Orthodox conspiracies on Clean Thursday. Clean Thursday - signs, customs for money

Prayers, conspiracies and rituals for Maundy Thursday. Texts of conspiracies.

A person lives in nature, a system of interaction between living beings and elements, energies and words. At the same time, everything is dynamic, constantly changing.

Therefore, there are days with stronger energy, the so-called periods of open skies. At these moments, higher powers hear us more clearly and help us to realize what we want faster.

One of those days is Maundy Thursday.
In addition to washing, cleaning and bathing, perform rituals to attract into your life what you need.

We will talk in more detail about the common areas of what a person wants in the article.

What rituals are performed on Maundy Thursday?

On the fourth day of the Easter week, in addition to bathing before sunrise, perform the following rituals:

  • speak salt
  • do a general house cleaning
  • rearrange the furniture by making a wish before changing the arrangement of objects in the house
  • perform a protective ritual for the home with a candle and herbs or essential oils, such as juniper, eucalyptus
  • attract money energy to your family
  • charge Easter cakes with your words and thoughts during their kneading / baking, krashenka
  • speak soap and protective water
  • visit a church/temple for confession and communion
  • visit a barbershop for a haircut

What to do on the night of Maundy Thursday?

  • On Wednesday evening, prepare a handmade soap of any color other than pink, put it in a cotton bag and hang it outside the window on the east side of the house. On Thursday morning and throughout the year, wash your face with it. The soap will be charged and healing.
  • Take a container with clean water, preferably melted water or from a well. Put any silver object in it and leave it until the morning. Before sunrise, wash yourself and all family members with this water for protection from diseases and dark attacks throughout the year.

What to do on Clean Thursday for money: rituals for money

To keep material wealth in your home, perform the following rituals on Maundy Thursday:

  • count three times all the money that is in the house, secretly from relatives and guests,

During the general cleaning, wash all windows and doors, saying special words:

  • or put a trifle of different denominations in a basin of water, which will wash the surfaces in the house, and use it.
    Say the words:

The order of washing is from top to bottom, that is, from cabinets, windows, doors to the floor, and from the front door to the rooms. Upon completion of the cleaning, take out the change, and pour the water out of the gate under the stone or into the toilet. In the last option, be sure to lower the tank three times.

  • After waking up and taking a morning swim, put the change in a sieve, go outside where no one will see you. Say:
    "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (s)".
  • Start shaking the sieve as if you are sowing money above the ground. Accompany your actions with the words:

Water conspiracy for swimming on Maundy Thursday

On this day, be sure to swim before sunrise in flowing water. That is, fit:

  • river
  • shower with soap
  • dousing

Then the words you uttered will be perceived by the water, it will take away and carry away with it what you say goodbye to. For example, these:

What words to wash on Maundy Thursday?

There are situations when it is not possible to fully swim on Maundy Thursday. Then, during the morning wash, say a conspiracy:

If you suspect the evil eye, damage, the evil look of other people, say this:

Conspiracies and rituals on Maundy Thursday for wealth and prosperity

If you prepared water with silver, then wash your face with it early in the morning on Maundy Thursday and say the words three times:

Perform another rite with prepared Thursday salt only after general cleaning in a ventilated room:

  • pour salt and coins of various denominations into a spacious container,
  • mix everything with your right hand,
  • in each room, stand in the center, mix salt with coins and say:
    “May wealth and good fortune come to this house and linger for a long time,”
  • scatter a handful in the corners of the house and leave without cleaning until Krasnaya Gorka,
  • on the day indicated above, collect salt and coins and put them in a bag. Keep it all year long so that prosperity and prosperity come to your home.

Well-being in the house will help to attract its spirit - brownie. To do this, put for him a treat of pies with pancakes and a glass of milk in the attic or in the cellar. In the apartment - in the kitchen or in the pantry with supplies for the winter. Say the words:

"Someone else's brownie out, but come your own, save the house, protect us, enrich the household."

The wealth and well-being of the whole family depends on the owner of the house. Therefore, early on Thursday morning he should:

  • wash yourself with water in which lies a gold or silver object,
  • collect all the money in the house and count with the words:

  • go around the whole economy and look into every corner.

Thursday Silver Water: Recipe

  • Collect melt water or draw it from a well. If this is not possible, take water from the tap.
  • Dip a silver object into the container with it - a spoon, fork, ring or other.
  • Leave on the table under the light of the moon until the morning.
  • Wash yourself, uttering a conspiracy, and wash all members of your family.

Conspiracies on Pure Thursday from the evil eye

Get in the shower and say:

Draw water and say over it:

Wash it twice a day:

  • in the morning before sunrise
  • before bedtime

When this water runs out, speak consecrated in the church and continue the ceremony until you feel better.

Conspiracies on Clean Thursday for health

the girl smiles against the background of the inscription about health conspiracies on Maundy Thursday

If you have the opportunity to take a steam bath early in the morning on Maundy Thursday in a Russian bath, then the effect increases many times from this procedure. In addition to improving well-being, water on such a day is gaining even more strength.

Reinforce any water procedures with the following words:

How to speak salt on Maundy Thursday?

While frying it in a pan or languishing in the oven, say the prayer “Our Father”.

In the first option, accompany the words with constant stirring of the salt. You will feel the end time of its preparation.

Conspiracy on Pure Thursday for the health of the child and from fear

Children feel the world more subtle, but they also have less protection from negative influences. Therefore, only we adults can protect them.

On Maundy Thursday, say the following words quietly over a sleeping child:

Love conspiracies and rituals for love on Maundy Thursday

If your chosen one is pulling with a marriage proposal, and you are sure of your desire to connect your life with him, perform a love ritual on salt and water on Maundy Thursday:

  • for the morning service in the temple, take a pack of salt and a container of clean water,
  • open them during worship so that they are nourished by the bright energies of prayers,
  • returning home, remain silent until the end of the ceremony,
  • at home, cover the table with a white tablecloth and place the icons of Jesus, the Virgin, Peter and Fevronia,
  • put a white sheet of paper and sprinkle it with salt from the bag that was with you at the service in the temple,
  • put a photo of you and your future husband on top and also lightly sprinkle with salt. Be careful - you can not wake her up outside the white sheet,
  • light a candle near each of them, and in front of the icon of Peter and Fevronia - two, twisted together,
  • read three times the prayers “Our Father”, to Jesus, “Our Mother of God, virgin, rejoice” and Peter and Fevronia,
  • when the candles burn out, carefully remove the photo. Pour salt on a sheet of paper into the toilet and flush. Burn the leaf and wash away the ashes too,
  • back to icons. In place of the leaf, place a bowl of water that was with you in the temple. Next - your photo with the betrothed,
  • say the words:

Drink half of the water, and either add the second to the man’s food / drink, or pour it under the door and moisten her handle.

To attract love into your life, use the following rituals:

  • wash your face in the morning and dry your face with a new towel. Take it with you to the temple for the consecration of Easter cakes and eggs. Give both the towel and the Easter cakes with eggs to the poor people who beg at the gates of the temple,
  • wash your face in the morning, wipe your face with the canopy of your dress, open the window and say three times:

But remember the danger of attracting a man against his will. When your wish comes true, he can show all the most negative aspects of character and habit.

Rites and conspiracies on Maundy Thursday for unmarried people for marriage

candles - an invariable attribute of marriage conspiracies on Maundy Thursday

An unmarried woman should read the prayer at midnight between Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Her words:

An interesting ritual to attract a husband with new slippers:

  • buy a pair of good house slippers and put them in the hallway with their noses into the house after the general cleaning with the words:
    “My betrothed, mummers, without bad habits, appear!” Add a few more character traits that you appreciate in men. Repeat the whole plot 20 times during the day,
  • carry slippers with you to those places where you would like to spend time with your future spouse,
  • keep slippers and do not let anyone wear them, except for a worthy candidate for husbands.

Another rite is performed by an unmarried girl at dawn. Knock on the window of your room saying:

  • During the morning service in the church, keep a bag of grain in the chest area.
  • Upon returning home, untie it at the threshold and scatter it with the words:

Rites and conspiracies for beauty on Maundy Thursday

  • A girl / woman on Thursday morning needs to go to the market / shop and buy any mirror she likes. Prepare the amount without change or leave it to the seller.
  • Returning home, find 2 trees that are standing next to each other. Stand between them and take out a mirror, look into it and say three times:

  • Then start painting the eggs red. Dip the first one in clean water and take it out. Wash yourself with it and give it to all family members.

Prayer on Maundy Thursday for women's happiness

a girl prays for her female happiness on Maundy Thursday

Women's happiness lies in finding a husband, maintaining love and harmony in the family. Therefore, say prayers on Maundy Thursday in such a mood.

the girl's hands are folded palms to each other during the prayer for cleansing, pronounced on Maundy Thursday

Water procedures with conspiracies, which are discussed above, will help you cleanse the physical and mental body.

For the dwelling, perform a rite of purification with charmed water. For example:

  • draw half a bucket of river water and pour a handful of coins into it,
  • at home put on a stool by the window. Close the doors and open the window
  • stand over the bucket with your palms clasped together at face level and say three times without stopping:

  • dip a clean handkerchief and wash all the horizontal surfaces of the house from top to bottom. Clean windows and doors with charmed water,
  • take out the change, and pour the rest of the water behind the house under the stone. Tie a handkerchief on the doorknob. Take it off after Easter.

Conspiracies on Clean Thursday for weight loss

Speak water:

  • before drinking
  • during the morning bath
  • in a glass before bed

Say these words:

If you are closer to speaking water before going to bed, then say over a glass of water:

“What makes me fat, what wanders in my body - let it go into water. Just as this water has rolled down from my body, so will my fullness roll down. May it be so!"

Place a glass of water at the head of the bed and drink the next day into the ground with words of gratitude to the latter.

What to do with change after Maundy Thursday?

Collect the small change involved in the rites on Maundy Thursday in a cotton bag and hide it in the house so that no one can find it. Keep it all year long as a magnet for well-being and prosperity in everything.

Believers have the power to change the space around them, build harmonious ties with other people and nature.
If your faith is weak, strengthen it. At a minimum, perform the most important rituals on Maundy Thursday and feel the difference in your well-being.

Video: Pure Thursday - strong conspiracies and rituals

Effective conspiracies on Maundy Thursday help cleanse the soul and body from illness, from sadness and painful loneliness. A unique day that happens only once a year, allows you to radically change a person's life. Conspiracies on Clean Thursday for money or wealth change the financial part of life, set up the right cash flow, and love spells solve problems in your personal life. How to conduct rituals before Easter?

Magic on Maundy Thursday

Stability in material and spiritual terms can be invoked with the help of magic, if you choose the right rite. A conspiracy for Maundy Thursday for wealth or good luck in love is read after sunset. A secret ritual is performed without outside help. Wealth, love, success - these are the benefits that every person strives for. Thursday magic is used to attract money or good luck. Enchantments from magical attributes and words of a conspiracy work. Conspiracy rites for Maundy Thursday have extraordinary power, and always give good results.

How does this spell work?

The ritual of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova or any other folk spell works from the power of human desire. From his aspirations and thoughts. If a person on a bright holiday himself does not wish luck, love, promotion, then no magical action will help.

Help magic during the holidays

The whole surrounding life of a person consists of energy that a person was able to attract. Money, love, love spell and return magic works on the same principle - attracting those benefits that a man or woman is tuned in to. Thanks to the conspiracy for palm week, you can achieve:

  • promotion;
  • favor of the chief;
  • mutual affection and fidelity of the husband;
  • repayment of the debt (if the debtor does not fulfill the obligations assumed);
  • a new job or a promising position;
  • stable income;
  • good health.

Another thing is when bathing before Easter saves a person's life. Release him from the shackles of disease. People say "you bathe on a clean Thursday - you wash away the disease." Before the ritual, you should carefully prepare so as not to miss one of the most successful days of the year.

Attracting money

Before carrying out the ritual, a man or woman needs to decide on the end result. A variety of conspiracies act the next day or gradually. It is also important how long the spell on Friday after the holiday will work. To attract good luck in the monetary sphere is within the power of every person. The rituals performed for the palm week will not only set up the correct cash flow in the house, but also save you from losses in the future.

To attract money, special magical attributes are used:

  • Holy water;
  • coins or paper notes;
  • wallet;
  • money amulet or amulet.

To attract money, only existing rituals are used. If the fourth day of the palm week coincides with the phase of the growing moon, the rite will work in the best way. The family does not have to be afraid of lack of money. After casting a special spell, you can get a good salary increase or win the lottery.

For a person, the principle of the spell is not so important. On the day of the holiday, one must sincerely believe in material success next year. Money has its own energy, which can be attracted by special magic words.

Preparation for the ritual

There is a lot of meaning in cleaning for the holidays. Salt water is used to clean the entire house. Such actions will help cleanse the living space of negativity and monetary damage. Money after cleaning will begin to appear more often at home.

Superstitions on Maundy Thursday promise monetary stability if cleaned early in the morning. In any house there are many unnecessary coins. Use finds such as talismans to attract money.

How the ceremony is performed

For the simplest ritual of attracting money, you will need coins (in gold color). The ceremony is not carried out without kopecks. Three pennies in gold color should be put on the table. 3 coins are taken, which must be symbolically counted. This action is repeated three times. If there is only paper money in the house for a man or woman, you need to count them three times: in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening (after sunset).

The words of the spell are read after sunset: “This is my house, everything is clean in it. I look out through the windows and doors, I spy on my wealth. It rings in the pelvis - it speaks of wealth. I'll hide the coins - they will bring me good luck. The son will help, the daughter will help - to make the family rich.

The charmed money must be put in the wallet. Paper bills can be spent, and coins are kept as amulets. After sunrise on Friday, in order for the money to flow, you need to wash your face with holy water with the whole family. It would be useful to read the words of the prayer "Our Father" three times. After the ritual of monetary return, you will not have to wait long.

Alternate Wealth Spell

A palm week spell for money is performed before sunrise or after sunset. Any conspiracy on holidays for money must be learned by heart, and the Orthodox ritual itself must be carried out in secret even from the closest people. A clean Thursday spell to attract wealth uses simple holy water and a church candle for a lasting effect on a person's life. On the eve of Maundy Thursday, a person goes to church. With words of prayer, he asks for protection and blessings from higher powers.

Rituals for money are held on the street. Early in the morning (so the customs say) a man or woman goes out into the yard. The bucket is filled with water brought from the church. Liquid speaks:

“The sun rises on Maundy Thursday, colors the world with bright light. I will show the Sun bright and hot a gold coin, not a silver one. I will take it with a sieve from someone else's hands. I will store up wealth, prosperity, but not to brag, ask for more of these. I bow, I smile, I repent of everything for 12 years, I have been gaining honor and glory for 3 years. I add mind, I will acquire wealth for all 2 years in advance.

The words of the spell for money on the morning of a clean Thursday must be pronounced in a whisper. A strong ritual for wealth has been working from the first days. So pronouncing a conspiracy on a clean Thursday for money, the magician launches a program to call for a financial flow.

Healing spell

A conspiracy on a great holiday (the last Thursday of Lent) will attract not only wealth, but also health for every child and adult. You can ask for healing at a window or door, inhaling the fresh air from the street. On the eve of Pure Thursday, holy water appears in the house, which you need to wash immediately after the ritual:

  1. On the day of the clean day of the entire palm week, the house is carefully cleaned. In the house, you need to clean the living rooms and throw out unnecessary garbage. Each member of the family participates in the general frill in the house. Windows and doors clean well.
  2. From any ailment (impotence in men, diseases in a child or baby), Thursday magic helps immediately. If the patient cannot go outside, his assistant conducts the ritual in the house.
  3. It is necessary to moisten a towel with holy water and wipe the body of the patient. You can wash the patient in a bathhouse, at home or in a hospital.
  4. The words of the conspiracy are read three times at the end of the ritual: “Vodichka, melted sister, cleanse my body of thin eyes. Wash away from me all the words, from my house, whispers, curses and wishes. Let them go with you down under the ground to the idol from the first time. And my body and my soul will be cleansed and renewed. The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit will help all 33 times. May it be so".
  5. From diseases after the ritual, you need to put energy protection (an amulet in an idol, a rune applied to walls or furniture).

You can perform the ritual on your own child (daughter or son may not be present at the ceremony). Signs on Thursday wash the child with charmed water, they say that the baby will be healthy and joyful all year.

The children's room is wiped from diseases with salt (a solution of water with salt in equal proportions). If it is not possible to read conspiracies on Thursday, then the rites for Wednesday will also help. A son or daughter will quickly recover if the parents sincerely believe in the magic they use.

Water spell to bring good luck

Traditions on Maundy Thursday are the property of Slavic and Orthodox culture. There are many signs and conspiracies that are used only once a year. In no case should you miss such an opportunity. On a special day, a wallet, an amulet, a thing of the person on whom the ceremony is performed are charged. If Thursday magic is used for its intended purpose, the results of the conspiracy will last all year.

On Wednesday or Thursday, cleaning with salt is carried out so that luck reaches the house. The words of the conspiracy must be read into the water. This is the only way to bring good luck. Washing the body and cleaning the house with salt is the best preparation for the ceremony. Incredible luck can be called upon for great fast, which will last all year. The water conspiracy on the great Zchthurg is a powerful force. With him, even the strongest damage to bad luck is removed.

When the plot is read

It is necessary to read the slander only for Great Lent. You can pick up any water for the spell. If holy water cannot be brought from the church, ordinary tap water will do. You can do a rite for good luck on all days of the palm week, except Friday.

As soon as the sun sets, the conspirator kneels in front of the cellar (this must be done unnoticed by others, who will only interfere). Having opened the doors, a person should read the words of the conspiracy to the dark cellar:

“Just as you can’t see the mouth of the cellar, as you can’t sprinkle me near the house with dill, so there’s no trouble from bad words. The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit will help me in counting my merits. Amen".

Spell for love


For the return of love, husband, boyfriend, for reconciliation with her husband, the wife casts spells for palm week. To destroy the love of a rival and husband, there are other types of rituals that are best done on Good Friday. Readable folk conspiracies should be filled with love and forgiveness.

Stages of the ceremony

Big love spells are read at night. The spells of Natalia Stepanova or ancient Slavic rituals for the husband to return or the beloved to marry are read on the groom's thing. Girls speak inanimate objects on the night from Thursday to Friday. Simple rituals are suitable for beginners, but experienced magicians perform complex and large rituals throughout the palm week.

At sunrise, while there is time before the darkness disperses, the young girl is bathed in water. The cleansing of the face and body is accompanied by the words of the spell: “As Pure Thursday is bright and red, so I will be a beautiful slave (name) for everyone. For a loved one, my half, for a betrothed, a clean and great Thursday. Fulfillment of my desire I ask, I pray. Amen". The cleansing will attract suitors and potential partners in the near future.

Pure Thursday is a wonderful day to be cleansed from the oppression of sins, to find pure and bright thoughts. Plus the opportunity to provide a comfortable, financial, successful year.

Maundy Thursday, or as it is also called Holy Thursday, Maundy Thursday is the last Thursday of the pre-Easter week, special even for non-religious people. It is usually associated with the fact that you need to tidy up your home, clean everything and wash yourself. In Christianity, this day is very important and significant. It originates from the Last Supper, at which Jesus said goodbye to the twelve apostles, his disciples, already knowing about the betrayal of one of them - Judas Iscariot. From the point of view of religion, this day will help get rid of sins, cleanse and enlighten the soul. In addition, Pure Thursday is a great day for rituals and rituals aimed at improving the financial situation and even achieving great wealth.

For twelve cents

This conspiracy is intended specifically for Pure Thursday. It is necessary to collect a handful of coins, the smaller the denomination, the better. The total amount should be twelve cents. Pour water into a basin, throw coins and whisper a plot:

Voditsa you are voditsa, people cannot live without you - they drink you and love you, but they praise you, but they sanctify you in Baptism. Let me ask you for forgiveness. Mother Voditsa, forgive me, Mother Voditsa, help me. How much of you flows and flows in the lake, in the stream, in the river and the ocean, and in every house and in a glass, so much money would flow to me and every day of the week.

There should be no outsiders in the room in which the ritual is performed. The dog, if any, must be sent outside. The presence of a cat or a bird, on the contrary, will be beneficial. You need to read a conspiracy for wealth, clasping the little fingers in your hands, 33 times. Wash the floor in the house or apartment with charmed water. Only be sure to move backwards, that is, move not from the end of the room to the threshold, but from the threshold.

For cleaning windows and doors

Another conspiracy for money is that you need to throw into the water, with which you will wash the doors and windows in the house, a trifle in coins for any amount and say:

Money, drive - do not transfer, grow - multiply, do not get to the enemy!

After washing, put the change in a carefully washed corner of the house or apartment. After that, it is advisable to read the prayer that you know: “Our Father”, “Symbol of Faith” or any other. After a week, the coins can be removed. Pour water immediately under any tree. This is a very strong conspiracy that will help you never need money for the whole next year.

Money count

It has long been believed that if you count money three times on Maundy Thursday, your wealth will increase throughout the year. You need to count three times - at dawn, when the sun is at its zenith and at sunset. Do this business alone and do not tell anyone what you did, otherwise the conspiracy will not work and you will not see wealth. Whisper as you count:

A thousand, half a thousand, six hundred, everything, everywhere my hand will take the lord.

Talking to someone, being distracted and then starting a conspiracy from the beginning is prohibited. Remember also that you should not count money by spreading it on a bed or on a table.

For washing with water

Water is a very powerful magical attribute. She is well charged with both positive and negative energy. In order for the path to wealth to be paved with laurels, and not prickly thorns, before morning washing on Maundy Thursday, say the following words on the water:

Pure Thursday praises Easter, all Orthodox people praise Easter, so people would praise me, both young and old, so that I would be a servant of God (name) in honor of the authorities, so that my business would bring me profit. Gold sticks to my hands, clings. The coins in the wallet jingle. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Wash your face afterwards. The water must be cool, and you need to collect it in a large bowl.

Sowing money through a sieve

A very effective and effective conspiracy that will surely attract wealth for the whole next year. It must be done before you bathe on Maundy Thursday. Collect a handful of change in a regular sieve and sift the money on the street while no one sees it. Sifting, say:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

You need to sift for 5 - 10 minutes. If you do not have enough patience, say the plot at least three times. And according to all the rules, the words of the conspiracy are repeated exactly forty times. Then say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother earth, sister earth, accept the seeds, give me and my family good times, good seedlings. Amen

and the financial situation will improve in just a few days.

For five cents

The most proven and at the same time simple conspiracy on Clean Thursday is rightfully considered a conspiracy for five kopecks. It does not guarantee you great wealth, but if you use it, income throughout the year is guaranteed to be stable. The plot is slandered three times on a five-kopeck coin, which is then carried in a wallet. After a year, the power of the conspiracy disappears and it must be repeated again. Conspiracy words:

In a golden field, in a golden house, on a golden table, a golden idol stands. The idol has golden lips, the idol has golden teeth. From whom the idol is taken, that gold will not be transferred. I will come closer to the golden idol, I will bow to the lower golden idol. The idol is standing, it won’t sway, it’s standing, it won’t move. And just as this idol will never become copper, so may wealth never leave my hands. My word is sculpted, my work is strong. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel. I close my words, I close my deeds. I'll lose the keys to the lock. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the new moon

If you are lucky, and Pure Thursday falls on the new moon, you can use the water conspiracy, which, it is believed, can bring a lot of money and even untold wealth. To do this, on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, put a glass of ordinary cold water on the windowsill in your room. A day later, the next night, you need to wash yourself with this water, saying:

As you, the month, were thin, but became full, so I have all the good to be full.

On a bucket

A bucket is often used in magic as an attribute of all kinds of conspiracies, rites and rituals. It is believed that if you buy a new bucket without bargaining on Pure Thursday, it will become a kind of keeper and multiplier of wealth in the family. To do this, say the following words to him:

A bucket full to be, and I forget about all poverty.


Clean Thursday is also famous for its many proven signs, knowing which you can definitely improve your financial well-being and make friends with good luck for the whole coming year.

  • In order not to frighten off wealth, it is not recommended to give or borrow on Pure Thursday. This applies more to large bills and expensive things. Small amounts and small things do not count.
  • Also, the most common rearrangement will help get rid of problems with money. The more things and furniture in the house or apartment you change places, the more calm and successful the financial side of your life will be during the year.
  • It often happens that people transfer all their problems and misfortunes to money, which they then leave on the street, often at crossroads. Whoever picks up this money will take away all the sorrows of the owner. On Clean Thursday, this kind of conspiracy is especially effective, so do not pick up money from the ground on this day.

If, nevertheless, the amount is large and you cannot resist, before taking the money, say:

I take the money and leave the lining. Amen.

Cleanliness in everything

Clean Thursday is clean for that, so that each person can put things in order not only within the boundaries of housing, but also in their own body, soul and life. If you follow all the traditions of this day, then the love of fortune will not keep you waiting. On this day, be pure in deeds and thoughts in the first place. You can not quarrel, refuse alms and help, plot evil, offend children or animals. Only then can you count on profit and a change in financial affairs for the better.

Clean Thursday falls on the last days of Great Lent in. Many people are waiting for Clean Thursday to come in order to cleanse their house of everything bad, and themselves of sins. Also, for many years in a row, people have been transmitting from generation to generation, as well as conspiracies on Maundy Thursday for love, which will be useful to unmarried girls.


It is important to remember that on Maundy Thursday culinary preparations begin for, therefore, and are already beginning on this day.

We will tell you all the relevant information about conspiracies and signs in this material. If you believe in such manipulations, the following information will be useful to you.

Signs for a clean Thursday for money

Signs on Clean Thursday for marriage

Folk signs say that after cleaning on Maundy Thursday, which cannot be ignored, you need to allocate a place in your house for the groom so that he knows that they are waiting for him. For example, buy a new pair of slippers, make room in the bathroom for men's items, and save some space in the closet.

On Maundy Thursday, you need to take a flower pot and plant an apple seed in it, saying to yourself: "Seed, seed, break through the ground! Lure the grooms into my house as soon as possible. Amen! Amen! Amen!" It is believed that the sooner a sprout appears from the ground, the sooner you will get married.

Conspiracies and prayers for the holiday "Clean Thursday" will help you gain prosperity, prosperity and love.

Every religious and Orthodox person knows such a holiday as "Clean Thursday". This is a special day for Christians, because only it allows a person to instantly get rid of problems, failures, fear and disease. If you do the right rituals on this holiday, the whole year promises to be successful, kind and full of personal victories.

Perhaps everyone knows that only on a "clean" Thursday, before the sun rises, wash your body thoroughly. This is a kind of tradition, because the morning of this day is considered “magic”. It is it that saves a person from misfortune, like from dirt, and gives health for a whole year.

But, what should be done on the night of a clean Thursday? Night is time from midnight to 4 am. It is this period of time that is intended for performing rituals for oneself, children, loved ones, and the household.

Rules, rituals, customs, traditions

What you need to do on the night of "clean" Thursday for yourself:

  • Early awakening will help you to spend the whole year cheerfully and actively.
  • To gain health for the whole year (until the next “Clean Thursday”) will help bathing before the first rays of the sun.
  • Water on a “clean” Thursday has magical and healing properties: wash your face, body, head, drink water.
  • Do not be afraid of cold water, it will help to harden you and wash away not only illnesses from your body, but also the sins accumulated over the year. Cold water on a “clean” Thursday returns beauty to the body.
  • If you want to “give” beauty to your face, fill a bucket of cold water, dip a silver ring there and only then wash your face thoroughly on a “clean” Thursday.
  • It was believed that if you take the soap outside for the night in advance, it will be especially “clean”.
  • It was read that in order to wash off the damage on a "clean" Thursday, you need to add charmed salt to the water. A handful of salt simply rushed to the mouth, wishes were whispered into it, and it dissolved in water.
  • It was believed that if you wash your hair on a clean Thursday before dawn and cut the ends neatly, your hair will be healthy and thick.

What should be done on this night?

What rituals are performed on Pure Thursday?

On a "clean" Thursday, you should definitely wash not only your body, but also clean the house. The best thing to do is "general" cleaning, but if strength or time does not allow you, then even a “cosmetic” cleaning will be very useful. It is enough to brush off the old dust, remove the cobwebs from the corners and do a wet wiping of the floors.

Such a ritual is needed in order to drive out the accumulated negative energy from the house, literally remove "stress, quarrels and squabbles, slander and envy of guests coming to the house." General or symbolic cleaning will allow you to give yourself and your loved ones pleasant emotions, build relationships and start life, as they say, “from scratch”.

How to do the cleaning correctly on a "clean" Thursday to attract goodness:

  • Open all windows and vents, let in fresh air, let out the “bad” old one.
  • Do the cleaning, then take a handful of salt, read the plot to attract wealth and good luck and throw your right hand over the threshold. You can also pour an even strip of salt on the threshold. This will help not to accidentally invite an enemy into the house and will attract protection to you for a whole year!
  • Be sure to bring water from the street: a spring, a well, a column (whatever) and wipe the floors, furniture, walls in the house with it. Such water is not poured into sewers, it is carried out over the threshold and poured into the ground under a fruit tree or walnut.
  • If you have holy water, it should be sprinkled on all corners of the house, beds, stoves, clothes. This will help cleanse the house and your belongings from negativity, attract good luck and luck.
Holiday cleaning

What to do on Clean Thursday for money: rituals and conspiracies for money

Of course, at any time, well-being and wealth were of great importance for a person. That is why on a "clean" Thursday it was also customary to perform rituals designed to improve the family's prosperity.

One of the old rites says - on Clean Thursday, all money should be counted three times that are available in your home. This is done out loud, absolutely all savings must be taken into account: money set aside, money in wallets and pockets, money in a piggy bank, money in the account. Such a rite will help "to be led" by money and not to "leave" the house.

Money well-being

It is worth noting that there is also a certain time of day on Maundy Thursday, when To count money:

  • Early morning (before the "first" sun rises)
  • Noon
  • During sunset (at this time, money should be counted secretly, hiding from everyone).
  • At this time, you can read a conspiracy for money: “A hundred, two hundred, one thousand six hundred, my sovereign hand takes money!”

There is another ritual for attracting money on "Clean Thursday". It assumes that you draw water into the vessel and put a trifle on its bottom(copper and gold). Soak a brush in this water and sprinkle all the doors and jambs in the house with water. It is believed that such a ritual will help the money “grow” in your wallet all year round. During the ceremony, you can read a simple conspiracy: “Money, money - drive! Don't translate for me!"

What to do with change after clean Thursday?

It's believed that flush with water, into which you dipped the coins, should not only doors and jambs, but also any windows, as well as cracks. This is necessary so that any air that enters your home brings good luck and prosperity.

After the rituals with coins are performed, a trifle is necessarily taken out of the water. Any empty corner in the house should be thoroughly washed with leftover or other water. To a clean corner put a handful of coins and leave them in this state for exactly a week.

IMPORTANT: If you have “spell money” water left, you can pour it into a flower. Well, if it is a symbolic money tree.

Coins for conspiracies

What words to wash on a clean Thursday?

Washing on Clean Thursday helps not only get rid of diseases, but also give beauty. It is also believed that such a rite will give the head “pure” thoughts and save a person from evil deeds. It is advised to wash yourself by dipping a silver or gold ring into the water.

Silver helps to gain health, and gold brings wealth. Also, if you want get rid of slander and evil eye- add salt to the water. Wash yourself from a bucket or basin, carefully rub each part of the body. Washing should not be quick, take your time and pay attention to yourself to the fullest.

To make washing as effective as possible, you can read spells aloud. After washing, in no case do not pour the charmed water into the drain pipe, it should be poured into the ground: a garden, a garden, a flower bed or an ordinary pot with a house plant.


Water conspiracy for swimming on Clean Thursday

It is believed that in order to gain health, it is necessary to swim on a clean Thursday. in the charmed water. Doing it on your own dipping a silver cross and reciting prayers. Try to determine in advance for yourself what you lack in life and quietly ask God for this by reading a prayer over the water.

After reading the prayer cross the water three times and take a bath or shower. Of course, it is better not to pour the water that you spoke into the sewer. Such ablution or pouring is recommended to be done on the street, standing with bare feet on the ground. However, not everyone is capable of such a rite.

IMPORTANT: If you live in an apartment and you do not have the opportunity to douse it on the street, prefer a morning contrast shower to a bath. Take a shower with joy, believing that each jet of water seems to relieve you of negativity and suffering. While taking a shower, have a pectoral cross and read a prayer or a conspiracy.

Simple conspiracy

Thursday Silver Water: Recipe

Thursday water- this is a special "charged water", which each believer makes independently. Of course, the healing and miraculous is the water that brought from nature: collected from a source, spring or well.

Such water must be store in a glass or ceramic vessel. Dip a silver cross and the image of the Savior into the water. Read the prayer "Our Father" three times and cross the water three times. Such water can be washed, drunk for the health of the soul and body, sprinkled on the house and loved ones.

IMPORTANT: If you do not have a silver cross, dip a silver ring or earring into the water. It is believed that the metal charges water with favorable silver ions and it becomes incredibly useful for humans.

miraculous water

Prayer for Cleansing on Pure Thursday

Conspiracy for water

Conspiracies and rituals on Clean Thursday for wealth and prosperity

During the performance of rituals on the miraculous "clean" Thursday, it is important not only to do them correctly, but also read prayers, as well as conspiracies. Such actions will help to effectively “cleanse your” house from all the evil that could accumulate within its walls for years.

For money

Conspiracies on Clean Thursday for health

Such conspiracies are necessary so that, together with miraculous water, your body is freed from negative influences and diseases, it can gain strength, activity and vigor.

For myself

Conspiracy on Clean Thursday for the health of the child

Wake the child very early, explain how important it is now to wash and help him do it. Give a glass of healing water to drink and put to sleep again. If your child is old enough, you can invite him to meet the sunrise with you.

IMPORTANT: There is a belief that it is on Maundy Thursday that heaven opens its gates. You can only see it for a few minutes in the early morning in the sky with the first rays of the sun. Those who are lucky enough to see the gate will find grace and health for the whole year.

For kids

Conspiracies on Clean Thursday from the evil eye

An important rite on Maundy Thursday is the tradition protect your home from any negativity, damage and the evil eye of envious people. It is no secret that each of us is surrounded by different people every day, and many of them do not wish well. We bring the resulting negative into the house and it spoils life.

One of the rites advises to pour a glass of clean water in the evening and dip any silver object into it: a cross, a spoon, a pin, a ring (whatever). In the morning you should drink half a glass of this water and wash your face with the other half. Such a ritual will protect you from damage from ill-wishers.

IMPORTANT: With this water, you can wash and sprinkle every corner in the house, the bed where you sleep, where your children sleep and rest. Wash the slopes and doorframes, spray water on the threshold and front door to protect the house.

For home

Conspiracies from fear on a clean Thursday

Often in the soul of a person there are a number of certain fears and phobias from which he cannot get rid. Such a condition is equated with a disease and therefore it is possible to get rid of it only by reading prayers and conspiracies in the early morning on a clean Thursday.

IMPORTANT: You can make a washing with healing water for yourself, or help to carry out this ritual for your children or loved ones.

From fears

How to say salt on Clean Thursday?

There is such a thing as "Thursday salt." This is a special salt charged with positive energy, helping to eliminate problems and illnesses. In addition, it is believed that such salt, along with water, has healing and protective properties for a person and his home.

Everyone can prepare such salt on their own, but this should be done only before sunrise on “clean Thursday”. You can use "Thursday salt" all year round if necessary. It can be easily consumed with food, because it is believed that such salt “takes away” illness and negativity from the body.

IMPORTANT: According to many signs and beliefs, spilled salt is considered a bad omen. But, this does not apply to the “miraculous” salt, scattering this is a good custom that attracts good luck and prosperity.

How to use this salt:

  • You can save loved ones from diseases by giving them food with such salt.
  • In the event that there is a “series of disasters” in your home, you need to pour salt hardened on Thursday into all home corners.
  • If there is misunderstanding between husband and wife, you need a bag of miraculous salt under the bed.
  • If someone has gone far away and you are worried that he has not returned to the house for a long time, you should throw a handful of miraculous salt into the flame.
  • For the health of children, a pinch of such salt should be poured into the bathroom. So, your children will be beautiful and "strong".
  • A salt shaker with such salt is always kept on the dining table.
  • The "bad" person who came to your house should be fed with Thursday salt. So, you will help yourself to avoid the evil eye and damage. Traces of the ill-wisher are also sprinkled with Thursday salt.
  • So that no one quarrels in the family, you should throw a pinch of Thursday salt under the bed (where the head is) for everyone.

Miraculous and hardened salt

Harvesting "Thursday" salt:

  • The salt spoken on Thursday was tempered on fire (on the stove, in the oven or oven).
  • The salt had to be tempered black.
  • This must be done before dawn on a clean Thursday (on Wednesday night).
  • Salt is “activated” on the first cleaning of the house on a clean Thursday.

You can take salt for cooking in three houses, one of them will be yours, and the other two will be neighbors or relatives' houses. The main conditions - at home should be prosperous, peaceful, kind, healthy.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to store “Thursday” salt in the house, it is good to do it closer to the stove (stove). After the preparation of the “miraculous” salt, until Easter, nothing from the house should be given to anyone, either in debt or as a gift.

Rites and conspiracies for beauty on Clean Thursday

Every woman, of course, dreams of being beautiful and delightful. The one that all men pay attention to. The miraculous power of water on a clean Thursday can help with this. Washing the face should be done with spring water (water from a well or spring), and a special conspiracy or prayer should be read.

For beauty

Love conspiracies and rituals for love on Clean Thursday

It is believed that by cleaning on Clean Thursday, you pay tribute to the Lord and attract not only positive things to your house, but also to yourself: you find harmony, tranquility, peace and love. In addition, there are a number of rituals on “clean” Thursday, aimed precisely at ensuring that a person meets “his soul mate” soon.

Organize not only the house, but also the bathroom. In addition, be sure to think about where you could place your lover's things in your home, empty a shelf, for example, or buy personal items. Such an action attracts the fulfillment of the desired, and on a “clean” Thursday, the spell is doubled.

Special words for conspiracies that attract good luck to you will help in your business:

For love

Rites and conspiracies on Clean Thursday for unmarried people for marriage

Also, in order for a man to “start up” in your house, you should definitely pour cold water on the morning of a clean Thursday. Pour a glass of charmed water.

In addition, planting an apple seed is considered an effective and classic rite of "our grandmothers" on Clean Thursday. This should be done at home in a pot. At the same time, you should read CONSPIRACY:

For love

Prayer on Clean Thursday for women's happiness

One of the rites for "Clean Thursday" advises a woman not only to clean, but also to find a new place for things in the house, that is, to rearrange. You don't have to move the furniture, just swap things around. This will attract not only spiritual harmony and love, but also money to the house. In addition, it will help to make a wish come true, which you will think about on a festive morning.

IMPORTANT: In addition, when cleaning, moistening the house with water or just washing your face, you should read a prayer that will help you find “female happiness”.

For women's happiness

Conspiracies on Clean Thursday for weight loss

It seems that the “conspiracy to lose weight” sounds somehow strange and not natural. But, if you think about it, losing weight, a slender figure and a sophisticated silhouette - this is beauty. It can be very difficult for some women to lose weight, and in order to gain new strength, they read conspiracies and prayers on Clean Thursday.

IMPORTANT: Prayers read on "Clean" Thursday help women find harmony in their souls, find strength to fight excess weight and, as a result, gain a slender body.


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