How to protect a house from lining a conspiracy. How to protect your home from bad people and negative energy

Protecting the house from the evil eye and damage is of interest to many users. This article was prepared especially for them. In it, we will tell you how to protect an apartment from negative energy and protect its inhabitants from bad influence.

There is no exact definition of these phenomena on the Internet. Information regarding them may differ in different sources. This fact is due to the fact that beliefs about the evil eye and damage appeared among the people. Therefore, each person involved in esotericism can have his own opinion regarding this phenomenon.

The evil eye is usually referred to as an unintended negative effect on a person. It is believed that some people have an "evil" eye and send negative energy to others. In principle, the evil eye can accidentally bring any person who is jealous of you, very offended or angry.

Corruption is an intentional negative influence. Usually it is induced with the help of a special rite. During this ritual, a person sends negative energy, which can affect the health, general well-being and life of the recipient.

In the people, damage is considered a serious sin. Unlike the evil eye, a person intentionally sends negative energy in order to make trouble for his enemy. It is believed that damage can negatively affect the sender himself, especially if the recipient can return it back.

Beliefs regarding corruption and the evil eye have existed for many centuries. Over time, they changed somewhat, new rituals, signs, etc. appeared. But we can assume that faith in inexplicable energies came to us from our ancestors and is difficult to eradicate even at the current level of development of science.

How do scientists explain damage and the evil eye? According to experts, belief in these phenomena is due to the ability of the brain to connect different events and build incorrect logical chains. This deficiency is a side effect of the unique gift of a person to track what is happening around him and find patterns.

Additionally, people are always looking for the cause of various problems. But most often they find it not in their own mistakes, but in mystical energies, in induced damage and the evil eye. Naturally, it is difficult for a person to admit that it was he who once did something wrong, as a result of which current problems arose.

We have provided you with both a mystical explanation of these phenomena and a scientific one. Which version to believe is up to the users to decide. If you prefer the first option, then in the future we will tell you how to protect the house from negativity.

How to determine if there is damage or evil eye on the house?

It is usually possible to determine the presence of a negative by external signs. Among them:

  • You are not comfortable in the apartment.
  • There is no desire to return home, I want to stay somewhere else.
  • There are sleep disturbances, insomnia.
  • There are constant conflicts between family members.
  • Animals show anxiety, become overly aggressive.
  • Lost personal items that can be used to induce damage.
  • Health problems arise.
  • There was a sharp decrease in weight, etc.

The first sign of the presence of negative impacts on the house is a change in the behavior of family members, deterioration in health, unwillingness to be in the apartment. It is by these adverse manifestations that it is possible to identify the fact of pointing negativity at home.

How to protect the house from the evil eye and accurately determine the presence of adverse effects on the apartment? You can take church or incense candles to study the energy of the home.

It's simple: light a candle and walk around the apartment. If it smokes a lot, crackles, goes out, then definitely damage or evil eye has been brought to the dwelling. It is urgent to take measures to remove the negative.

Another test: Sprinkle a little salt on a heated frying pan. If it cracks strongly, then damage or the evil eye was probably brought to the dwelling. These are not all ways to check an apartment, but these methods are considered the most popular.

How to protect the house and family from the evil eye, envy and damage?

There are many methods and rituals to rid the apartment of negative energy. But in the future we will consider the most popular rituals that are most often performed by people.

An easy way to cleanse your home of negativity. You need to close your eyes and clench your palms into a fist. Imagine how the premises are stitched with silver threads, which should cleanse the house of unfavorable energy. Then read the text of the plot:

Start from the threshold

How to protect the house from the evil eye and envy? In most rooms, the most vulnerable point is the threshold. It is publicly available and pads are often made under it. This is the name of various objects that were previously charged with negative energy.

To protect the threshold, you can perform a fairly simple ceremony. Take a glass, pour holy water into it, add a pinch of salt. Then read the text of the spell:

Moisten the threshold, windows and doors with liquid. If after the ritual there is some water left, then you need to reach the nearest intersection, pour it out and return to the apartment. Better not to tell anyone about the conspiracy.

After returning, complete the rite. Take a broom, mark the threshold with it and say the following text:

The ritual turns out to be quite effective and protects the apartment from negative influences. It is important to follow all the steps correctly, the final result depends on it.

Talismans and amulets

Additionally, you can make a charm for the house from the evil eye and damage with your own hands. Such products are considered to be quite powerful protection and allow you to exclude the induction of negativity on the apartment.

There are many options for amulets. Let's look at the process of making one of the effective pentagram and cross talismans. For it you will need:

  1. Scissors.
  2. Aromatic oil.
  3. Piece of leather.
  4. Ink.
  5. Sheet of paper.
  6. Red thread with a needle.

Now the manufacturing process:

  • Take paper, cut out three squares with a side of five centimeters.
  • With the help of ink, apply a pentagram with a triple cross on them.
  • Take aromatic oil and lubricate the contours.
  • Put all three squares together.
  • Sew them with red thread.
  • Take pieces of leather, leather thread and make a small bag.
  • Put a paper product in it and read the plot.

Final spell text:

Herbs, such as a pinch of wormwood, can be added to the drawing ink. Additionally, you can add a little salt to them. It is important not to overdo it with additives so that the ink does not lose its properties.

After manufacturing, the amulet must be hidden at home. The talisman may well be used in the office, but to remain effective, no one should know of its existence.


To protect the house from negativity, you can use the Seven-shooter icon. She must protect the apartment from adverse energy, including the evil eye and damage. To achieve the desired effect, you must purchase an icon in a church shop and put it in a conspicuous place in the room.

In case of problems, inducing damage or the evil eye, you can turn to the Mother of God with a prayer. It will definitely help rid the room of dark energy.


Often a cross is used to protect the apartment. Folk remedies recommend peeling a clove of garlic, using it to draw the corresponding symbol on doors and window frames. It is believed that it should prevent the penetration of dark energies into the room.

Garlic juice is almost invisible after drying. You can see it only under the rays of light, when they fall on the surface at an angle. Therefore, such a symbol not only fulfills its functions, but also does not affect the appearance of the door or window frames, does not spoil the interior of the apartment.

Salt Conspiracy

Salt is often used in various rituals and is supposed to protect a person from dark forces. But how to use it to save the house from inducing negativity? To do this, you need to carry out a simple ceremony.

Visit the store and buy a package of salt. Pour a small amount on a saucer, bend over it and read the text of the plot three times:

Then pour the salt into a small bag, tie it up and hide it well. The main thing is that no one could find him in the future. Therefore, choose a secluded place where loved ones never look.

Help pins

You can remove the negative from the apartment with a pin. To do this, you will have to visit the nearest store and purchase this item. Pin it on the curtain in the room, then check the condition of the tip every day.

If the needle has turned black, then this fact indicates a possible induction of damage and the evil eye. Remove the pin from the curtain, go with it away from the home. Find a dry tree, make a small hole, cast a spell:

Now throw the product to the bottom of the hole, cover with soil and tamp. You can return home. To achieve the effectiveness of the ritual, you should not tell anyone about the ceremony, otherwise you may not get the desired result.

Conspiracy on a broom

A broom is not only a cleaning tool, but also an effective amulet. To endow it with special energy to protect the house, it is necessary to conduct a special ritual. You will need a church candle and a green ribbon.

Light a candle, put a broom in front of you, take a ribbon in your palm. Initially, you need to read the plot three times:

Then tie a ribbon around the handle. After the ritual, place a broom near the front door so that it protects the apartment from adverse influences. You can use existing inventory or purchase a new one from the store.

We offer a hollow disclosure of the topic: "9 ways to protect the house from evil people" with the most detailed description.

  • Entrance door guard
  • Charm on gypsy needles
  • How to protect the threshold of the house
  • Holy water for protection
  • Charm on pins
  • protective herbs
  • Charm of the house on a round mirror
  • How to protect your home from damage
  • Help brownie

The home should be the safest place for family members. But often it is he who is attacked by unkind people, trying to cause harm.

Envious people can jinx the house, a grumpy neighbor can call misfortune on the family. Therefore, every housewife should be able to protect her home from evil, to know the conspiracy to protect the house from danger.

Entrance door guard

The front door must be protected. Evil comes through the door along with ill-wishers, so protecting the front door is the most important guardian of the home from witchcraft and any evil.

Nails will help us with this, since protective conspiracies for iron have great protective power against evil intentions. On the growing moon, you need to buy three nails without change. If you can’t buy exactly three nails, you can buy more. The main thing is not to take change.

Drive in one nail at the top of the door and the other two at the bottom. The nails should form an equilateral triangle. After that, enter the room, close the door and say a conspiracy to protect the house from evil people:

“Three nails in my door.
The first to kill all enemies,
The second one will bring all the non-humans,
The third will take away all the evil.
All words in business turn,
All nails in favor of turnover."

While the nails are in the door, the protection conspiracy will reliably protect the home from witchcraft, damage and evil thoughts.

Charm on gypsy needles

On the growing moon, buy two gypsy needles without change. Fold them with a cross point down, tied with a white thread, and say a conspiracy to protect the house and preserve property from evil people and witchcraft:

“Like spears in a cross, so the enemies are all prone.
Who is good - he will pass.
Who is with evil - will hook with a cross .. "

Hang the needles above an indoor door or hide them under the door upholstery on the outside. After three months, remove the needles, rinse with running water or bake over a candle flame, and re-read the plot to protect your premises. Burn the thread.

How to protect the threshold of the house

The entrance door and the threshold must be reliably protected from the penetration of evil. On the threshold of the house, an unkind person will already lose part of the evil power with which he came. Having gone beyond the threshold, the black power remaining in him will lose its power, reflected in the charmed mirror.

Therefore, it is desirable to hang a mirror in front of the front door. And what to do with the threshold of the house, what plot to read for protection?

First of all, the threshold must be cleaned of accumulated dirt: sweep and wash. Make it a rule to keep the threshold, front door handles and the door itself clean. Then you are not afraid of any evil, and good luck will often look into such a house.

Sweeping the threshold of the house with a broom, read the plot:

“I sweep away ailments, illnesses, spoilage and writhing,
Evil eyes are brought and alluvial.
Threshold my metenny, blessed by God.

The next method to clean the threshold is to do it with salt water. To do this, throw three pinches of salt into a bucket of water and wash the threshold three times, saying the plot:

“I salted it with salt, soaked it with water.
As salt does not rot, so spoilage does not stick to the threshold.
Roll back, turn away, turn back!
Won gone!
I didn't call you!"

Then dirty water must be poured out at a pedestrian crossing. Don't care what people think of you! They poured it out and went home without looking back.

And now, when the threshold is cleared, it is necessary to put protection from unkind people and the penetration of evil. To do this, take Thursday salt and sprinkle the threshold with it. In this case, you need to read the plot:

“Salt from Maundy Thursday!
Drive sickness and pain out of the house!
Keep on the threshold all evil, all misfortune and dashing!
The evil spirits will bypass this house.
As I said, it will happen!”

You can also hide a new blade under the threshold. It will cut off evil.

Holy water for protection

Holy water has tremendous power, especially baptismal water. Pour some water into a bowl and add a pinch of thursday salt, and also put any silver object. Then the prayer of Our Father is read on the water and any conspiracy is protection from unkind people, witchcraft, to preserve property.

Charm on pins

  1. tailor's pins;
  2. church candle;
  3. icon.

In this case, we need tailor's pins to protect the premises from the witchcraft of unkind people, but without balls at the end. Get pins on the growing moon. There should be enough pins to cover all the windows and the front door (four pieces per protected object).

Now the pins need to be consecrated. To do this, we put the icon on the table and light a church candle. We look at the candle, pins and the icon and read the Our Father prayer 7 times in a row. Now you need to stick the pins on the four sides of the windows and the front door (two at the top and two at the bottom).

If you can’t stick it, then you can stick it with plasticine or adhesive tape. The main thing is that the sharp tip looks down. Protective plots can not be read. After three months, remove the pins and bury them in the ground, and attach new ones to protect the premises from the witchcraft of ill-wishers.

protective herbs

From time immemorial, knowledge of the mighty power of protective herbs has come down to us.

Charm of the house on a round mirror

You can protect your home from negative energy with a round mirror. To do this, buy a new mirror or clean the old one. Wash the mirror with running water, dry it and light a church candle in front of it.

This will be enough to clear unnecessary information. Then put the mirror on the table, and put eight church candles on the sides.

Light one of them and say:

"Determining you to ward off evil."

“Protect from evil inside and around.
Create the world from one to eight
From eight incarnate.

Extinguish the candles with your fingers and hide in a secluded place. Hang a mirror on the wall. From now on, all unkind looks, evil thoughts and words spoken in your home will not harm you or your loved ones. A year later, the conspiracy of protection from unkind people is repeated again after cleansing the mirror with water.

How to protect your home from damage

On the growing moon before noon, buy a spool of white thread and new needles. Remember that items for witchcraft cannot be used for domestic purposes. Therefore, put the remaining threads and needles in a separate box and store for other rituals.

Thread the needle (tear off the spool for the length of the elbow) and tie with three knots. Run the tip of the needle along the door jamb and stick it at the top, saying a conspiracy to protect:

“You have to be on guard.
Beat all our enemies!"

After three months, remove the needle and bury it in the ground away from your home. Take another needle and repeat the conspiracy of your premises to protect against the witchcraft of unkind people.

Help brownie

If a brownie lives in your house, then you can ask him to protect the house and property. Do the following before bed. Put a piece of bread and a bracelet on a plate and say the following:

“House-houseman, enter the house, protect my family.
Give us wealth, keep peace and harmony in the family.
I give you soft bread, in return I will ask for help.

Go to bed. Dry the bread in the morning, and put the bracelet on your hand.

In this article, we will share with you a way to protect the house from the evil eye, damage, from bad people, from evil. Each of us can suffer from envious people who come with unkind thoughts. The source of damage and the evil eye can also be an object presented to us or an accidentally thrown envious look. Any negative energy can negatively affect the health of the inhabitants of the house, their well-being and the prosperity of the family.

How to know if your home is suffering from negative energy

The following signs indicate the presence of negativity in the house:

  1. You have a need to spend as much time as possible outside the home.
  2. When you are indoors, there is an inexplicable anxiety, restlessness. The inhabitants of the house begin to feel unwell, suffer from insomnia.
  3. Quarrels and disagreements often occur in the family.
  4. Animals living in the house show anxiety and aggression. Indoor flowers grow poorly or wither.
  5. You noticed a thing that inexplicably got into your home.

Ways to detect the evil eye, damage and evil in the house

How to detect negative energy effects with the help of consecrated salt. To do this, you will need to prepare 100 grams of table salt. Then follow these steps:

  • Heat up a frying pan on the stove;
  • When it warms up well, pour out the salt;
  • Let the salt warm up on the fire for about half an hour.

If everything is safe in the house, the salt will turn yellow. If it crackles strongly on fire and becomes dark or black, there is damage in the house.

How to use a candle to determine the presence of negative energy influences

This method is considered the most informative in determining damage, evil eye and other influences. Allows you to establish where the negative interference was made in the house.

To perform this ceremony, you need to light a candle and go around every corner of the house in which you live. Then pay attention to the behavior of the candle:

  • A candle burning quietly, smoothly and calmly indicates the predominance of clean energy in the room. Your home is under reliable protection.
  • If the candle flame is dim and dim, the energy in the house is weak. Possible violation of the integrity of the aura of the room. Magic rituals made on the front door or vestibule could lead to this.
  • If the candle smokes a lot, the color of the flame is dark, and the wax drips too quickly, this indicates the presence of damage. Most likely, a strong magical effect was deliberately exerted.
  • Sometimes it happens that a negative influence is present in the house, but so far it has not given itself away. In this case, the candle flame is dazzlingly bright, blazing.

The color of the flame also plays an important role in determining negativity. A bright red color indicates that the home is in urgent need of cleaning. And yellow speaks of powerful energy protection of the room.

Tips on how to protect the house from the evil eye, damage and other evil

  • Fumigate every corner of the house with smoke from incense, dry leaves of celandine, St. John's wort, wormwood, lavender. Chaga birch fungus also has a powerful protective effect.
  • Do not forget to keep order in the house: remove dust and dirt, carefully wipe the mirror surfaces, washbasins, radiators. Any dirt serves as a gate for the entry of negative subtle energy.
  • Do not store old unnecessary things: read the press, worn out clothes, broken dishes. Dirty laundry should be put in a special basket with a lid. All these items accumulate negativity and poison the room in which you live.
  • When cleaning the room, add a little bit of holy water, wipe the mirror surfaces with it. When moving to another housing, you can not leave your old things and any rubbish. They are often used in rituals to induce damage.
  • Hang an aspen branch at the entrance to the house. It will reliably protect you from evil people, energy vampires and envious people.
  • To protect your home from negative influences, hang bags of dry herbs at the doorstep. You can use such plants: celandine, thistle, tansy, oak bark. From time to time, the used herb is replaced with a new one.
  • Place two needles under the rug by the door. Arrange them so that they are crossed with each other, and their ears are directed towards the front door.
  • Illuminated salt is able to protect the house from any negativity. She has a magical gift to absorb all negative energies. It is recommended to shower the entire living space once a month. After a month, collect the used salt and bury it in a deserted place in the evening after sunset.

Also, in order to protect your home from negative energy influences, you can perform special rituals.

Rituals that help protect the house from the evil eye, damage and evil people

Ritual with a broom

This simple ritual will help remove not only simple dirt from the home, but also all energy debris.

To hold it, take a green ribbon and a natural wax candle. You need to light a candle and say:

Venichek, my protector. Sweep out of my house all evil spirits, envy, malice. Do not let enemies, spirits, demons and envious people on the threshold. Protect and save everyone from evil. Amen.

Now tie the broom handle with a ribbon and leave the charmed amulet at the door. From now on, a person who wishes you harm will not enter this house and will not harm you.

Ritual with knife blade

Since ancient times, this ritual has helped people protect themselves and their homes from such negative influences as the evil eye, damage or envy.

Conspiracy words:

At the same time, an invisible edge will appear at the knife, which will cut off all ill-wishers who come to your house with evil thoughts. The knife will provide powerful energy protection from any evil that can harm you.

You can also read any other prayers and conspiracies over it. The main thing is to address him as a living being, a friend and protector. Then you will create a powerful amulet that will save you and your home from all negative influences.

Ritual that cleanses the house with a bow

Since ancient times, it helps to protect the home from various types of damage and the evil eye, envious people. The ceremony is carried out in this way:

  • First you need to sprinkle all the rooms in the house with holy water, including hard-to-reach places.
  • Sprinkle also all furniture and other interior items.
  • Prepare as many bulbs as there are rooms in your house, peel them from the husk.
  • Take a needle and pierce all the bulbs, stretching a strong red thread through each of them.
  • Now you need to tie knots at both ends of the bulb and leave one amulet in all rooms of the house. They must be there for seven days.
  • Next, the bulbs must be removed, wrapping each in a clean sheet of white paper. Burn them to the ground at the stake. Now your home is securely protected from any evil.

Watch also an interesting video taken from the Internet:

For each person, his home is the safest and most comfortable place. No wonder they say: "My home is my castle." But sometimes the walls can begin to crumble from the unkind looks of enemies, aggressive people, and most often envious people. In order to protect themselves, their relatives and their “fortress”, in the old days, many used special conspiracies, some of which have come down to us. And today we bring to your attention some of them. The protective conspiracies written below will help ward off unkind people, protect your home from negative energy, witchcraft.

Currently, there are many variations of conspiracies that have come to us from ancient ancestors. Their real interpretation can be mastered by any housewife who wishes to avert danger from herself and her home.

How to protect yourself and your home from magic and negativity?

For protection conspiracies to work, you need to know the basic recommendations. Before you conduct the ritual and read the plot, you need to fully familiarize yourself with the procedure. In addition, it is desirable to know what power this or that text is fraught with. It also does not hurt to find out with the help of what items you can save yourself from witchcraft and the “evil look”.

Remember that any light magic and rituals for good should be carried out with a pure mind. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol (drugs, tobacco) five to seven days before the ritual to protect your home. At the same time, you should not take other medicines (except those necessary to maintain health). You should fast during this period of time and reduce contact with strangers.

Coming home after walking and visiting noisy and crowded places, it is necessary not only to wash your hands, but also to wash your face. In this case, you can add a few drops of aromatic oil to the water. After the procedure, you should open the window to ventilate every room of the house. Such rituals must be performed while reading prayers at the same time. It is advisable to perform them daily before you read protective conspiracies.

It also does not hurt to increase concentration by reading prayers before the ceremony. So the protection for which you apply the conspiracy will be more effective.

Simple defensive ways

Protective plots do not always act strictly in the direction of a clear goal. There are spells that can get rid of the negative energy of evil people. At the same time, such texts will not bring harm to anyone, and protection will act against every person who harbors malice.

Usually a simple conspiracy "works" to push aggressive people away from you. If these texts are read at home, then they increase his defenses. As a result, your home will become a cozy fortress, protected from bad weather. In addition, you will not have to worry about your property. Fire, theft and other deliberate damage will simply bypass it. Below is one of the options for such conspiracies.

How to protect your home (easy way)?

Such a conspiracy can be attributed to very simple and affordable in terms of execution. To carry out this ceremony to protect the house (other residential premises), you will need an ordinary wooden stick.

Taking a stick, you need to go around the house with it, outlining a continuous line, closing it opposite the front door. Having received a protective circle, you need to go into the house with the same stick. In the room, you should draw a circle around yourself with it and pronounce a conspiracy to protect the house:

“There is a house on the edge. Wild forest animals do not run past him. A wise man lives in that house, he has an oak staff. Enclosed in that staff is the immense power of nature. As soon as the sage goes beyond the threshold, as he strikes the ground with his staff, the animals run to the house.

He will burst out once (hit the floor 1 time with a stick), cowardly hares run to him. It will crash twice (knock 2 times), cunning foxes come running. It will strike three times (hit with a stick 3 times, etc. in the text), and the gray wolves will come running. It will strike four times with a staff, and ferocious bears will come. It will strike five times in a row, and the most important guardian of the forest, the goblin, will come to the sage.

All this called forest power will be around the house and will not let evil into it. The wise man will stand in a circle, raise his staff (raise the stick above your head) and call the vigilant eagle. That eagle will sit on a staff and will guard the house from enemies. I ask for your help, forest sage. Deliver me and my house from dishonest, evil people and enemies. So it was and so it will be!”

When you speak the whole plot, at the end of the ceremony, break the stick in half. Otherwise, the protection will not take effect. After the ritual, you will need to bury one half under your threshold. The second part of the stick is recommended to be taken to the deep forest and stuck into the ground. Such a conspiracy to protect the home and property from black witchcraft and bad looks will be effective throughout the year.

Ritual with clothes and a mirror

You can perform a ritual not only to protect the house from negative energy. Using a special conspiracy, you can protect yourself from "evil eyes." This will require not only magic words, but also:
  • new shirt;
  • clean mirror.

At the beginning of the ceremony, you should take a clean new shirt and turn it inside out. We put it on the mirror with the front side inside. Putting this accessory in a secluded place, you should pronounce a conspiracy over it:

“A mischievous enemy, a bad look, a bad enemy, famously black, dark grief! You will never see my house, you will never trample on my land. This mirror will become iron, silver will become my anger. They will reflect all dark arrows. I will live well and calmly, I will make good with my family in the comfort of goodness!

After the ceremony is completed, you do not need to remove the shirt from the mirror. It is necessary that the accessory stand in this form for 7 days and the same number of nights. If for any reason you smear the surface of the mirror, the plot will have to be repeated in order to restore protection.

Rite to protect possessions

The easiest way to protect property is holy water. By regularly sprinkling the corners of the house with holy water, you can rid it of unfavorable energy and protect it from witchcraft. In addition, you can hang a hand-made amulet on the front door. After reading a special conspiracy over such an object, you can stop the effects of black magic and block the path to witchcraft.

For the ritual you will need to make a wreath. It is usually made from:

  • a couple of bunches of viburnum;
  • several branches of willow, mistletoe;
  • a dozen oak leaves.

First, a circle is woven from willow twigs, reading the prayer "Our Father". Further, this circle is braided with mistletoe branches. This procedure should be accompanied by the prayer "Hail, Mother of God." The weave must be strong so that even a strong shake cannot damage the wreath. Simultaneously with the mistletoe, oak leaves should be woven. It will become a protection against witchcraft and black magic.

Completing the manufacture of the amulet, it is necessary to attach viburnum branches. They need to be hung at the bottom of the wreath on two loops. This amulet to protect the house from evil people is recommended to be hung above the front door, while reading the plot:

“The amulet will protect the house, it will save it from evil. What the enemies send, the witches desire, will not get close to me now! Amen".

This spell to protect your home is very effective. By hanging it at the entrance, you will block the way for ill-wishers. And if one enters the house, the wreath will immediately fall.

As you can see, in the old days people paid a lot of attention to protecting their homes. And the ways to impose protection on the house, which have come down to our time, are quite simple. With their help, anyone can protect their fortress from bad and evil people, their intentions.

How to protect the house from negative energy, evil eye and damage? This question is becoming more and more popular every year due to the general growth of people's interest in magic and ways to deal with its negative manifestations.

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The Russian people are known for their hospitality, this feature is preserved in our mentality, and, like many years ago, we all love to meet guests in our house. For the inhabitants of Western Europe, the saying “my home is my fortress” is of great importance, the peoples of those countries do not have the openness that we have in their blood, therefore they have never known problems that could arise due to excessive hospitality. In Russia, for centuries, the houses of people of any income looked more like passage yards than fortresses, our houses were always full of guests.

Receiving guests is not only not always planned, but it is not always safe either. While unexpected visits have almost completely disappeared thanks to modern means of communication, the safety of the arrival of guests remains completely ambiguous.

A large number of people in the house, whose good intentions cannot be vouched for, contains a serious energy danger.

We try very hard to please our guests, but this is not always possible, because no host can guess what exactly a person wants. In any case, a person in your house with negative emotions is a high probability of the evil eye.

Directed and unintended negative energy

Only a really embittered, envious or offended person, who also knows at least the basics of magic, can direct negative energy at you or your home. In connection with the modern popularization of witchcraft, there are more and more such people, but there are still much fewer of those who are able to accidentally leave you a dose of negativity.

The evil eye is a negative magical effect that occurs due to any negative emotions experienced by a person. These negative feelings may not even apply specifically to you, but it doesn't really matter.

Any negative thoughts, feelings, sensations of a person affect his entire surrounding world, and if such a person visits your house often, then the probability of inducing unintentional negativity will increase significantly.

Because of this, even if you know for sure that there are no people who are fond of magic among your acquaintances, you still need to always be prepared for a possible evil eye.

How to protect the house from the evil eye

Each person has his own biological field, when exposed to it, one can change his life for better or worse. Much also depends on the initial protective field of each individual, according to experienced sorcerers, some people more often than others become victims of even a weak evil eye, and it is difficult to impose even effective damage on others. But not only a person has his own energy and a protective field, but also all the objects surrounding him and, of course, housing. Each house has its own energy, which in any case will affect the people living in it. But the biofield of each person entering the housing has an impact on the energy of the house. Thus, just as the life of a person living in it depends on the energy of a house, so the energy of a house depends on people.

To protect your home from negative energy, you need to build protection for each of its residents individually. It is known that small children, young women, as well as weakened adults for some reason, are most susceptible to the evil eye. If such a person becomes a victim of directed negativity, then the negative energy brought into the house will eventually pass to the home. Therefore, it is impossible to protect your apartment if each of its tenants is not protected individually.

How to strengthen a person's field and protect him from the evil eye

There are various ways to build a powerful defense against any negative energy. The evil eye is considered a simple and rather weak negative magical effect, therefore any person can protect himself from it, without even turning to professional sorcerers for help. All methods of protection against magic are usually divided into two main groups: active and passive.

Active protection from negative magical energy involves a person performing special witchcraft rites aimed at establishing or strengthening the existing energy field. Active methods of protection also include the reading of prayers and conspiracies, the creation of amulets with one's own hands.

Passive protection involves the use of already existing and ready-made means against the evil eye, such as church consecrated paraphernalia, amulets created by third parties and natural amulets (some types of plants, stones, etc.).

At all times, protecting your own home has been a prerequisite.

Frame closure protection

Closing the frame is an ancient and effective magical technique that allows you to protect yourself from most types of negative energy.
The essence of this magical tool is that when meeting or communicating with a person who has negative feelings or emotions for you, you just need to cross your arms and legs. With the help of this simple tool, you can also protect yourself from energy vampires - people who, during communication, unintentionally suck the vitality out of their interlocutor.

To enhance the effect of such a protective method, it is necessary at the moment of danger to make a ring from the thumb and forefinger on one or both hands, laying all the other fingers on top of each other.

Protection with plants and other attributes

To protect against negative magical energy, the inner strength of a person is extremely important; without a powerful energy potential, it will be difficult to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage. But external protection also plays an extremely important role, because you cannot constantly put mental blocks, cross limbs and build energy mirrors between yourself and a well-wisher. As an external protection against negative energy, you can use one of the ancient means invented by our distant ancestors:

  • tie two rowan branches crosswise using red threads or ribbons, such a cross can protect not only one person, but all his loved ones from an accidental and deliberate impact of negative energy;
  • stick a needle or safety pin on the inside of the lintel of your home to enhance the protective effect, you can thread a thread made of natural material (silk or cotton) into the eye of such a needle;
  • at the mirror or hanger located near the entrance, you can hang a bunch of fresh or dried mint (St. John's wort is also suitable);
  • put dried or fresh wormwood under the rug at the front door;
  • to cleanse the house of all filth, wait for the feast of the Trinity and scatter mint leaves throughout the dwelling;
  • always keep a bunch of thistles in your house, it will protect from dark and impure forces;
  • to protect housing from evil people, you need to keep a dry bunch of St. John's wort under the threshold of the house;
  • if, while in a public place, you notice that someone is looking at you intently or simply unkindly, and you feel obvious discomfort from this, say a protective phrase in a whisper or with your lips alone: ​​“Look at me, but just see not me” ;
  • never pick up money on the street, especially at intersections, remember that any coin can not only carry a random charge of negative energy, but can also be planted on purpose so that you find it;
  • read the prayer “Our Father” daily in the morning and evening, this will allow you to strengthen your energy protection from negativity.

How to protect an apartment from the evil eye

If you notice that after the visit of a certain person, negative energy is felt in your apartment, you feel weak and tired, it means that people with negative energy, with a difficult character, come to you.

With negative people, contact should be limited or completely stopped.

To remove and prevent the recurrence of the appearance of evil in the apartment, sprinkle the threshold with salt and read the words of the conspiracy:

“As I sprinkle this salt so as not to let evil into my house, so let no evil enter my house, let it not crawl through the crack. I, the servant of God (name), will turn to the three strong elements, to their strength and law, I will find support in them. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Blade protection

This is an ancient magical rite used by our distant ancestors. To carry out the ritual, it was necessary to use the charmed edge of a knife, scythe or other object.

Take an ordinary kitchen knife and read over it every day any prayers you know, asking God for help and protection for yourself and for all your loved ones - household members.

In addition to prayers, you can also use a special magical conspiracy:

“A knife is like a knife, in appearance, the handle is wooden, the blade is pointed, but this is only a visible blade, but it also has a long, invisible blade. The invisible blade of the visible continues, it goes far, two meters, or even three. May this blade have strength, may it determine the enemy, may it protect me and my house, protect me from danger, shelter me from evil. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

As stated in the plot, your knife will acquire an additional blade that can determine who is friend and who is foe. As soon as an evil person crosses the threshold of your house, an invisible blade will cut through all his evil intentions and intentions, and he will not be able to bring any evil to you and your house.
So that the amulet really received such a powerful force. While reading conspiracies and prayers, address him as if he were alive, ask for help and intercession, put kindness and love into your words, as if you are not talking with a knife, but with your good friend. In this case, you will be able to create the strongest ally that can protect you from any evil.

In order for the house to become a real fortress and a source of strength for the whole family, you need to take care of its energy. Effective rituals and conspiracies will help get rid of negative energy and unwanted guests.

The house is the main source of strength and is able to protect each family member from negative influences. Sometimes it happens that negative energy enters the home in the form of pads or damage. Often people come to the house with bad intentions, which also does not contribute to a healthy atmosphere. Site site experts recommend getting acquainted with ways to get rid of any evil and protect your home.

How to put protection from bad people at home

Magical protection is a kind of shield that does not allow negative energy to enter the room. Before carrying out rituals of such a plan, it is necessary to clear the space of the already existing negativity. This can be done with the help of general cleaning. You need to throw away unnecessary trash, free the house from dirt and dust, and then walk through all the rooms with a church candle, reading cleansing prayer. After that, you can start creating protection.

1. Protection is placed on windows and doors so that people with bad thoughts cannot look into the living space. In secluded places, it is necessary to put bags with salt and dry wormwood, and additionally hang a bell above the door. Additionally, they read the plot "Seven Crosses".

2. Needles and pins will help to put protection from unwanted guests. Needles are placed crosswise under the rug, and a pin is stuck in the door frame, saying:

“Just as a person does not walk on a red-hot iron, as sharp needles injure his skin, so an enemy will not enter my house, he will not cross the threshold with bad thoughts.”

3. A new lock is hung over the jamb of the front door. It is locked with a key, saying:

“I lock the house from evil people, I close the passage. Until the key is found, evil will not enter the house, evil people will be turned away from my doorstep.

The key must be thrown into any body of water - a river, a pond or a lake - with the words:

“The flowing water will carry away the key, it will reliably hide it from enemies, it will not allow anyone to get it from the bottom.”

4. In the old days, houses were protected by driving in small nails near windows and doors, saying:

“I board up all the passages, I provide protection for the house. As long as the nails hold, I'm safe."

A horseshoe will cope with such a task. This amulet can be hung on the front doorso that only good luck and positive energy pass through it, and people with bad thoughts are powerless.

5. Opposite the front door, a mirror is hung on the wall so that people entering with bad thoughts cannot do harm. Their influence will be powerless, and any attempts to harm will return to them.

How to protect your home from negative energy

You can protect yourself from negativity in many ways, including thanks to the brownie. He is called for help so that the spirit drives away everything that can threaten the household.

1. A new broom is decorated with ribbons and swept over the threshold with it, saying:

“My home, I am protected in it. I will sweep the threshold with a broom, I will find protection from any evil.

The broom is placed with the fluffy side up behind the door so that evil does not enter the house.

2. Salt will help protect your home from negative energy. It is dissolved in water and the threshold and front door are washed with a solution. Water is thrown out in front of the threshold with the words:

"There is no evil in the house."

3. Salt is mixed with ash, they go around the house and sprinkle the earth at every doorway and window with the words:

"Evil will not be in my house, I will never grieve in it."

4. The house is consecrated with holy water, bypassing each room, and then they pass again with a burning church candle, reading protective prayers. Such a ritual allows not only to cleanse the room of negative energy, but also to prevent its return to the home.

5. A bundle of herbs hung over the front door will help protect you from negative energy. Herbs can be placed in a linen bag, crushed for easy storage. To do this, they collect thistles and wormwood in the field, and also take a sprig of aspen.

You can also protect your home with amulets. They will scare away unkind people and push away negativity. In the old days, our ancestors made protective dolls for all occasions, so that none of the household would be negatively affected. We wish you good luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

19.07.2019 05:27

Conspiracies from evil people are used to protect against bad words, thoughts and actions from the outside ...

A lot of minor troubles and serious troubles in the family can bring all kinds of damage and evil eye. Getting rid of them, as it turns out, is not so easy. It is much easier to protect yourself and loved ones in time.

Ways to protect against the evil eye and damage

There are quite a few options for amulets from damage and the evil eye. In fact, they are the same, but still there are individual moments.

Ways to protect against damage:

  1. In no case should you ever give money, piercing and cutting objects and salt after sunset. Regardless of who asked.
  2. Before preparing for a night's sleep, you need to baptize (only clockwise) the entire house - from door to door. This process is carried out in order to protect housing from evil spirits.
  3. All wearable silver jewelry (bracelets, rings, brooches) must be consecrated in the church and worn. If a woman wears a scarf, you can embroider a cross on it.

Ways to protect against the evil eye:

  1. If squabbles and quarrels have begun in the family, get a cactus. Just set yourself up for the fact that after a while you will need to get rid of it. The cactus has such a property as to collect all the negativity in itself and store it. In the case when the plant releases color, this indicates that all the negativity has been exhausted.
  2. Above the threshold of the door at the entrance is to hang a sprig of aspen. She will protect the house from energy vampirism. If the same branch (it can be dry) is placed near the bed where they sleep, then nightmares will stop.
  3. It is strongly not recommended to stick a knife into the bread, let alone leave it there.

How to protect yourself and your family with water

Proper use of water will help protect against damage and the evil eye, if it is consecrated in the church. More strong water is considered to be collected for church celebrations (Baptism, Meeting, etc.). You can use sacred water like this:

  • If they jinxed you or your loved one, you need to sprinkle the whole body with holy water and drink it a little.
  • On Maundy Thursday, and for various diseases, it is necessary to take a shower with holy water.
  • Drinking holy water, get rid of sins in the soul. Sprinkling it at home protects against ill-wishers.
  • Water flowing from a spring in the open wind helps against witchcraft.
  • The moment when they give water to drink through the threshold can negatively affect the family. Therefore, you do not need to do this.
  • Before you go to sleep or get out of bed in the morning, you need to drink holy water.
  • To avoid quarrels and conflicts in the family, it is not necessary to let strangers drink from family mugs.

May there be peace in your home

Before moving on to protect your home and its inhabitants, you need to be sure that there is no damage in it. This can be tested with salt. It needs to be warmed up and kept in a frying pan over low heat. If the salt has turned brown and cracks, then first you need to remove the damage from your home and household, and only then move on to protection. Pleasant yellow salt - you can start protection:

  • To protect the house and family, you need to lay out the aconite grass in the corners (you can grass and Chernobyl root), after tying it in gauze.
  • If someone from your family or you yourself cut your nails (hair) you can not scatter. They can be used by ill-wishers. This also applies to teeth (especially children's).
  • Do not give out your photos and photos of loved ones to strangers.
  • A person has a very strong connection with his watch, so you don’t need to give it to anyone.
  • Small coins seen on the road cannot be picked up. For often, various damage was said to them.
  • From midnight to five in the morning on Christmas Day, the sky is considered to be "open". On this night, you need to ask God to forgive your sins. In the event that sins are forgiven, then neither damage nor the evil eye will touch you and your family.
  • You need to take heather (or wild rosemary, juniper) to fumigate their housing on Maundy Thursday.
  • Above the purchased products (especially in the market), you need to read the “Our Father” and cross them with a knife.

Peace and blessings to you and your family

So that evil tongues and prying eyes do not cause trouble, you need to carry out the following actions:

  1. Gently put three aspen sticks (matches cleaned of sulfur) pre-sprinkled with sacred water into shoes under the insole. Thus, protection will occur if you step on the charmed objects.
  2. Gathering, when leaving the house, read three times: “The cross is above me, the cross is below me, the cross is on the sides, the cross is in front and behind”.
  3. Before the sun rises, draw water on Thursdays and drink it, give it to your loved ones. Such water is called unopened, it protects against spoilage.
  4. When accepting gifts from guests, do not open them immediately. Let the guests put them in one place, after they leave, sprinkle the gifts with holy water, then open them.
  5. Do not hang clothes outside to dry overnight. If you notice that the thing has disappeared, and then appeared, burn it.
  6. You can protect yourself from damage in this way: on a clean Thursday, standing in the morning, read the prayer “Our Father”, while visually draw around you, clockwise, a fiery wall that rises to the very heights.
  7. If for some reason you had to return home halfway, just say hello and smile to yourself in the mirror.

An important protector of the family and home is the brownie. If you appease him and treat him with love, he will be a reliable friend. What brownies love:

  • In a secluded place in the kitchen, there should always be a couple of sweets, or a bowl of honey (jam) should be on the table.
  • On the night of February 10, put on the table a glass filled with wine, a piece of bread and bacon, be sure to have something sweet.

We protect the house and yard

Windows and doors are the first passages for any kind of damage. To protect them, you need to follow these rules:

  • A broom is an important component of every home. You can not cross it, and even more so step on it. He should always stand near the front door, and be sure to look at the ceiling with a pen. Then evil people will go around your house.
  • Peel three small onions and hang them around the house (in the bedroom, in the kitchen and in the hall). They need to be hung in a special way: we pierce each onion head with a needle with a rich red thread. The bulb is tied around with a loop. They must hang in the house for 7 nights. Then they are removed, laid out on a white sheet of paper and carefully salted. Then they are burned in a bright flame. If damage or the evil eye was inherent, they will burn along with the onion.
  • If there is a garden in the house, aspen pegs are driven into the ground clockwise along its perimeter. If an unfamiliar footprint was seen, a nail should be driven into it.
  • At night (from midnight to 3 am) close the windows. If you want to leave them open, insert four needles in the corners and drag the thread with a cross.
  • The whole house, and the area around it, must be sprinkled with sacred water, as well as sprinkled with holy poppy. If after that the ill-wishers throw you a charmed object, then it will not cause any harm. All thrown attributes must be burned.
  • Only now it is forbidden to take them in hand, it is better to do this with the help of a spatula and a broom. Bury the burnt ashes in the place where the foot of people does not set foot.

If you follow simple rules in everyday life, go to church, and independently, at home, put protection on your home, yourself and loved ones, then no damage and evil eye are terrible.

The home should be the safest place for family members. But often it is he who is attacked by unkind people, trying to cause harm.

Envious people can jinx the house, a grumpy neighbor can call misfortune on the family. Therefore, every housewife should be able to protect her home from evil, to know the conspiracy to protect the house from danger.

Magical home protection - starting with windows and doors

The door has long attracted the imagination of poets, mystics and magicians. She is symbolic - often appears in dreams and nightmares.

What is behind the door? What strange creatures, magical lands, secret dangers? More prosaic windows also have their own magical properties and features. If they are the eyes of the house, then the door is its mouth.

Both doors and windows have a special power and are universally revered, because they are called upon to prevent the penetration of everything "unclean" into the house.

A door is nothing more than a simple piece of wood, two handles, three hinges, a few locks.

However, doors are the entrance to other dimensions. In shape, they repeat the dolmens* of Stonehenge and other European megalithic* structures: two stones are placed vertically, and the third rests on top, creating a magical threshold.

There is an idea that the door and its components (lintel, frame, door frame, threshold, keys) have magical, almost ritual properties.

Many of the rites associated with doors are protective in nature.

Pumpkins hung on either side of a door from the street will protect against unwanted "evil" forces, as will a piece of bamboo or a wreath of leaves and thorns.

A circle drawn in chalk will scare away ghosts, garlic or dill hanging from the front door will keep those who are sick or harboring evil from entering your home, and a bag of salt or a bell hanging from the doorknob will drive away demons.

There are other tricks to protect the house from "bad" forces getting into it: put two needles crosswise under the rug at the door; paint the door blue, which is considered sacred; scatter mustard seeds or bury dragon tree resin under the threshold outside; drive three nails into the outside of the door in the shape of a triangle, pointing up.

Special herbs are grown on the porch to further protect the house. Ferns, lilies, marigolds and junipers are grown in pots.

An old sock filled with salt, sage, mullein, tansy and any other protective herbs can be buried under the threshold from the street to scare away ghosts.

A box with "chicken gods" - stones with holes, or a knife under the threshold also have magical properties to protect the house.

The door is the best place in the house among those capable of attracting certain types of energy. For example, five shiny pennies * placed under the threshold will bring money and love to the family, and a piece of food buried there will "take care" that you will never know what hunger is.

Do you want to see a ghost?

According to old lore, the door is the perfect place for this. At sunset or midnight, stand in the dark at any door facing another room. Half open the door, press your cheek against it. If you show patience, you can see spirits, some strange figures.

Why? Because the door is the entrance to other worlds.

If you want to get rid of the ghosts, all you have to do is slam the door a few times in a row. The ghosts will be trapped between the door and the jamb, tormented and soon gone. But if you like ghosts, don't slam the door!

If you're the type of person who forgets to close the door behind you, you might want to start doing so.

Legend has it that he who never closes the door behind him will never have a home of his own. This probably has something to do with the belief that if the doors of the house are always left open, all the power will go through them.

Keys have their own magical propertiesand for ancient religious ideas were extremely important. Hecate held the keys to the universe; Janus, too, was often depicted holding keys; and the ancient priestesses and priests held the keys, which symbolized their strong magical connection with their deities.

The keys are a phallic symbol representing the masculine principle, but also wisdom, the attainment of a higher level of consciousness, and magical protection.

There are many key spells from which you can choose whatever you like.

There are such simple rites as wearing a small key on one's body (worn, not carried) to gain wisdom; like keeping an old iron key under a mattress to cure impotence.

There are more complex rituals...

Find as many old keys as you have doors in your house. As you slowly move around the house, repeat as each key touches its door:

Lock up the thieves in the night!

Lock up the thieves in the night!

Lock up the thieves in the night!"

Then tie all the keys together with red ribbon and hang them on your front door as a decoration with magical powers.

Remember: visualize! As already mentioned, keys can be worn or used for various purposes.

Golden Key protects from the evil eye; three keys on a chain will bring health, wealth and love; it is believed that the key on the back relieves headaches or stops nosebleeds; any key you carry with you brings good luck as long as it fits one of your locks.

Key in the cradle, "banning" the baby at home so that the fairies can't steal it (although this isn't such a big deal these days).

The key, placed upside down next to the bed, will banish nightmares and ensure peaceful sleep.

To keep your favorite pets' house safe, place a small key next to it.

If the key is worn on the body, it will enhance the ability to bear children and fertilize. And if you want to open some secret, carry the key with you.

Windows are just doors without keys.

In ancient times, windows were cuts in the walls, designed to allow fresh air and ventilation from smoke. The wind whistled through them, and the light from the burning hearth in the house was visible. Not surprisingly, the windows were called the "eye of the wind."

Like doors, windows are looked upon with hidden fear, believing that they have magical properties. They are protected in every possible way.

Until now, pentagrams are cut out or drawn with chalk on the windows.

White curtains hung on the windows protect from the sun and from all negative influences.

Small white sea pebbles, pieces of glass, sea shells are placed on the windowsill, a large red tomato can also be used.

A ball of green glass is hung in front of a window to ward off evil forces. When you wash your windows with ammonia or vinegar, you not only make them cleaner, but you invite the wind to bless your home.

Stained glass windows have magical powers to ward off evil spirits as the intricate stained glass | and glass of different colors cause cleansing vibrations.

The patterns on these windows must be chosen with great care so that they are consistent with the overall style.

When the sun shines through the colored stained glass, casting colored beams of light into the room and forming glowing pools of color on the floor, the magic really is at work!

A similar effect is produced by a leaded crystal facing the window so that the sunlight breaks into hundreds of small rainbows.

Round windows, so beloved by architects in Hawaii and the Far East, are considered to bring protection to the home. They are known as "lunar windows".

If you are moving to a new home, try this rite (which is also effective when sleeping in a room for the first time): before going to bed, count the pieces of glass in the windows of the room. Then make a wish and fall asleep.

Finally, if luck has turned against you, sprinkle salt on the windowsill, and then take other steps to bring your luck back.

Entrance door guard.

The front door must be protected. Evil comes through the door along with ill-wishers, so protecting the front door is the most important guardian of the home from witchcraft and any evil.

Nails will help us with this, since protective conspiracies for iron have great protective power against evil intentions. On the growing moon, you need to buy three nails without change. If you can’t buy exactly three nails, you can buy more. The main thing is not to take change.

Drive in one nail at the top of the door and the other two at the bottom. The nails should form an equilateral triangle. After that, enter the room, close the door and say a conspiracy to protect the house from evil people:

“Three nails in my door.

The first to kill all enemies,

The second one will bring all the non-humans,

The third will take away all the evil.

All words in business turn,

All nails in favor of turnover."

While the nails are in the door, the protection conspiracy will reliably protect the home from witchcraft, damage and evil thoughts.

Charm on gypsy needles.

On the growing moon, buy two gypsy needles without change. Fold them with a cross point down, tied with a white thread, and say a conspiracy to protect the house and preserve property from evil people and witchcraft:

“Like spears in a cross, so the enemies are all prone.

Who is good - he will pass.

Whoever is with evil will hook him with a cross ... "

Hang the needles above an indoor door or hide them under the door upholstery on the outside. After three months, remove the needles, rinse with running water or bake over a candle flame, and re-read the plot to protect your premises. Burn the thread.

How to protect the threshold of the house.

The entrance door and the threshold must be reliably protected from the penetration of evil. On the threshold of the house, an unkind person will already lose part of the evil power with which he came. Having gone beyond the threshold, the black power remaining in him will lose its power, reflected in the charmed mirror.

Therefore, it is desirable to hang a mirror in front of the front door.

And what to do with the threshold of the house, what plot to read for protection?

First of all, the threshold must be cleaned of accumulated dirt: sweep and wash. Make it a rule to keep the threshold, front door handles and the door itself clean. Then you are not afraid of any evil, and good luck will often look into such a house.

Sweeping the threshold of the house with a broom, read the plot:

“I sweep away ailments, illnesses, spoilage and writhing,

Evil eyes are brought and alluvial.

Threshold my metenny, blessed by God. Amen."

The next method to clean the threshold is to do it with salt water.

To do this, throw three pinches of salt into a bucket of water and wash the threshold three times, saying the plot:

“I salted it with salt, soaked it with water.

As salt does not rot, so spoilage does not stick to the threshold.

Roll back, turn away, turn back!

Won gone! I didn't call you!"

Then dirty water must be poured out at a pedestrian crossing. Don't care what people think of you!

They poured it out and went home without looking back.

And now, when the threshold is cleared, it is necessary to put protection from unkind people and the penetration of evil.

To do this, take Thursday salt and sprinkle the threshold with it.

“Salt from Maundy Thursday!

Drive sickness and pain out of the house!

Keep on the threshold all evil, all misfortune and dashing!

The evil spirits will bypass this house.

As I said, it will happen!”

You can also hide a new blade under the threshold. It will cut off evil.

Home defense with three nails.

Cross yourself three times and read "Our Father".

Drive three nails in turn into the threshold of the house (two along the edges and one in the middle), while saying the plot 3 times.

"I fill my lips, teeth, eyes. I beat enemies, whoever does what to me, let him take it for himself. From your mouth to your bosom"

Note: Cannot be done on Holiday, Friday and Sunday.

Nails will be damaged.

Drive three small nails into the door from the side of the street so that they form an ascending equilateral triangle with their heads (one nail at the top, two at the bottom). After that, go into the house, close the door and say:

Three nails in this door. The first nail is to stab all enemies, the second nail is to exterminate all non-humans, the third nail is to ward off all evil. All my words - a turn in business, all three nails - in favor of a turn.

This will protect your home from the invasion of evil spirits and reduce the effectiveness of black witchcraft directed at your home.

Holy water for protection.

Holy water has tremendous power, especially baptismal water. Pour some water into a bowl and add a pinch of thursday salt, and also put any silver object.

Then a prayer is read on the water ,Our Father" and conspiracy protection from unkind people, witchcraft, to preserve property.

Take a church candle, light it and opposite the door on both sides, in the air, draw a cross with it.

Then sprinkle the door and the threshold with holy water, saying a conspiracy:

“I ask for help: come down to me the servant of God (your name), cherubim and seraphim from heaven to earth. Wash with holy water, cleanse, deliver from all evil. Do not go to the lessons of the world, do not enter the house of the servant of God (your name), from now until forever. Amen."

All protective conspiracies are read on the growing moon, but you can read it any day if necessary.

Charm on pins.

* tailor's pins;

* church candle;


In this case, we need tailor's pins to protect the premises from the witchcraft of unkind people, but without balls at the end. Get pins on the growing moon. There should be enough pins to cover all the windows and the front door (four pieces per protected object).

Now the pins need to be consecrated. To do this, we put the icon on the table and light a church candle.

We look at a candle, pins and an icon and read a prayer ,Our Father" 7 times in a row.

Now you need to stick the pins on the four sides of the windows and the front door (two at the top and two at the bottom).

If you can’t stick it, then you can stick it with plasticine or adhesive tape. The main thing is that the sharp tip looks down. Protective plots can not be read. After three months, remove the pins and bury them in the ground, and attach new ones to protect the premises from the witchcraft of ill-wishers.

Protect your house or apartment from the action of dark forces(sorcerers who inflict damage, energy vampires, other evil spirits), you can stick needles in all the openings of the premises - doors, windows. It is better to do this in the upper part of the frames and jambs, and you need to stick the needles with an eye, and not with a point. In this case, you need to read a conspiracy from evil spirits.


"From the Holy Spirit, communicant of Christ, Spasov's hand, the Mother of God castle, my angel, my savior! Save my soul, strengthen my heart. Enemy Satan, get away from me! I have three sheets, everything is written Mark and Nikita the Great Martyr: torment my soul for sins, pray to God for me. Amen."

Having finished this ritual, it is necessary to go around the house (apartment) counterclockwise with a church candle. You need to start from the threshold and in no case do not miss a single wall, not a single corner. Where the flame will crack or smoke, you should hold the candle flame longer.

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