When will the trinity in the year. Day of the Holy Trinity

Every year on the fiftieth day after the bright Sunday of Christ, all believing Orthodox people celebrate the main holiday of the summer - the day of the Holy Trinity. This year we will celebrate Trinity on June 8th. This holiday is also called Pentecost, since it is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, and the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. The feast of Pentecost is the birthday of the church; God's chosen disciples were endowed with special power to preach the gospel throughout the world and carry the message of Jesus as Savior and Lord. Now the successors of the apostles are the clergy, who are considered mediators between God and people.

By the holiday of the Trinity, the housewives clean the house and clean it up, decorate the rooms with flowers, young grass and green branches, which symbolizes the coming spring, prosperity and the continuation of life. Most often, branches of birch, oak, mountain ash, maple, calamus grass, mint, lemon balm, etc. are used for decoration. On Trinity Day, they attend a festive church service in the morning. Parishioners hold flowers, fragrant herbs and green branches in their hands, symbolizing renewal through the descending Holy Spirit.

Close people and relatives are invited to a festive dinner, they are treated to a loaf, egg dishes, pancakes, pies, jelly and give each other funny gifts. You can also get out into nature, organize a picnic - after all, the Trinity of 2014, like in other years, is celebrated on a day off.

Trinity in 2014 - what not to do on earth
On the feast of the Trinity, in no case should you plow, harrow, dig, dig, stick stakes, mow grass, cut down trees, plant plants. You need to be especially careful with trees, since a green tree is widely used in Trinity ritual events. It is decorated with ribbons, wreaths and flowers. Girls curl young branches of birches, willows, lindens, maples and wonder about their future fate. Therefore, on the Trinity one should not cut trees, break branches, chop wood.
According to popular belief, in the week before Trinity there is a great danger of meeting mermaids and forest mawks. This is the time when mermaids visit the world of the living, can freely stay on earth and are able to harm people. According to folk beliefs, babies born dead, unbaptized children, or children cursed by their parents and carried away by evil spirits became mermaids and mavks.
In order not to anger the mermaids, on this day, in no case should you go alone into the forest and the field, otherwise the mermaids and mavkas living there will tickle to death. Also, you can’t drive horses and cattle into the forest, do field work, so that there are no losses on the farm. Also, in order not to anger the mermaids, there is a ban on many women's works on Trinity - you can’t spin, weave, sew, bleach canvases. Also, you can’t do housework - clean the house, rinse clothes, wash, cut, cut your hair. It is forbidden to swim on the Trinity holidays - mermaids can drag them to the bottom, and a person will drown. According to popular beliefs, rarely does a Trinity do without a drowned person. Nevertheless, people continue to bathe on this holiday, as if they are trying to test this folk wisdom on their own experience.
On Trinity Saturday, June 7, in addition to the deceased people, you can commemorate the dead not by their own death. According to popular belief, such people were also related to

unclean power. Prayers and funeral services help their souls find peace.
Over the centuries-old history of the holiday, many signs and beliefs about the Trinity have appeared among the people. Perhaps the most famous sign is that it always rains on Trinity. People say that the rain on the day of the Holy Trinity is tears for dead people, because the Saturday before the Trinity is called parental. And on this day, from the very morning, it is customary to commemorate deceased relatives in the cemetery. On the day of the Holy Trinity and during the Russian week, numerous prohibitions were necessarily observed so as not to offend the dead present at that time on earth and not incur their wrath. So, for example, it was forbidden to sew, spin, whitewash the hut and stove, work in the garden, swim in the river.

The main symbol of the Trinity among the people is the birch, as a symbol of the coming summer. Her branches are consecrated in the church, and then they decorate the house. After the holiday, birch twigs were taken to the field, thereby begging nature for a rich harvest. In temples and churches on Trinity Day, after the liturgy, vespers are performed, at which prayers are read with kneeling that the Lord send us the grace of the Holy Spirit and remember all the deceased relatives.

It is believed that the herbs collected on the day of the Holy Trinity have a huge healing effect and work as powerful amulets. So wormwood, plucked on Trinity Day, reliably protects the house and family from all evil spirits and the machinations of sorcerers. With the help of lovage, the girls told fortunes about suitors and great love. Mint protected children from bad dreams and night screams. And Bogorodskaya grass, thyme, helped women get pregnant and bear a healthy baby.

Protective rite for the Trinity

On the feast of the Trinity, you need to take 3 bouquets: wormwood, St. John's wort and yarrow.

We take all this to church, where you can confess and take communion if you wish.

Then you need to drink candles and put 7 candles for your health and read the Prayer to the Holy Trinity. Buy a Silver ring with the inscription "Save and Save" in the church. When you dress, say: “Shield and protection to me for the Glory of the Trinity!”.

After the service at home, in an old bowl, light a sprig of St. John's wort and fumigate the house with the words: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, go away the evil spirits, perish!".

Divide the wormwood in half: put one part under the bed, and the second above the front door. We brew yarrow and take baths with the addition of yarrow. St. John's wort can be brewed as a tea. 3 days in a row to do baths and tea. In the morning and in the evening be sure to read the prayers of the Trinity! Usually, after this, many ailments and problems go away.

Charm for family happiness

Since ancient times, it has been customary to cook a special scrambled egg on Trinity Day. It consists of two eggs, since both of its "eyes" should symbolize a friendly couple - husband and wife. While the dish is fried in a pan, the hostess reads a prayer: “Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord have mercy (three times). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Salt such scrambled eggs with Thursday salt. Scrambled eggs are seasoned with green onions, garlic and parsley. Moreover, the greens are not chopped, but placed with twigs or long green feathers along with the growing bulb head. It was believed that thanks to this, the integrity of the family is preserved. Round - in the shape of a frying pan - scrambled eggs, along with green seasoning, were sealed in the same round loaf of rye bread, cut in half, necessarily consecrated in the church. Loaf is the only thing that is allowed to be divided, but not into small parts, but only in two. “Sandwich” should be wrapped in a towel, taking boiled potatoes in their uniforms, go to the grove to a pre-decorated birch, under which they eat this amulet for family happiness. And they just ate such scrambled eggs with greens at home and did not put them in bread. Only bread was broken, not cut.

These are signs and superstitions that have come down from antiquity to the present day. Believe them or not, decide for yourself. As well as celebrating the Trinity, or treating this holiday as a relic, is also a master's business.

Holy Trinity Day is celebrated by believers on the fiftieth day after Easter.

Trinity falls on June 8 this year. It was on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ that the Holy Spirit descended from heaven to the twelve apostles and the Mother of God. The Day of the Holy Trinity is revered by Orthodox Christians and is one of the main church holidays, which has its own traditions and rituals.

Folk traditions for Trinity

(What can and cannot be done on Trinity?)

Traditionally, on this day, all temples and houses were decorated with greenery, and a loaf was baked on the festive table. Priests dress in green or gold clothes, which personifies the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. Icons were framed with branches of birch or maple, and they went to churches with flowers and young twigs of trees. On the eve of Trinity, on Parents' Saturday, a general memorial service is held in the church for all the departed. On this day, it is customary to go to the cemetery and clean up the graves of relatives. On the Day of the Holy Trinity, any “dirty” physical work is strictly prohibited, for example, you can’t clean up and deal with the ground.

Rites for the Trinity

Trinity Day is popularly associated with the end of sowing and the beginning of summer. According to popular beliefs, the Trinity week is a mermaid week, which is associated with many rituals. The girls wove the branches of some birch, danced round dances and sang songs near it. Then wreaths were woven from birch branches and thrown into the water. Whose wreath floats the fastest, that girl will be the first to marry. It was a bad omen if the wreath caught on something or even drowned. Mermaids in Russia were considered the souls of babies who died unbaptized or were born dead. Our ancestors believed that mermaids could drag a person to the depths or lure a person to them and tickle them to death. It was believed that mermaids were afraid of wormwood.

Signs on the Trinity

- If it rains on Trinity, then there will be a lot of mushrooms and warm weather;

- If the birch branches put on the Trinity do not wither for three days, then there will be a wet hayfield.

- It is believed that if they marry the Trinity, and marry the cover, then the family life of these spouses will be long and happy.

- If the day after Trinity, leaving the church, handing out all the little things that are in your pocket, then you can protect yourself from illness

In 2014 Trinity will be celebrated on June 8th. The history of this Orthodox holiday goes back to the Old Testament times. On this day, on the fiftieth day after Easter, the prophet Moses gave the people the law of God. The very name of the holiday Trinity comes from the trinity of God. The world was created by God (father), the sins of people are expiated by the son of God (Jesus), and the world is sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

On this day, one of the most solemn and beautiful services of the year is performed in Orthodox churches. After Great Vespers is served in the Liturgy on which they sing stichera glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit, and Priest reads three special lengthy prayers for the Church, for the salvation of all those who pray, and for the repose of the souls of all the departed (including “held in hell"). During the reading of these prayers, everyone (including the clergy) kneels - this ends the post-Easter period, during which no kneeling and prostrations are performed in churches. On the morning two canons of this feast are sung: the first is written Cosmas of Mayumsky, the second John of Damascus.

Traditions and customs on Trinity

Trinity is a very beautiful holiday.

The Trinity holiday is associated with many folk signs, traditions and customs. One of the main traditions is decorating the house with birch branches. Birch is considered a symbol of purity, purity, and since ancient times it has been considered a symbol of the onset of summer.

It is customary to decorate the windows of houses with birch. Also, flowers and field herbs served as decorations.

It was forbidden to work that day. Housewives baked pies and invited relatives and neighbors to visit.

On the day of the Trinity, it was customary to arrange mass festivities. The youth sang songs, danced round dances, kindled fires, played, guessed. Earlier on this day, young men looked after their brides. Also, the girls could choose a groom for themselves on this holiday. To do this, they wove a wreath and put it on the head of someone who is nice. Such a rite was considered a kind of engagement.

It was customary to guess at the Trinity for love. Fortune-telling took place in the form of a game and took place near the reservoirs. The girls wove wreaths and threw them into the river. Whose wreath floats the farthest, that girl will marry the fastest.

The day before Trinity was considered a memorial day. People went to the cemetery and visited their deceased relatives. It was believed that if you don’t go to the cemetery on this day, then you can call the dead to your home, and then their souls can take someone from the living with them.

Signs on the Trinity

Herbs from wreaths and birch branches that were used for decoration were not thrown away after the holiday, but dried and stored. It is believed that miraculous medicinal decoctions and tinctures are obtained from them.

A good omen for the Trinity was wooing. If the young people get married on the Trinity, and they get married on the Intercession, then a happy family life awaits them.

According to the weather on Trinity, weather forecasts were made for the near future. If it rains on this holiday, then the summer will be fruitful, mushroomy and warm.

Hot weather was considered a bad omen. If the Trinity is clear, but the summer will be dry.

On Trinity, and for three days after it, it was impossible to swim. This period of time was called the days of the mermaids. It was believed that mermaids could lure themselves to the bottom of the one who went into the water.

Rain on Trinity - a lot of mushrooms, to warm weather.

If the birch trees placed on the Trinity to decorate are still fresh after three days, then expect a wet hayfield.

From the Trinity to the Assumption, they don’t dance round dances.

If they marry the Trinity, and marry the Intercession, then the life of these spouses will be long, happy, in love and harmony.

The Monday following Trinity is Spirit Day. They said: "From the Spirit of the day, not from one sky, warmth comes from under the earth."

"The Holy Spirit will come, it will be in the yard, as on a stove."

Do not forget that the day of the Trinity in 2014, as always, falls on Sunday, the 8th.


The Day of the Holy Trinity is also called Pentecost, because it is celebrated exactly on the 50th day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Since Easter is celebrated on different days every year, Trinity Day also does not have a fixed date. So the Trinity of 2014 will be on June 8, Sunday, 50 days after Easter, which this year we celebrated on April 20.

Trinity 2014 - what does the holiday mean

Trinity is one of the largest twelfth Orthodox holidays. According to church canons, on this day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of sacred fire, endowed them with illumination and grace, gave them the opportunity to learn languages ​​that they still did not know, and preach the Word of God in these languages ​​in all countries of the world.

It is the Trinity that is considered the birthday of the Holy Church on earth, since the Holy Spirit endowed the apostles with special power so that they could preach the Gospel throughout the world and convey to everyone the news of Jesus as the Savior of all mankind.

The concept of the Trinity symbolizes the image of God and includes God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

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Trinity 2014 - how this day is celebrated

This is a very beautiful summer holiday. On the day of the Holy Trinity, temples and churches are buried in greenery. Believers decorate churches and dwellings with birch, willow, maple, oak green branches, various herbs and flowers.

Festive services are held in all churches, parishioners gather in churches with fragrant bouquets. Such greenery symbolizes renewal through the descending Holy Spirit.

After the church service, relatives, friends and relatives gather at the festive table. Trinity 2014 can be celebrated not only at home, but also go out into nature for a picnic. A good tradition that has come down to our days is folk festivals, concerts, fairs and other entertainment events on the Trinity.

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Just before Trinity, on parental Saturday, people visit the cemetery and commemorate deceased relatives. This is a rare day in the year when you can remember and pray for suicides. It is believed that a kind word on this day will give temporary peace to their homeless souls.

The Holy Trinity in 2014 is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter on June 8th. The Trinity includes the concept of the image of the family of God: God the Father, Mother of God, God the Son. This holiday has become very common in Russia since the 14th century and, contributed to this by Sergius of Radonezh, a saint revered by the people. This great church holiday personifies the need to get rid of everything alien in the human spirit, the holy fire that descended on each of the apostles, gave them strength and grace to equip the Holy Church on our earth in order to preach the Word of God in the world. Trinity 2014 is considered by the people as a great Orthodox holiday, the housewives on this day clean the house, decorate the room with branches, this is due to the veneration of vegetation as a symbol of the coming spring and the continuation of life. In 2014, the Trinity will be the date of June 8 (according to the Orthodox calendar 2014). According to the rules on this day, it is customary to decorate churches and rooms with flowers and tree branches (mainly birch branches are used for decoration), symbolizing life and prosperity. In this manner, believers express gratitude to the Lord for the revival. On Trinity 2014 - June 8, you must definitely visit the church in the morning, attend the festive service, and then as your heart desires, but our ancestors, after the morning service, as a rule, held mass parties, led a round dance, sang funny songs and baked loaves, and fairs were held in some cities. This year, in many cities, cult mass events are planned for this date. Now, to celebrate this holy holiday, you can invite relatives to a festive Orthodox dinner with a loaf. We sincerely hope that the Orthodox Trinity in 2014 will become a bright festive date for everyone, which will combine both joyful fun and, of course, the mood for festive prayer. The Trinity got its name after an event that happened on the Old Testament feast of Pentecost, which was celebrated after the Jewish Passover on the 50th day. And the name of the holiday "Day of the Holy Trinity" is justified by the fact that the Holy Spirit descended to the apostles, and "the perfecting activity of the Most Holy Trinity, and the commandments of Jesus Christ about the Triune God" was revealed. The feast day was established by the apostles. After the day when the Holy Spirit descended, they began to celebrate Pentecost every year and bequeathed to remember this event to all orthodox Christians. Rules and Customs for the Holy Trinity 2014 Trinity 2014 is a holiday that falls on the date of June 8 this year, when everything is already around color and green, so it is very beautiful. The apartments and halls of the church are decorated with green branches, young grass, and flowers. And this is no accident. Branches, flowers are a symbol of life. In this way, people express their joy and thank God for what He has revived through baptism into a new life. History has developed that birch branches are mainly used to decorate churches and houses. This beautiful tree has long been considered blessed in Russia. It is not for nothing that many folk songs and poems are dedicated to him. Holy Trinity 2014 without a birch is like the New Year without a Christmas tree. But Russia is a huge country, with different climatic conditions, therefore, the fact that in different places on this holiday branches of oak, maple, and mountain ash were decorations is explained. The Trinity passes merrily and fervently with jokes, contests, outdoor games for children and adults, various skits are shown. On the morning of June 8, everyone needs to go to church for a festive service. And then they arrange folk fun and various mass events with round dances, contests, games, songs. Be sure to cook a loaf. Close people were invited to a festive dinner, they give each other comic gifts. Fairs are held in some large cities.

With the revival of faith in Russia, folk traditions of celebrating great church holidays are also returning. And even now, in the big cities of Russia, folk festivals are organized with games, funny performances, fervent songs. On this big church holiday it is customary to visit the church. You can make a trip to nature with relatives and comrades, organize a picnic on the date of June 8, 2014, these holidays will already be very warm. According to custom, on the eve of the bright holiday, on Saturday, you need to remember the dead loved ones - go to the cemetery, do some cleaning there. The main feature of the feast of Pentecost in 2014 is that on this holiday the church and the premises are decorated with tree branches, young grass, and beautiful flowers. This is how the Orthodox Church celebrates the Trinity, bringing the firstfruits of the harvest into the houses on this day. So at one time the Zion Upper Room was decorated for this holiday, in which the apostles met the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. In addition, in the celebration of the Holy Trinity, the church should recall the place of the appearance of Christ in the form of three angels to the forefather Abraham, and this happened at the Mamre oak. The decoration of the temple with tree branches and flowers resembles the Mamvrian oak forest and Abraham's Forest. Birch branches and flowers on the feast of the Trinity will serve as a symbol of the Orthodox Church, according to the words of the church song, which bloomed like a lily. Flowering plants, which, according to the rules and customs, are held in the hands of parishioners, symbolize the renewal of all believing Christians by the power of the descending Holy Spirit. The Church, with the help of her prayers, calling us to glorify the "Three-light Being", with doxology and sacred rites, prepares her children to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit, which is necessary for their spiritual life. On the Monday that follows Trinity in 2014 after June 8, a holiday takes place - Spirits Day. All the following days after the Trinity are a continuous week, that is, it is allowed to eat fast food, without exception Wednesday and Friday. This week in 2014 will be devoted entirely to the Holy Spirit. On Trinity holidays, you can eat egg dishes, scrambled eggs are considered especially good and healthy food. Among other things, you can cook and eat funeral kutya, bake pancakes with pies, cook jelly, various cakes and tea. The feast of the Trinity (Pentecost) and the day following it after the Spirits begin the chain of spring holidays - Shrovetide, Annunciation, Easter - and foreshadow the beginning of summer. In the people, the Trinity week is called green Christmas time. Orthodox Pentecost as a feast of the Holy Trinity has been celebrated since the 4th century, when the Council of Constantinople finally approved the dogma of the Trinity.

In the Trinity rites, an important role is given to the birch, without it this holiday is like the New Year without a Christmas tree. Trinity 2014 and the date June 8 is a green holiday. Premises, temples outside and inside are decorated with young greenery and beautiful flowers. You can also go to church with flowers and fragrant young herbs. Sometimes the herbs in the church are folded in a sheaf, and a festive Trinity candle is placed in the middle, the herbs are then dried and they are kept as a remedy for various troubles, or they are used as medicine, and the candle is kept for the dying. There is a sign that Trinity greenery protects the house from a thunderstorm. Trinity and the festive table in 2014 Celebrate the church holiday Trinity 2014 in nature - they go to the forests, to plantings, the townspeople go on a picnic in the countryside. The celebration is noisy, with fun competitions, children play outdoor games, show sketches to adults. In the villages from the very morning, the first thing they do is bake a loaf, invite friends to visit, for whom they prepare wreaths of flowers and birch in advance. After lunch, in the late afternoon, the most interesting thing for young people begins. The barker-grandmother calls the girls to a party in the grove, where they lay a tablecloth and put them on loaves decorated with flowers. Girls lead round dances, and guys look after brides for themselves. A delicious Trinity loaf, a beautiful tablecloth and smelling wreaths are of great importance for future married life. A beautiful tablecloth on the bride was supposed to bewitch the betrothed. The half-eaten loaf is dried on crackers and stored until the wedding. For happiness and love, crackers were then mixed into the wedding cake for the newlyweds, and some girls secretly give the wreath to their beloved as a messenger of consent to marriage. On Trinity 2014, girls need to “develop birch trees”, and in the evening, when the merry celebration subsides, go to the river and throw wreaths into the dark May water. And the next day, this is the date of June 24, on Monday of this year, there will already be a new holiday - the Day of the Holy Spirit or Spirits, the day with which, according to the people, the real hot summer comes. According to the rules of the holiday and custom, it is necessary to commemorate those who died on the eve of the day of the Holy Trinity - on the feast of Parents' Saturday. Just like in Radunitsa, people go to the cemetery “to clear their parents’ eyes”: they sweep the graves with birch branches, eat funeral food and drink here, leave 2-3 peeled eggs on the graves, put pancakes on the grave.

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