 15 - you are in his thoughts;
  • 16 - he is not indifferent.

Divination on paper is a simple and effective way to get answers to exciting questions. There is an opinion that divination on paper with a pen is just a child's game that allows you to pass the time, but does not predict your future. This judgment is incorrect. Such fortune-telling has a rather long history. They first appeared in ancient Egypt, when magic and mysticism were of great importance. You will be surprised, but the Egyptian pharaohs often read papyrus, looking for answers to important political and personal questions. So, what are fortune-telling on paper?

Divination on paper for love

Divination for love will allow you to find out how your loved one feels for you. If you doubt his intentions, then take a piece of paper in a box and draw a heart on it. If you are right-handed, then hold the pen in your left hand, if you are left-handed - in your right. After that, along the inner contour of the heart, it is necessary to mark all whole cells. Then start crossing out four cells in the heart (you can in a row, you can square). The number of whole cells remaining will tell you how your partner feels about you.

The meaning of divination on paper

  • one cell - your loved one does not have strong feelings for you, but you are not indifferent to him. He appreciates and respects you;
  • two cells - he feels friendly sympathy for you, nothing more;
  • three cells - he is in love with you and wants to spend more time with you;
  • four cells - he is very jealous of you;
  • five cells - he is interested in you and wants to get to know you better;
  • six cells - he is indifferent to you.

This fortune-telling will allow you to find out about the feelings of any person for you. Fate itself will control your hand during divination and answer the most secret questions.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen: what awaits on the scheduled day

If an important event awaits you ahead, and you want to know how it will end, then use paper fortune telling for the future. Take a blank piece of paper and write on it your date of birth, as well as the date you are guessing. All data must be written in one line. Then add up the numbers and bring the result to a single digit. For example: the date of birth is 01/11/1973, and the date of the event is 05/23/2014. We add up all the numbers and get 23 + 17 \u003d 40 \u003d 4. This number will mean the outcome of the event of the day.

The meaning of divination on paper

  • 0 - nothing special will happen on this day. Everything is as it was and will remain
  • 1 - good luck in business awaits you
  • 2 - the events of this day will disappoint you
  • 3 - you have a road or a serious conversation
  • 4 - wait for news
  • 5 - an unexpected meeting awaits you
  • 6 - all your plans will collapse
  • 7 - everything will happen as you planned
  • 8 - on this day, your ill-wishers can greatly annoy you
  • 9 - expect a miracle

Guessing on a sheet of paper. Will the wish come true

If you want to know if your wish will come true, then take a piece of paper in a box and circle your left hand, while thinking about your desire. Find the topmost cell on the outline of the hand and start numbering each cell in this row from there, going down. When you put the number at the very bottom of the palm, then put the pen aside and see which number was the last. If it is even, then your wish will come true, if it is odd, then it will not come true.

With the help you can get answers to your questions and learn about your future. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.04.2014 14:55

Fortune telling on desire can answer all the exciting questions about the intended business. Will your...

Divination for love on paper is easy to carry out and, if handled correctly, gives true results. It does not need any special devices: only a pen and a piece of paper in a box.

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How accurate are divinations?

Any result of divination will be as true as the fortuneteller is sure of it. This applies to all types of divination: on tarot, playing cards or on a piece of paper. A flippant attitude can skew the results.

Divination rules

In order for the results to be accurate and truthful, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules:

  • believe in divination;
  • concentrate before starting;
  • clearly formulate the question of interest;
  • keep the result secret;
  • for each question or desire to guess once.

The main methods of divination on paper

The most simple and affordable fortune-telling for girls at home is:

  • to names and surnames;
  • love chart;
  • circle with numbers;
  • drawings;
  • in the name of the betrothed;
  • LURDNISTEHB on sticks;
  • four digits;
  • on desire and future;
  • cardiac;
  • with particle "li".

Each of these divinations has its own characteristics, according to which you should choose the best method for yourself. Interpretation of results

With particle "li" heart divination"A hundred"

For compatibility of names and surnames

The full names of the girl and the guy are written on a piece of paper, whose compatibility they are going to find out. Then the number of pairs of identical letters found in both names is counted. A two-digit number is simplified by addition.

Value table:

1 All his thoughts are about her
2 Fruitless and meaningless relationships
3 Love and understanding
4 A wedding will take place, but family life will be overshadowed by petty quarrels
5 An uncompromising relationship is doomed to break
6 In a pair, she will take the lead
7 Many years of happy life together
8 In their pair there is a deep mutual understanding and harmony.
9 A successful marriage full of love and harmony

Looking forward to relationships

Another name for this divination is the Love Graph. It is used to find out compatibility and relationship prospects.

To draw graphs for the perspective of relationships, it is advisable to use two different colors: one for your own, the other for a partner.

You can build it like this:

  1. First write down your first and last name and then the chosen one (patronymic is optional).
  2. Then cross out the repeated letters, first in the names, and then in the surnames.
  3. Now you need to draw two graphs according to the following principle: an uncrossed letter is a horizontal line, a crossed out letter is a diagonal line.

After both graphs are ready, it remains to see how much they match:

Circle with numbers

Two circles are drawn: one symbolizes the present and the other the future. In each of them, numbers from 1 to 15 are randomly written. Then you need to randomly select a number by closing your eyes.

NumberThe presentFuture
1 Troublehappiness and love
2 carefree lifeThe fortuneteller will leave him
3 True friendshipMeeting
4 Coming quarrelTrouble
5 LoveDeception
6 SympathyWill remain a friend
7 DeceptionThe beginning of a relationship
8 HappinessMeet another person
9 Lovecarefree life
10 MeetingHappiness
11 JoyParting
12 PartingThe end of the relationship
13 TearsArgument
14 FailureParting
15 TroubleLong term relationship

According to drawings

This fortune-telling will tell you whether a wish will come true.

To do this, depict, and then mix ten drawings on sheets of paper:

  • a bird;
  • cat
  • a woman;
  • fence;
  • the river;
  • Door;
  • a man;
  • flower;
  • wood.

Formulate a question or desire and draw a random answer.

Here you can find the meaning of the answer:

BirdIn the near future, instead of fulfilling desires, the fortuneteller will only have to fantasize about them, but with perseverance, everything will work out
CatThe wish will not come true, but the problems will be carried with dignity
HouseWish for family and loved ones will come true
WomanExaggerated expectations can interfere with the fulfillment of desires, they should be somewhat lowered
FenceThe drawing symbolizes the end of difficulties, do not refuse friendly help
RiverA journey or a long-awaited meeting is coming; to achieve what you want you have to work
DoorGreat success and business activity, entrepreneurial spirit is welcome
The maleA symbol of protection from problems and successful undertakings; you need someone's help to make your wish come true
FlowerThe fortuneteller expects big changes both in life and on the personal front, also a flower means money and great luck
WoodFinancial danger warning, only wishes not related to money will come true

love formula

This formula will allow you to calculate the name of the future spouse.

X = N − (n + n1 + n2 + n3 + … + nn), where:

  • N - the number of letters in the F.I.O. of the fortuneteller;
  • n - their number in the full name;
  • n1, n2, n3, etc. - the number of repeated letters.

A two-digit number is converted to a one-digit number.

The name of the betrothed looks at the table:



  1. Think of three guys and assign them numbers from 0 to 2.
  2. Write on a sheet of paper in a column: "LURDNISTEKHB".
  3. Opposite each letter, draw an arbitrary number of lines.
  4. In each row, cross them out in blocks of three until there are 0, 1 or 2 sticks left.
  5. Correlate the number of remaining strips with the numbers assigned to the guys.

Each letter corresponds to a certain feeling:

HDo you like
TPulling towards you
EThere is another
XWants to be friends
BWill be friends

Fortune telling on the betrothed "Four numbers"

A very simple way to tell fortunes for a loved one, you just need:

  • guess a person;
  • write random numbers from 1 to 4;
  • see the value of the resulting combination.

Meanings of all combinations:

1234 Sympathy
1243 Jealousy
1342 Hatred
1324 Looking forward to a shared future
1423 friend zone
1432 Like another
2134 Offended by something
2143 Invite for a date
2341 Hides sympathy
2314 indifferent
2431 He's already taken
2413 Love
3124 Wants to talk
3142 Love
3241 Only interested in looks
3412 Changes
3421 Private meeting possible
4123 Thinks beautiful
4132 Respect
4231 Mutual love is impossible
4213 Romance and probable marriage
4321 Cruelty and disrespect
4312 Confesses in love

On desire

To find out if a wish will come true, you need to formulate it and write it down. Then count the number of all letters in the sentence and translate the resulting number into a single digit.

Answers in the table:

1 To know the answer, you need to listen to yourself
2 Yes
3 It's better to forget about it
4 Without a doubt
5 Depends on how you behave
6 There are obstacles on the way
7 Not soon
8 Soon
9 Most likely not

For the future

This divination will predict what will happen on a certain day.

For this:

  1. You need to write down your full name, date and month (necessarily in letters, not numbers) and time of day (morning, afternoon or evening), although the latter is optional. In this case, all repeated letters are written in a column.
  2. Then, in the resulting columns, cross out the same pairs.
  3. Count the remaining letters without a pair.
  4. If you get a two-digit number, then it is simplified by adding its digits.

Value table:

The resulting numberPrediction
0 Nothing special will happen
1 Surely there will be a reason to rejoice
2 Worth waiting for upset or frustration
3 Road or journey.
4 Will definitely lead
5 Someone will pay attention or give a compliment
6 Nice meeting
7 Something to be sad about
8 Romance and love
9 Resentment and betrayal

On paper "Heart"

Close your eyes and draw a heart on paper. Circle all the whole cells and cross out in blocks of 6 cells until there are from 0 to 5.

Draw the heart with your non-dominant hand.

The results are checked against the table:

With questions

The question of interest should be composed in such a way that the answer to it can only be positive or negative, and the particle “whether” must be included in the phrase. Example: “Will Sasha propose to me?”

In each word, you need to count the number of letters and write in question (simplify two-digit numbers to single-digit ones). Then calculate the sum of all neighboring pairs of numbers and write under them. Continue to execute this algorithm until in the end there is one digit left, which will be the answer.

More about this fortune-telling is described in the video. Published by the channel "Liya Nadel".

Answer to the question:

Fortune telling "Sotka"

Divination for love on paper, popular among teenagers, has three main options that differ from each other:

  • drawing up a numerical grid;
  • the method of deleting numbers.

The general principle is to write numbers from 1 to 100 without zeros. The last one is usually written "99", then the date of the fortune-telling is also set without "0".

First option

First, a numerical grid of arbitrary width is drawn up, after which the deletion of numbers standing next to each other in one line or column begins, if they:

  • the same;
  • gives a total of 10.

When there are no options left, you need to write the full name of the hidden guy and transfer all the remaining numbers under it. Repeat the action with crossing out and drawing up a new numerical grid until there are no options left.

Second option

This method differs from the first one by the ability to cross out numbers through already crossed out ones. The rest of the method is the same.

Third option

It differs from the rest in that an arbitrary numerical grid is not compiled, and the numbers and date are written immediately below the name. The deletion is the same as in the first variant.

Deciphering the results of divination

At the end of fortune-telling, the number of remaining digits is counted. If it exceeds 27, simplification by addition is carried out.

The result can be seen in the table:

Number of digitsMeaning
1, 10, 19 He is sympathetic, but it takes a little effort
2, 11, 20 No prospects, he'll never reciprocate
3, 12, 21 The chances of a joint future are very good
4, 13, 22 Excessive jealousy will bring discord in the relationship
5, 14, 23 Relationships can only be friendly.
6, 15, 24 He wants to get close
7, 16, 25 There are feelings on his part, you just need to go towards the first
8, 17, 26 Resentment and misunderstanding, it is better to talk frankly with him
9, 18, 27 There is every chance to become a happy couple


Another fortune-telling called "Chamomile" is described in the video. Filmed by the Liya Nadel channel.

There are a huge number of fortune telling that take no more than 5 minutes and do not require any special items and rituals - you only need a piece of paper and a ballpoint pen. Such divination on a piece of paper is always an interesting way to spend time and can clarify answers to small questions. Consider the most common types of these fortune-telling.

Fortune telling LI

This simple divination on a piece of paper can answer almost any question. Of course, you should not ask the leaflet about whether the president of the country will change next year, but, for example, he can tell you how this or that person treats you.

So, write the question on a piece of paper, preferably in block letters. The question should be such that it can be answered "yes" or "no". Then we count the number of letters in each word and write the resulting numbers in a row. After that, it is necessary to add the adjacent numbers, and write the resulting numbers again in a row. Repeat this process until you end up with a single digit. It will be the key to the answer. If it is odd, then the answer will be the letter “L”, and if it is even, then “I”. Accordingly, these letters stand for "false" and "true".


This divination on a sheet with a pen with an interesting name is not only one of the simplest, but also the most interesting. It excludes the predestination of the result, which will depend only on the intuition of the fortuneteller herself. LURDNISTEHB is intended for a girl and is designed to find out the attitude of three guys towards her. Actually, the process begins with the fact that you need to choose three male names, which are numbered as No. 0,1,2.

Then we write down the word LURDNISTEKHB vertically. We begin to draw small dashes opposite each letter, and we do not count their number, but each time we need to stop intuitively. After that, you need to count the number of dashes opposite each letter. We count and cross out 3 pieces, while not the quantity itself is taken into account, but the remainder at the end. It can be equal to 0, 1 or 2, respectively. That is, opposite each letter we now have a “numbered guy”.

Now let's interpret the result:
L - loves;
U - respects;
R - jealous;
D - thinks about you;
N - you like;
And - is interested in you;
C - suffers;
T - he is drawn to you;
E - there is another;
X - wants friendship;
B - there will be friendship.


Not all fortune-telling on a piece of paper involves operating with letters or numbers. There is a very simple and fascinating graphic fortune-telling called "Heart". You will need a pen and a piece of paper for it. This fortune-telling will help you answer the question of how this or that person treats you.

Next, draw a heart on a piece of paper. If you are right-handed, then this must be done with your left hand. It should not be too small, but it should not be drawn in the whole sheet. Further, this fortune-telling on a piece of paper involves counting the cells inside the heart. You need to count and circle by 4, moreover, it can be a square of 4 cells, a line or other shapes. When there are no options left, then you need to count the remaining cells. The result is interpreted like this:

0 - loves;
1 - indifferent;
2 - not free, there is a girl;
3 - he likes you.

Divination for the day

There is one divination on a sheet with a pen, which helps to determine what awaits you on a certain day. To do this, you need to write your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the day of the month for which you are guessing, in words, moreover, all repeating letters are written under those that were previously encountered. For example, Lisunova Irina Mikhailovna, the sixth, would be written as:

Then in each column we count the number of repetitions by 2. We take into account the number of letters that remain one at a time. It will answer the question of what will happen today:

0 - ambiguous situation;
1 - joy;
2 - chagrin;
3 - travel;
4 - news;
5 - someone will like you or someone you;
6 - an interesting meeting;
7 - longing and sadness;
8 - love;
9 - happiness.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen is very popular due to its ease of execution. This ancient divination for the future was used in divination at Christmas time and at Christmas. In order to find out what awaits in the new year, you need to take 12 identical small pieces of paper and write on them with a pen different events that you plan to implement. It can be small events such as shopping or life-changing and major life changes such as marriage or the birth of a child. When making notes on pieces of paper, do not forget to write, for example, “the desire will not come true soon” or “the desire will not come true.”

Make a wish and put all the papers on the night of Christmas, New Year or Old New Year under the pillow. In the morning, without getting out of bed, pull out a piece of paper and read it. You will know if your wish will come true or not.

Divination on paper with a pen for a loved one

Fortune telling on paper with a pen on a loved one will help you find out about the attitude of your loved one. To do this, take 10 identical pieces of paper. On just one piece of paper, write the name of your loved one with a pen. Roll all pieces of paper neatly into paper tubes, and put them in a large open cup or bag. You can take out the tubes for “happiness” only three times. Each time, consider the piece of paper you have taken out and throw it back to the other tubes in the bag. If one empty piece of paper comes across, it will mean that you are indifferent to him. If an empty piece of paper falls out two or three times, then know that luck is coming to you. If a tube with his name comes across once, then you are his dream. If twice, he does not love you, and if three times, then you should be together.

Many different divination for the future on the page

You can choose another method of divination on the page

Divination on paper with a pen for the groom

This fortune-telling for the groom will allow you to find out the name of the future betrothed. All you need is paper and a pen. Before divination, say a magical plot 7 times in a row:

"I'll take a sheet of paper and tear it,

And in the name of her husband I will call shreds.

I'll hide in a secluded place in the darkness,

And in the morning I'll open it and read the name.

I recognize the one who is inspired by fate,

Who will be forever in love with me.

Take a piece of paper and randomly tear it into seven pieces. On each piece of paper write one male name. Mix them up and hide them in a dark place at midnight. After that, go to bed. In the morning, when you wake up, take out one piece of paper from a secluded place and read the name of the future groom.

Divination on paper with a pen for love by name

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for love by name will let you know how many chances you have to attract the attention of a guy, whether he suits your character and whether it is worth trying to attract his attention to yourself. If you know very little about a guy, only his last name, first name and patronymic, then this fortune-telling is for you. Perhaps you have known him for a long time, but for some reason your relationship does not stick together.

Fortune telling with paper and pen for love by name will tell you how many chances you have to be together. For this:

1. On a piece of paper, write down your last name, first name, patronymic (full name), and, moreover, the same letters that were found in the full name earlier must be written under the same letter. Then there you need to write the last name, first name, patronymic (full name) of the guy you have guessed for fortune telling.

3. After that, recalculate the sums of the two numbers standing next to each other and write them down in the next row.

4. In this row, count the sums of the three numbers standing next to each other and write them down in the next row.

5. In the next row, write down the sums of the two numbers next to each other. If a single-digit number is not obtained in the next row, then it is necessary to continue fortune-telling and again add up each adjacent number. Do this until you get only one digit.

This number tells you how many chances you have out of 10. For example, 2 out of 10 will only predict 20% out of 100%. And if you have so little chance, then most likely it’s not even worth trying. But, do not forget that everything is in your hands, and 20% is also a chance, it will be difficult to achieve his love, but you can, so if you really want to, then act.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen in divination to a question

Divination on paper with a pen in divination for a specific question is similar to the previous one. Only instead of a full name, you ask and write down a question that begins with a verb, for example, “Does Sergey Ivanov love Svetlana Petrova” and start counting the letters in each word, sign the numbers below the words, as in the picture.

In the next line, add up the adjacent numbers and write them under the numbers you add, in the middle. If the sum was obtained from two digits, for example 12, then again add these numbers 1 + 2 = 3, until you get one digit.

In the next row, again add the adjacent numbers until you get one digit and write it down, and so on until one digit remains. This figure will show the number of chances out of 10 that you have in answering yes to the question. In our example, this is 2 out of 10, i.e. only 20% of 100%. The chances are not very great, most likely, Sergei Ivanov does not like Svetlana Petrova at all. If a number is greater than 5, there is enough chance to answer the question in the affirmative.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen graph of love

In this fortune-telling, you need to know the name of the guy you are guessing at. Write your first and last name first, and below the name and surname of the guy you are interested in, for example:

Sokolova Svetlana

Kononov Vladimir

Cross out the double letters in each surname, and then the double letters in two surnames, for example:

FROM Oko Lova and Svetlana

Kononov Vladimir

Then cross out the double letters in each name, and then the double letters in two names, for example:

FROM about lova and Light on

Vladimir Kononov

And now for each line with the last name and first name from the same point in different colors, you need to build a love graph. Each not crossed out letter is a line in the cell to the right horizontally, each crossed out letter is a line diagonally up the cell. By the way the lines will be located relative to each other, a forecast of your future relationship is made. If the lines converge, intersect, then your relationship will develop, and if they move away or end earlier, then the relationship will not develop successfully. Maybe for a while you will be together, and then part, as you can see from the graph in the picture.

Divination on paper with a LURNIST pen

Fortune telling on paper with a LURNIST pen will let you know about the attitude of this or that guy towards you. Each letter in the word LURNIST means the first letter of a word denoting some kind of feeling or attitude. On a piece of paper, write your last name, first name and patronymic (full name), and below the last name, first name and patronymic (full name) of the guy you are guessing at. Also, as in the previous divination, cross out the same letters at the top and bottom. After that, it is necessary to count those that remained uncrossed out. At the bottom, write the word LURNIST, and then count the letters in the word up to a number that corresponds to the number of letters not crossed out, for example, 15, and cross out the letter where you stop.

Then again start counting up to 15 from the next uncrossed out letter and count only the uncrossed out letters, cross out the one you stop at, etc. The letter that remains the only one not crossed out will be the result of fortune telling. By the meaning of this letter, you can find out about the guy's attitude towards you.

Deciphering the word LURNIST: L - love, U - respect, R - jealousy, H - hatred, I - treason, C - suffering, T - longing.

This fortune-telling has many different options, for example, another one.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen LURNISTHvKhdEd

Fortune telling on paper with a LURNISTHvHdEd pen is a little different from the previous one, but you will also need paper and a pen. For divination, draw a rectangle with a pen 10 cells wide and 4 cells high, in total 40 cells are obtained.

Above the table, as in the figure, you write the word L U R N I S T XV XD unit above the table.

Below the table, in random order, are numbers from 1 to 10. Here we must remember that the numbers are not in order anywhere, for example, 2 and 3 are not allowed, but 2 and 4 are.

To the right of the table, you write the names of four guys whose attitude interests you and who you care about.

Deciphering the word LURNIST L XvHdEd: L - loves, U - respects, R - jealous, N - like you, I - interested, C - dreaming, T - longing, XV - wants to see, HD - wants to be friends, ED - there is another.

The first number written below is 6. You count 6 cells from the upper left cell and cross out the sixth cell - the letter C. Now you don’t count the crossed out cells, empty ones are important in divination. The next number from the bottom is 4. You count from the letter T, count 4 cells and cross out the fourth cell - ED. You continue with the letter L - cross out the seventh cell - T, etc. etc. When three cells are already crossed out in one column, you put a zero in the uncrossed out fourth cell. When counting the following numbers, you count only empty cells, while you do not count crosses and zeros. When there are no empty cells left, you look at the circles - zeros. In the picture on the top line in our example, the zero is at the intersection of Max and P, XD. This means that Max is jealous and wants to be friends. With the rest of the names, we look exactly the same.

Divination on paper with a pen LURDNISTEKHB

This is one of the easiest ways to tell fortunes on paper with a pen for several guys at once. Think of three guys that you care about, or just want to know how they feel about you. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what each of the conceived guys feels for you. First, write down for yourself who under what number you thought of, for example, under number 0 - Igor, 1 - Andrey, 2 - Anton. On a sheet of paper, write the letters LURDNISTEKHB in a column and begin to quickly draw sticks in front of each letter, draw an arbitrary number and mentally tell yourself “stop”. After you finish drawing sticks opposite each letter in all rows, cross out 3 pieces in each row and count: if there are no sticks left, then write in this row - 0, if 1 remains - then write 1, if 2 sticks - write 2. And so in each row. And then you look in which row which number was, by the number you determine how each of the three guys treats you.

Deciphering the word LURDNISTEKHB: L - loves you, U - respects, R - jealous, D - thinks about you, N - he likes you, I - is interested in you, S - suffers, T - is drawn to you, E - there is another, X - wants to be friends with you, B - will be friends with you.

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Divination on paper with a RONGLIS pen

Fortune telling on paper with a RONGLIS pen will tell you what awaits you, your girlfriend or the guy you like. For this divination, you will also need only a pen and paper. On the sheet in the top line, write with a pen his full name and surname. On the line below you write the month, date and period of the day, for example: Roman Kuznetsov and September 30 morning. After that, cross out 2 identical letters, one from the top and the other from the bottom line, and count the number of letters that remain not crossed out, for example - 20. Write the word RONGLIS below the lines, then cross out every twentieth letter, starting to count from the next after already crossed out until there is only one left. The letter that will remain uncrossed out will determine what awaits you or the person you were guessing at.

Deciphering the word RONGLIS: R - joy, O - resentment, N - trouble, G - grief, L - love, I - treason, C - date. If the letter C remains, this means that Roman Kuznetsov will have a date today.

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