The magic of mirrors at home. How does a magic mirror help develop clairvoyance? Secret technique! Heavy energy storage

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live look

We sit in front of a mirror and depict impenetrability on our faces. We convey various emotions through the eyes, achieving a very realistic effect. Here, of course, psychology is more effective, but this is not the point, it's all the same. Let's say you want to add a positive opinion about yourself to some girl. You send her a mental smile (anything that can win her over).

She sees that you are not smiling, that you are not winking or otherwise attracting her attention, but she feels that you are very, very nice to her, since you have already given her a mini-program.
You can also scare people away (even in a crowded metro you will stand on an empty piece, or even sit. No one will stand up and sit down next to you - a guarantee, verified.)

Associated with the number 8 (the number of abundance), the mirror is a symbol of divine perfection. The mirror is a lunar symbol: like the moon, it is an indirect reflection of the image.
Shaivism likens the abhasas, or outward appearance, to a reflection in a mirror.

Just as a reflection in a mirror is no different from the mirror itself, but appears in it as something different from it, so the Abhasas are no different from Shiva, but only appear as different from him. Just as in a mirror a village, a tree, a river, etc., appear as different from the mirror itself, but in no way, strictly speaking, different from it, so the world reflected in the universal consciousness is no different from the latter.
Comparable to water, the mirror becomes magical and serves for divination in the Congo, among the peoples of Bambara and Asia. This is a bowl of water or a mirror in which the medium sees spirits. During the Middle Ages, it was a reflection of the divine word and a means of interpreting it.
To meditate means to have a mirror that reflects the divine laws and thus allows one to know them. It is also a means to observe the luminaries, to study the laws of the Cosmos. The real man, according to Vincent de Beauvais (author of the theological work The Great Mirror, or Speculum majus), is the mirror of the Cosmos, in which the invisible is reflected.

The mirror can remember events.
It remembers only the state that arose in a person under the influence of what happened. Consciousness itself will decipher and interpret the meaning of this "record", but it will bring to life only those images that are close to a person's personal experience. After all, mirrors, like other objects, bear the imprint of the owner's personality. According to some scientists, under the influence of “psychic radiations” that every person has, the smallest elementary particles of the Universe, like sawdust in school experience, line up, creating a unique pattern in space - the imprint of our emotions and thoughts. The same imprint remains on the objects used by the person.

The mirror can let in the dead.

Why are mirrors hung or turned to the wall in front of the dead? Some argue that through the "open window" the soul of the deceased can drag someone "there", into another world.
Others - that the thirst for life of the deceased can lead to the fact that, using the mirror as a guide, he will pass to us from the "other world" and become restless.
Still others say that while the deceased is in the house and the “window” from the other world is “ajar”, ​​astral beings, including other people's restless souls, can enter the house. And this allegedly can cause mental illness in family members.
And there is also a belief: the soul of the deceased, instead of going to another world, can enter the mirror and remain in it, as if in a trap. If such a mirror is acquired, then the consequences can be tragic - up to bringing a curse on the whole family.
Such mirrors are very cold to the touch, and church candles go out in front of them. Such mirrors must be broken and thereby free the soul contained in them.

The mirror can age people.
Scientists at a New York Institute, using a supersensitive magnetic wave detector, have been studying the effects of a mirror on a person for 15 years.
It turned out that people who spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, and especially if they look into their eyes for a long time, begin to feel tired and memory impairment.
Experimenters proved that mirrors accumulate human energy, acting as energy "vampires". The process of taking away energy occurs in about three minutes. Therefore, the victims are mainly those who like to admire their reflection for a long time. But that's not the worst. It turned out that those who often look in the mirror age much faster. The effect of accelerated aging can be explained from the standpoint of modern bioenergetics. The energy radiated by us and reflected from the mirror partially neutralizes and, as it were, eats away our own “protective aura” in front.

The mirror can also rejuvenate people.
You can create a rejuvenating mirror.
It is necessary to make a transparent surface in front of the mirror amalgam not from ordinary glass, but, for example, from crystal. Then the light passing through it becomes polarized. Reflected from the metal amalgam, polarized light will pass through the crystalline glass back. And from this it will become even "thinner".
Next, you need to make a transparent coating in front of the amalgam not from a single layer of crystalline material, but to assemble a kind of crystalline package from the finest polaroids. Moreover, from different materials, and even differently orient their optical axes.
Assembled on the principle of a complex lens (from different lenses), this layered crystalline "pie" can turn a "knife" of reflected polarized light into a "needle" that can work wonders.
The effect of such a light "needle" on a person can be very strong - up to tissue regeneration. Every day for half an hour in front of such a mirror - and wrinkles will disappear.

Magic mirrors Kozyrev.
When divining, mirrors directed at each other resemble a laser device. There is an "addition" of the signal from fortunetellers. A more powerful device is called Kozyrev's mirrors and is used for magical purposes. These are concave (enlarging) black mirrors (instead of amalgam - black paint.). A dark surface absorbs most of the visible light.
The magical mirror reflects the subtle energies and the concavity keeps them in focus.

If a person's eye is in it, he acquires the ability to clairvoyance, visions appear from the past, future or spatially remote. Luminous objects such as UFOs or fireballs appear.

It has been established that we capture the information of the subtle world with a “yellow spot” in the center of the retina - a small deepened area in which there are no rods, but cones are densely concentrated.
Using the "third eye", you can look through time and space. However, this is very dangerous. Sometimes such a “black” stream bursts into the brain that the psyche can not stand it.

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Pro: TokiAden

I keep chronicles of the inhabitants of the worlds of our galaxy on the author's blog Polygon Fantasy. The author's blog was opened in 2013. And in 2014, he opened the esoteric website Edges of Reality. Because my home, my homeland is the whole galaxy. How the subtle worlds are arranged. How the laws of the universe work. What is spirituality, the Creator, the meaning of Existing... Sharing with the reader his spiritual experience and knowledge about the world. These are my goals.

The history of mirrors is no less interesting than the history of the Ancient World, from the beginning of time to our Epoch. There was a time when only priests and magicians could deal with the technology of making mirrors. Later, this craft lost its mystical feature, but the mirrors themselves left behind the glory of mysterious magical accessories.

There are many sinister signs and many strange beliefs associated with mirrors.

But not all of them are true. Let's figure it out together, what is so special about mirrors and should we be afraid of their strength?

Mirror - a door to other worlds?

In the history of almost all peoples, no matter what geographical distance separates them, the concept of doors to other worlds is associated with a mirror. Reflective surfaces were used:

  • magicians;
  • psychics;
  • witches;
  • parapsychologists;
  • non-traditional doctors;
  • priests.

Where did different nationalities in different parts of the earth come from such beliefs? What caused such an attitude to reflective surfaces and is it worth believing in it?

Back to the facts of history

The first officially recorded facts that the reflection has not only a domestic purpose, but also an ominous side fell on the last century of the 20th century. So, at the beginning of 1910, in the western part of France, in one of the most guarded warehouses, an old mirror was kept in the status of “under arrest for a double murder”. The peculiarity of this accessory is that the shiny surface was enclosed in a frame with the inscription "Louis Arpo, 1743". For some reason inexplicable to the scientific world, this frame did not allow the mirror to break. The most unusual and inexplicable was the fact that the accessory could not be destroyed.

Its surface did not break, the frame did not burn in the fire, and even when they tried to drown this mirror, it was somehow released from the packaging and simply floated to the surface.

Rumors that the reflective surface did not break and the frame did not burn were exaggerated, but the fact remains that the accessory was under arrest for the deliberate murder of its owners.

The reason for such a strange sentence was the fact that the two owners of the mirror, after acquiring it, very quickly went to the forefathers with the same posthumous diagnosis of instant death from cerebral hemorrhage.

This mirror is included in the worldwide list of the Cursed Things of the World.

How scientists explained it

What is most interesting, scientists have not refuted the fact that this accessory from "Louis Arpo" could cause the death of the owners. But they could not say exactly what provoked the murder. Some said that the old frame exuded an aroma that caused a hemorrhage, the second said that it was the most poor-quality reflective surface, which did not refract the sun's rays so much at some point and provoked disturbances in the brain activity of the victims, as a result of which death.

How does parapsychology explain it?

Parapsychologists were not so unambiguous and they did not recognize any evaporation or refraction of light. The hereditary magician explained this phenomenon by the fact that the spirit of a dead person found its refuge in the reflective surface of this mirror. The spirit, its sudden appearance, created such a powerful energy blow that the natural energy protection of a person looking at that moment in the mirror was simply blown to pieces. What is the cause of the sudden death of the physical body. The soul of a person killed in such a blasphemous way was forever locked in an ancient mirror. But there is one nuance of the explanation, the mirror did not kill everyone in a row, but took away the life force only from those who deserved it with their worldly deeds.

Mirror as a heavy energy storage

One of the oddities of the mirror is that it is capable of accumulating heavy energy. Oddly enough, everything that is good and bright in the world, the mirror simply reflects, and lets in only evil, terrible and negative. This is the nature of mirrors. This is a rather creepy feature, but quite understandable. The thing is that at the moment of deep shock, severe stress, a person throws out a colossal charge of energy.

Just think, a person, even at the moment of the most boundless happiness or the very peak of fun, throws out 1/60th of what his body gives out at the moment of feeling pain from a cut finger.

It is clear that the mirror, as an energy accumulator, will rather absorb the moment of negative emission than all the moments of good and light that are reflected in it.

What is most interesting is that modern mirrors do not have such a memory and such a power of accumulation as the old ones (although they have a tendency). And it's not about their age. The thing is that in the old days the reflective surface of mirrors was made with an admixture of silver, and it has long been no secret that this metal has both cleansing and accumulating properties, silver itself is a strong conductor.

Mirror - a haven of a restless spirit

Among all the beliefs associated with mirrors, in different countries there is one thing in common - to curtain the reflective surface if there is a dead person in the house. The existence of the soul has long been proven by scientists. There are facts confirming the fact that at the moment of death a special clot of energy escapes from a person’s body, a special substance, which, according to assumptions, is a kind of accumulator, custodian and transporter of information that a person has collected throughout his life. The soul exists and that is a fact.

But there is also the behavior of the soul, the very behavior that the soul takes out of the body. If we trace all the stories about the exit of the soul from the body at the time of physical death, we can conclude that it has a human memory, as well as some features of the perception of the world. One of the features is panic and fear, a lack of understanding of one's status of one's new position. It is at such moments that the soul enters the mirror, because the soul is energy, a more concentrated clot of energy than the energy flows of our world.

And as we have already found out, a particularly old mirror is prone to energy accumulation. There is an energy clot of the soul, and there is a vessel for accumulating energy in its reach - that same mirror. What will happen? This is how the energy will enter the vessel. The vessel will draw it in and not always voluntarily.

And then it all depends on the situation at the time of death of a person. If at the moment of death the soul did not receive a negative charge, that is, stress, if it was not a murder, a non-violent death or departure was not accompanied by torment, the memory of the soul will be relatively clean and will not carry aggression. And therefore, reflecting its energy, which is already in the image, the soul does not transmit anger and hatred or pain into our world, and as a result, our natural defense filters this information and simply reflects it.

The peculiarity is that the soul is inclined to look for a place in the world, as it always has been and will be. This cannot be explained in simple terms, but I will try. We have all read or heard that there is a transmigration of souls. This is a fact and proven. That is, the soul, at the moment of leaving the body, seeks refuge for itself and finds it in another body. But not at the moment of birth, but at the moment of conception.

There are a lot of “Ifs” in the phenomenon of the soul’s penetration into the mirror: If, at the moment of exit, the soul does not find a passage into the stream that will carry it into another body, it does not move into the human embryo, but into the mirror. And if the situation happens that at the moment of death the soul experiences stress, it will automatically enter this information into the mirror and will broadcast it to our world. This is the memory of the soul. Another nuance concerns the fact that the soul lost in the mirror plane left the body under relatively calm circumstances, but, its memory stores some kind of terrible stress, the mirror can also broadcast the picture of this incident to our world as a picture in a reflective surface.

Mirror Magic

The magic of mirrors has been known since ancient times. If you trace the history of the Slavic people, you can see how divination rituals were performed and predictions were made with the help of mirrors.

Many novice practitioners are interested in the question of safety or risk in the process of using mirrors in magic. As we have already figured out, the mirror is a storage device, as well as a means of transporting energy. It can be used in divination rituals or for other magical purposes, but you should follow the rules for choosing an accessory. It is better to give preference to a new mirror, if there is none, perform a rite of purification of this accessory, and also protect yourself from accidental energy shock.

A mirror in the process of divination can show not only the future, but also the past or present. The energy flows that are responsible for our life, destiny or future easily circulate in space and pass through the mirror, sometimes refracted in it, and sometimes enter one reflective surface in one room, and exit the mirror in another room. It is quite difficult to explain this phenomenon even in the language of magicians, and I would not advise you to delve into the search for an answer, since there are things that should be inaccessible to this world.

Mirror Magic

It was customary to classify mirrors as magical objects almost from the very moment of their appearance. Since ancient times, quite a few legends and stories about their mystical nature have accumulated. Recall, for example, the tale of A.S. Pushkin about the dead princess, where the mirror was represented by a living being and served as a divination for the queen-stepmother, or the Soviet cinema "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", where the mirror was a portal between the worlds. Such beliefs, preserved by more than one generation, have quite tangible grounds under them.

Mirror magic is witchcraft based on working with mirrors. Such rituals can have a different focus: from attracting the attention of a lover, to getting rid of the evil eye and damage.

Mirror Magic refers to the magic of the element of Water, since it has properties in common with it. Like the water surface, a mirror is an indirect reflection of the image, capable of storing information and opening doors to other worlds. Therefore, a mirror can be used as an attribute of this element on a magical altar (instead of a bowl or shell). In some rituals, water and a mirror can be used together: for example, for divination.


Different peoples endowed mirrors with different properties, but they all believed that these objects were endowed with special magical energy. In ancient times, people believed that mirrors were able to remember everything that was ever reflected in them.

This theory is supported by many modern scientists, however, a method has not yet been invented that allows you to reproduce mirror memory.

But in addition to the memory of what they saw, mirrors can also show what has not happened yet. One of the most famous magicians of the Middle Ages, Cornelius Agrippa, became famous precisely for the fact that, at the request of people, he evoked images of their beloved in the mirrors. The amazing thing is that mirrors could show existing loved ones, as well as dead and not yet met.


Vampire mirrors are very dangerous for humans. They can not only deplete a person energetically, but also lead to physical death.

In addition to the many positive properties of a mirror that a person can use, there are also negative features. For example, for many centuries there has been a belief about the existence of vampire mirrors.

Various sources say that in no case should you hang someone else's mirror in your own house, as this could lead to the most unpleasant consequences - damage and curses. This is also explained by the memory of mirrors, which could well be witnesses to various scandals, quarrels, misfortunes and deaths. Such mirrors can only bring trouble, negative energy to a new house, which will definitely affect the owners.

It is these mirrors that are usually called vampires, because because of the negative influence, they will suck the life force out of people. Fortunately, the most dangerous objects with a mirror surface are easy to recognize. Due to the presence of a large amount of negativity, it would seem that they will physically blow cold, candles (especially church ones) can go out near them. In some cases, mirrors are able to manifest their memory in the form of a reflection of former owners or remembered events.

It is also worth remembering that no matter how the mirror is made, it will never have a perfectly flat surface, there will always be small bumps and roughness that will not allow you to fully reflect all the light. Thus, at least part of the information received by the mirror is not returned, but is remembered.


In the mirror you can see the reflection of not only the physical body of a person, but also its energy manifestations.

Many traditions say that a person has a unique information and energy matrix, which is often called an aura or a biofield. It is not uncommon for this matrix to appear on the material plane, it could be seen with the naked eye, in addition, it often appears in photographs.

Mirrors are able to reflect not only the visible part of the spectrum of a person - his body, but also any other energy emitted by a person, including the most subtle energy of the matrix. In addition to displaying, the mirror can also remember this energy level, which is why it itself becomes “alive” in a sense.

The use of mirrors in Magic

1 Divination- one of the most common uses of mirrors in magic.

2 Create a corridor(a portal penetrating other worlds). The most common ritual is divination for the betrothed, however, it is far from the only one in this category. The magician can create a mirror corridor for any purpose, for any spirit calls. At the same time, there is a danger that someone can get out of there. To protect himself, the magician must either close the mirrors, or lower one of the mirrors, or break the mirror.

3 Protection- a reflection of the negative. For these purposes, an ordinary mirror is used, as well as with silver or copper coatings. The easiest option for such protection is to wear a small mirror in your breast pocket (or a mirror pendant) with a reflective surface away from you. And, if you hang a mirror outside your house, it will reflect the negative coming from the street.

4 For on casting spells on anyone, both positive and negative. The easiest option for such magic is to smile while looking in the mirror, and it will reflect the received emotions back. For the same reason, you should not look in the mirror in a bad mood. No matter how well the mirror is made, there are roughnesses in it, they also appear with wear. This means that not all rays are reflected from its surface, some are absorbed and stored. Therefore, do not let other people look into your personal mirror, you never know with what message they will do it.

What to do with a broken mirror?

It is unlikely that a broken mirror can cause at least someone positive emotions. In magic, breaking this household item is considered a very bad omen. But how to avoid negative consequences if such a dangerous event has already happened? Do not glue the fragments… Here are the recommendations given by experts in bioenergetics: If the mirror is broken, you need to carefully collect the fragments and throw them away. It makes no sense to paint the fragments or somehow clean them - the destroyed structure will still radiate negativity. In general, the less contact with a broken mirror, the better for your health.

And the mirror is a kind of indicator. For example, if there is a difficult situation in the house, someone is seriously ill, then the mirror may break. That is why there was a sign that a broken mirror portends misfortune.

You should be especially alert if the mirror burst on its own, no one dropped it or broke it. This is a sure signal that something is wrong in the house or room where the mirror is located.

In no case should you look into a broken mirror, even if there are no other mirrors nearby. It is believed that a broken mirror promises seven years of failures and misfortunes, and if an unmarried girl looks into it, then she will not go down the aisle for another seven years.

In fact, parapsychologists say, such a belief is due to the fact that energy leaks through a broken mirror, and it is very difficult for a person with low energy to achieve any positive changes in life - for example, start a family.

You should approach the fragments so that your face is not reflected in them. Before cleaning, pour a glass of water on the fragments. In no case do not remove them with bare hands, put on thick gloves or collect them through a rag. You can sweep them with a broom on a scoop.

After collecting the fragments, put them in an opaque bag and throw it away - just not in a trash can, best of all in a river, stream, or any place where there is running water (you don’t need to go into the toilet - it will get clogged!). Then the water will "carry away" the alleged misfortunes. Yes, and it is advisable not to tell anyone about this incident ...

Mirror fragments should not be stored at home even for a short time. Make sure to remove them from the house as soon as the mirror is broken.

If the mirror didn't shatter into pieces, but only cracked, you might be tempted to leave it in the house - at least for a while. We throw away a tiny mirror, as a rule, immediately, but if the mirror is large, expensive, antique, with a valuable and beautiful frame, then we hesitate ... It would be better not to do this, as a “crack” may appear in your own life - diseases you and your loved ones, quarrels, troubles ... It is advisable to remove a cracked mirror from the frame. If this is not possible, then turn it to the wall or cover it with a rag so that the cracked glass is not visible. The best option is to remove the mirror somewhere in the pantry or on the mezzanine. Take it out of the house as soon as possible. Some keep cracked mirrors in dachas, in garages, but remember that you still can’t look into such a mirror, so either get rid of it completely or replace the glass.

Sometimes it happens that the mirror does not break, but simply falls out of its frame. There is nothing particularly terrible about this, you just need to look for another frame or replace a household item. But it may be a sign that you are about to change or that you need to change something in your life. Just think about your life.

Broken mirrorIt is considered a bad omen, but it is a mistake to say that after there will be seven years of misfortune. This, as well as some other signs (for example, with spilled salt), have come down to us from ancient times, when mirrors were a luxury item, and only rich people could afford them. A broken mirror is a sign that speaks of the completion of something or destruction. To read this sign, you should pay attention to your thoughts at the moment, words or actions. Perhaps your intention to do something at the moment when the mirror is beating will fail in the future, and now it is best to abandon it.

An old mirror with a rich history

If you have old mirror, in which you can sometimes see the reflection of a person who is not living now, it means that someone is stuck in this mirror, as if in a trap, or someone has manifested (the mirror has become a portal for spirits from another world). In the first case, the same spirit is reflected, while in the second, different spirits may be reflected. In this case, the mirror must be hung (the rest of the mirrors do not need to be hung) and then a cleansing ritual must be performed for 9 days. All this time, the mirror should be covered with a dense (opaque) cloth. If the mirror hangs on the wall, the cleansing can be carried out in that place (i.e., there is no need to remove the mirror and lay it on the altar).


A mirror is a store of energy, and often not only positive. And that's why mirrors need to be cleaned.

Magical rituals in which mirrors are used are very diverse, they can be used to solve various life problems. At the same time, before using any mirror, in magic or in everyday life, it must be cleared of possible stored negativity.

Fire is considered the main purifier in the magical art, but practicing fire cleaning techniques in relation to a mirror is not the best idea, since the flame has too strong and bright energy. The mirror surface is closer to the element of water. Ideally, a special lunar water, the so-called lunar liquid, should be used to clean the mirror. To make such water, you need to take a small amount of running water, put it in an open vessel under the moonlight so that the moon itself is reflected in the water.

It is best to charge the liquid during the full moon. Leave the water outside all night, wake up before sunrise and remove the liquid in a dark room where the sun's rays will not fall. In the same room, you need to thoroughly rinse the mirror surface with charged water, concentrating on your desire to rid this object of any negative energy.

If there are any difficulties with this method, you can use a simpler technique - place the mirror under a stream of cold water for 10-15 minutes and pronounce your desire to clear the mirror of negativity.

The ritual of cleansing the mirror with the elements

Target: clean the old mirror with a rich history, close the portal, release the soul of the deceased.

Materials: a bowl (or other small open container for water), table salt (1 tsp), for fumigation: sandalwood or incense, coals and an incense burner (a small bowl of sand will do instead of an incense burner).

The course of the ritual

1 For purification by the Elements of Earth and Water, take a bowl, fill it with clean water and dissolve a spoonful of salt in it. Then, holding the bowl in your hands, in a free form, turn to the Elements with a request to help clean the mirror. After that, go to the mirror, dip your fingers into the water and sprinkle the old mirror clockwise (you can’t remove the fabric from it), reading the plot:

With Earth and Water, I purify this mirror.
Let everything negative and otherworldly leave this mirror.
With Earth and Water, I consecrate this mirror.
May love and prosperity come to him.

2 For purification by the Elements of Fire and Air, light the incense of sandalwood or set fire to a coal in the incense burner and put a couple of grains of incense on it. Then, holding the smoking object in your hands, in a free form, turn to the Elements with a request to help clean the mirror. After that, go to the mirror and fumigate the old mirror clockwise (you can’t remove the fabric from it), reading the same plot only with an appeal to Fire and Air.

3 After cleaning, the old mirror must be moved to a new place or, if desired, you can throw it away (you should not break the mirror).

When a family member dies...

In the event that a family member dies, there is no need to clean the mirrors, it is enough to hang them for 9 days also with a thick cloth so that nothing can be seen through it. This is necessary so that relatives do not see the deceased in the reflection, and moreover, so that the deceased himself does not get stuck in the mirror. In the first nine days after death, the soul of the deceased is in a transitional state, so during this time all the mirrors in the house should be hung. However, if, after the expiration of the period, someone otherworldly appears in the reflection of the mirror, it is worthwhile to carry out the above-described ritual of purification.

signs with mirrors

In no case should you look into a broken mirror, as you can see the devil. In reality, it is impossible to see the line in a simple broken mirror, however, such actions lead to strong energy losses, which can have an extremely negative impact on the well-being and the whole fate of a person.

If you show a mirror to a small child, then he will become shy, will not speak for a long time, and his teeth will be badly and slowly cut. In some cases, it can also cause various diseases. All parents should listen to this sign, since children under one year old have practically no protection from negative energy of their own, and any negative impact (which can come from a mirror) can be fatal.

Women during menstruation, as well as during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, are forbidden to look in the mirror, as this can lead to the "opening of the grave." This sign appeared due to the fact that all of the above events significantly weaken the protective energy of a woman, and because of the mirror, there will be even less vitality. Which can lead to the emergence of various physical and spiritual diseases.

If you suspect a certain person that he is plotting some kind of evil against you or your family, you need to bring this person to a large mirror and carefully look at the joint reflection. If your suspicions are justified, then you will be able to see on the face of this person his true intentions.

Every morning, you can perform a simple ritual to protect against negativity with a mirror for the whole family. To do this, you need to go to the mirror, hold your hand in front of it at a distance of less than a centimeter, but without touching its surface, and say the words: "Mirror, mirror, you reflect all the bad things that will go to this house. Protect my whole family, save from illness and misfortune (list the names of all households).

You can not hang mirrors in the bedroom, especially above the bed and at the head. This arrangement of mirrors is now considered fashionable, but these design solutions do not lead to anything good, moreover, they can destroy even a strong union between a man and a woman.

All mirrors in the house should have salaries or frames so as not to injure the household.

All mirrors should hang no lower than the height of the tallest member of the family, no one should look into the mirror, where his image is cut off at head level.

American researchers studied human biorhythms and concluded: between 4 and 5 pm, the body's energy resources decline, blood sugar levels drop, and daily stress reaches its peak. And all the flaws in appearance at this moment become more noticeable. A kind of "hour of ugliness", when even a person who looked great in the morning will be upset when he sees his reflection. How to deal with it? A simple way: do not look at this time in the mirror. Difficult: lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of your appearance so that even at this hour it does not deteriorate much.

From four to five in the afternoon, it is better not to study your reflection


In our country, for many centuries, people have been suspicious of mirrors and often called them "the gift of the devil." People believed that through a mirror you can not only receive a strong charge of negative energy, but also transfer it to your loved ones.

Today it is known for certain that Tsar Ivan the Terrible not only believed in various corruptions and curses, but was also very afraid of them. Documents have been preserved indicating that he ordered for his wife to deliver only mirrors made by blind craftsmen.

In China, the mirror was endowed with strong protective magical properties, people believed that these objects were capable of expelling evil, since this evil would look in the mirror, see and realize its own ugliness, and cease to pose a danger to humans.

In Japan, the mirror was of great importance and was considered a symbol of imperial power, along with the throne, the sword and the Three Pearls, symbolizing courage, knowledge and mercy.

It was customary to classify mirrors as magical objects almost from the very moment of their appearance. Since ancient times, quite a few legends and stories about their mystical nature have accumulated. Recall, for example, the tale of A.S. Pushkin about the dead princess, where the mirror was represented by a living being and served as a divination for the queen-stepmother, or the Soviet cinema "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", where the mirror was a portal between the worlds. Such beliefs, preserved by more than one generation, have quite tangible grounds under them.

Mirror Magic refers to the magic of the element of Water, since it has properties in common with it. Like the water surface, a mirror is an indirect reflection of the image, capable of storing information and opening doors to other worlds. Therefore, a mirror can be used as an attribute of this element on a magical altar (instead of a bowl or shell). In some rituals, water and a mirror can be used together: for example, for divination.

The use of mirrors in Magic

1 Divination- one of the most common uses of mirrors in magic.

2 Create a corridor(a portal penetrating other worlds). The most common ritual is divination for the betrothed, however, it is far from the only one in this category. The magician can create a mirror corridor for any purpose, for any spirit calls. At the same time, there is a danger that someone can get out of there. To protect himself, the magician must either close the mirrors, or lower one of the mirrors, or break the mirror.

3 Protection- a reflection of the negative. For these purposes, an ordinary mirror is used, as well as with silver or copper coatings. The easiest option for such protection is to wear a small mirror in your breast pocket (or a mirror pendant) with a reflective surface away from you. And, if you hang a mirror outside your house, it will reflect the negative coming from the street.

4 For casting spells on anyone, both positive and negative. The easiest option for such magic is to smile while looking in the mirror, and it will reflect the received emotions back. For the same reason, you should not look in the mirror in a bad mood. No matter how well the mirror is made, there are roughnesses in it, they also appear with wear. This means that not all rays are reflected from its surface, some are absorbed and stored. Therefore, do not let other people look into your personal mirror, you never know with what message they will do it.

What to do with a broken mirror?

If the mirror is broken, you need to carefully collect the fragments and throw them away. It makes no sense to paint the fragments or somehow clean them - the destroyed structure will still radiate negativity. (However, if you have a lot of connections with this mirror, you can break ties with it. For more information on how to do this, see the article "How to break ties with things?") For the same reason, you should not look into the fragments. In general, the less contact with a broken mirror, the better for your health.

Broken mirror It is considered a bad omen, but it is a mistake to say that after there will be seven years of misfortune. This, as well as some other signs (for example, with spilled salt), have come down to us from ancient times, when mirrors were a luxury item, and only rich people could afford them.

A broken mirror is a sign that speaks of the completion of something or destruction. To read this sign, you should pay attention to your thoughts at the moment, words or actions. Perhaps your intention to do something at the moment when the mirror is beating will fail in the future, and now it is best to abandon it.

An old mirror with a rich history

If you have old mirror, in which you can sometimes see the reflection of a person who is not living now, it means that someone is stuck in this mirror, as if in a trap, or someone has manifested (the mirror has become a portal for spirits from another world). In the first case, the same spirit is reflected, while in the second, different spirits may be reflected. In this case, the mirror must be hung (the rest of the mirrors do not need to be hung) and then a cleansing ritual must be performed for 9 days. All this time, the mirror should be covered with a dense (opaque) cloth. If the mirror hangs on the wall, the cleansing can be carried out in that place (i.e., there is no need to remove the mirror and lay it on the altar).

The ritual of cleansing the mirror with the elements

Target: clean the old mirror with a rich history, close the portal, release the soul of the deceased.

Materials: a bowl (or other small open container for water), table salt (1 tsp), for fumigation: sandalwood or incense, coals and an incense burner (a small bowl of sand will do instead of an incense burner).

The course of the ritual

1 For purification by the Elements of Earth and Water, take a bowl, fill it with clean water and dissolve a spoonful of salt in it. Then, holding the bowl in your hands, in a free form, turn to the Elements with a request to help clean the mirror. After that, go to the mirror, dip your fingers into the water and sprinkle the old mirror clockwise (you can’t remove the fabric from it), reading the plot:

With Earth and Water, I purify this mirror.
Let everything negative and otherworldly leave this mirror.
With Earth and Water, I consecrate this mirror.
May love and prosperity come to him.

2 For purification by the Elements of Fire and Air, light the incense of sandalwood or set fire to a coal in the incense burner and put a couple of grains of incense on it. Then, holding the smoking object in your hands, in a free form, turn to the Elements with a request to help clean the mirror. After that, go to the mirror and fumigate the old mirror clockwise (you can’t remove the fabric from it), reading the same plot only with an appeal to Fire and Air.

Many secrets are kept in a familiar object - a mirror.

In the 80s of the century before last, one resident of Messina in Sicily enjoyed a terrible fame as a killer. Seeing him, people immediately tried to turn into the alleys: avoiding becoming another victim. It was impossible to bring him to justice, or even to bring charges. This man killed in a rather unusual way ... with a look. And yet he could not escape punishment. Somehow, lingering at the shop window, he peered at his reflection in the mirror for a long time ... And this became the cause of his sudden death. At least that's what the city dwellers insisted on. Victim of your own gaze?

It's hard to believe, but here's a fact: for some reason, sorcerers and some of the psychics avoid looking in the mirror once again. What is the reason? Maybe the German scientist Karl von Reichenbach was right, who back in the 19th century argued that the rays emanating from the eyes (this energy has long been called “od”), reflected from the mirror, can cause a serious blow to the health of those who sent them? And even today they say that a mirror is capable of reflecting not only the visible reality, but also dangerous invisible energies. Superstition? And you conduct a simple experiment - control the TV with the remote control not directly, but through the mirror. Everything turns out great - you can make sure that the mirror reflects rays that are not visible to the eye.

So, perhaps a mirror can also reflect more subtle energies, for example, the energies of a person's feelings and emotions? Then our ancestors were not so “dark”, who hung a small mirror on their chest instead of a pendant. By the way, this kind of belief exists in the world and in our time. In Spain, for example, mirrors are attached to the shoulders of children. It is believed that they reflect an envious and malicious look and return it to the ill-wisher.

Customs are customs, and what does modern science say about this? Some scientists believe that every object is surrounded by some kind of invisible field. Different scientists call it differently so far, but everyone believes that it speaks of many "subtle" properties of the object. There is an opinion that in front of rough objects this field is “loose” and poorly reflects (but absorbs well) the energy incident on it. But in shiny objects, for example, in mirrors, it is very dense. And to such an extent "smooth" that its surface (psi-surface) almost completely reflects subtle radiation. And not only the primary cosmic energy - prana, but also the images of the invisible adjacent to us, including psi-radiation generated by man: emotions, feelings, thoughts ...

These incredible magical properties of mirrors have been used in the East since ancient times. They believe that very strong prana flows in the house can suppress the energy of the residents, unbalance their body and even cause diseases. Mirrors are widely used to combat these "energy drafts". So, for example, if the energy that enters the house through the front door or window “accelerates” along a long corridor and “shoots” straight at a small room at its end (kitchen, bath, toilet ...), then it is advised to hang on the door of such a room mirror on the outside.

To slow down a strong energy flow from the road that rests on the house, a mirror is also installed in front of its entrance. Mirrors are also put up in windows: to reflect “bad” energy from a bad neighbor or closely located “harmful” buildings: an industrial enterprise, a prison, a hospital ... From the overwhelming effect of large structures, convex mirrors are used that reflect these buildings in a distorted form and dissipate energy ...

Mirrors raise a lot of questions. Olga A. from Vyborg wrote: “We bought new furniture… And my grandmother said that the mirror from the bedroom should be removed, or the sores will torment… I don’t know whether to believe it?” Maybe you should heed your grandmother's advice.

It is believed that mirrors are capable of reflecting the dangerous energies of the so-called. If the mirror is directed at the bed, then these energies, which are most active at night, will "irradiate" the sleeping ones. Nightmares, chronic sleep deprivation, weakness, fatigue are usually the result of this neighborhood. If there is no way to rearrange the furniture, try to cover the mirror with something at night. This tradition exists in many countries.

And here is another option for protecting the sleeping with the magic of mirrors. In ancient times in China, small (necessarily round!) brass mirrors (with a shiny surface from the sleeping person) were attached to the canopy of the bed or somewhere near the bed. They believed that when they saw themselves in the mirror, they would get scared and go away. As you can see, this is not such a naive belief: today, experts are well aware of how radio waves are sometimes extinguished when a reflected signal comes strictly towards them. It is possible that a similar thing happens with more subtle pathogenic energies (“evil spirits”), when their own reflection from the psi-surface of the mirror comes towards them.

These "neutralizing" properties of mirrors are useful for other purposes as well. Today, for sure, everyone has heard about the so-called, very dangerous to health. Often, energy flows from underground (energy "pillars") have a very small area - the size of a book, but are very concentrated. Therefore, it is important to arrange the furniture in the house in such a way that the bed and other places where we can stay for a long time do not fall into the danger zone. But, unfortunately, in our small sizes it is not always possible. And then the mirror comes to the rescue again. By placing it on the floor under the bed with the reflective surface down, you significantly reduce, and sometimes even completely get rid of, harmful radiation.

It is also recommended to stick foil crosses on the bottom of the bed, table, chair. Such a brilliant cross not only reflects energy, but also twists and dissipates it due to its shape. It is worth doing this - and sleep will soon improve, irritability will decrease ...

However, mirrors are able to neutralize not only dangerous radiation from the bowels of the Earth, but also useful energy coming to us from space. Perhaps that is why it has long been advised not to store a mirror with a shiny surface up? ..

By the way, with the help of mirrors it is possible not only to reflect “bad” energies, but also to attract “good” ones. For example, when you are sick and cannot go out into nature, a mirror will help us not only to feed on external energy, but even to treat a poorly functioning organ. It should be positioned so that fresh energy flows into it, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees (from a window, from the sky, from the forest ...). The reflected stream should be directed to the eyes (for the general energy supply of the body) or to the diseased area of ​​the body. However, be careful - this cannot be done with organs in which the inflammatory process takes place: an excess of energy will further intensify it.

“I was told that through the mirror it is possible to recharge and heal yourself with your own energy. Is it so?..” (L. Vinogradova, Maykop).

Yes, but it's not that easy. The most important thing is to subtly feel the right distance from the mirror. After all, only in one place - a kind of focus - a powerful amplifying effect appears. A little closer or further - and the mirror will begin to vampirize, drawing out your energy ...

They guess about it…

“Is it true that women age faster than men because they look in the mirror a lot?..” asks N. Grishina from Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

It may well be. At least, this is quite understandable from the standpoint of modern bioenergy. The fact is that our energy, reflected from the mirror, usually does not feed us, but partially neutralizes (extinguishes) and, as it were, “eats away” our protective aura from the front. So it turns out that the mirror plays the role of sucking our energy. And the longer we admire ourselves in the mirror, the more we lose strength ...

In Russia, mirrors have always been wary. It was believed that this “gift of the devil” could not only “infect” itself with bad energy, but also be able to transfer it to other people. No wonder Ivan the Terrible demanded that only blind craftsmen make mirrors for his wife Maria Nagoya: beingware of the evil eye and damage that could come through the mirror ... And according to the Slavic tradition, it was forbidden for women to look in the mirror during menstruation, pregnancy and some time after childbirth . And in Germany, during the last period of pregnancy, mirrors were completely removed from the house ...

Maybe it's not such a superstition? After all, mirrors not only reflect, but also partially absorb (and therefore remember) the energy falling on it. And our subconscious is affected by information that was once "remembered" by the mirror. Is it necessary to say that we “charge” it most often with negative information? Agree, because as a rule we look in the mirror to find and get rid of shortcomings. And we find: the hairstyle is not the same, the face is wrinkled, the clothes began to suspiciously fit the figure ... Unable to fix it, we leave dissatisfied. And the mirror remembered all our emotions and next time it will “share” them…

To the recommendations of psychologists and cosmetologists (approach the mirror with a smile, look into it less often on “critical” days when you are sick or overworked) we will add: you should not scold yourself in front of the mirror. “Offended”, it will “remember” everything… And one more thing. Before you move away from him, smile and wish yourself success. A positive program strengthened and returned by the mirror can help relieve stress, cheer you up, set you up for good luck. After all, we put a program in the mirror, and it programs us ...

Today there is every reason to believe that a mirror can actually "remember" and reproduce subtle energy information. And not only her ... They say that a mirror, like a magnet, attracts and deposits toxic fumes on its surface. The famous mystic, doctor, soothsayer of the Middle Ages (1493-1541) believed in this.

The same question was discussed by French scientists two centuries later. In one of the acts of the Paris Academy of Sciences for 1739, one can read the following: “When one old woman approached an absolutely clean mirror and spent more time in front of it than necessary, the mirror sucked in a large amount of her bad juices, which were collected and analyzed. Chemical studies have shown that they are very poisonous. And if this is so, then here is another reason why you should not approach the mirror during periods of ailment: not only during illness, but even in a bad mood, human skin releases toxic substances. Not to mention breathing...

After the visit of a not very pleasant guest, folk experience recommends wiping all the mirrors in the apartment with a damp cloth. Better yet, rinse them with "holy" or spring water. Water will not only wash away the chemical residue, but will also take away the negative emotions and thoughts of "well-wishers" that have not yet had time to be deeply remembered in the mirror. And if after that you move a lit candle in front of him, then the effect of “cleansing” will be even stronger ...

“I read in the newspaper about the strange death of our famous figure skater Sergei Grinkov ... In November 1995, on the ice of the Lake Placid training rink, his heart suddenly failed - athletic, hardy. However, what excited me most of all was that on the eve of his death, a mirror on his car was shattered. The fact is that in my family there was a similar case. The day before my mother died, a mirror cracked in her room for no apparent reason. At the time I thought it was a coincidence. And now I began to doubt ... ”(E.N. Ufimtseva, Moscow).

Yes, there is a belief that a broken mirror is a bad omen: either someone will die soon, or you yourself will have to live in poverty. They warn: even a cracked mirror should not be kept in the house. Superstition? Who knows…

But here's the question: why does the mirror often spontaneously crack on the eve of the owner's death? Much is still unclear here. For example, what is the cause and what is the effect. A cracked mirror entails the death of a person (there is a belief that the one who first looks into a cracked mirror will die)? Or, on the contrary, as if “foreseeing” future death, does the mirror crack after the doomed person has looked into it (in some places it is believed that death awaits the one who last looked into the mirror before it cracked)? It is hardly worth unequivocally linking the death of the famous figure skater with a broken mirror on his car. Much is not known: what kind of mirror it is, how often it was looked into, under what circumstances it broke ... But about the cracked mirror in the mother's room, the picture is clearer. Many such cases have been recorded. And it's hardly a coincidence...

Today, many physicists are sure that any crack in a crystalline material, whether it be the earth's crust or glass, is a source of very strong and sometimes dangerous radiation. The energy, multiplied by multiple reflections from the walls of the crack and escaping outside, has an exceptional effect. In fact, this is an energy “blade” sticking out of a crack. Above the cracks in the earth's crust, they lose weight and heavy objects rise up, planes caught in the "beam" lose control, which leads to a plane crash, people experience mental disorders, illnesses ...

It is possible that cracks in the glass can also concentrate and “shoot out” radiation hazardous to health. And, apparently, it is not without reason that in the East they say that broken window glass (even if the crack is sealed with paper) entails diseases of the ears, eyes and nose of the residents of the house. Who knows, perhaps this “superstition” should be thought about by, say, motorists who continue to drive a car with cracked glass?

But the sharp and dangerous energy "blades" that stick out of the cracks can also be "infectious". In particular, this applies to old mirrors, which have accumulated huge reserves of negative emotions and are released from them through cracks. These are very dangerous radiations. Perhaps that is why it has always been considered a particularly bad sign to break the old family mirror? It is not excluded ... However, there may be other explanations. For example, this: a mirror, like an old family member, helped the owners with its “native” radiations. Or it was a kind of window into another world, connecting those living on earth with their dead ancestors. And now he's gone...

It may be that other factors also cause the pathogenic effect of a broken mirror. For example, the fact that chips, sharp corners radiate concentrated flows of energy accumulated in the material. (It is unlikely that by chance the Chinese used exclusively round mirrors to protect sleeping people. Perhaps, when choosing a new mirror in the store, it is better for us to pay attention to a round or oval one?) But there is another amazing effect of sharp corners: as we recently found out, they distort near them time field! And if so, then the fragments of a broken mirror are doubly dangerous! Who knows how the body will react to them: rapid aging of biological cells or, on the contrary, slowing down of metabolic processes?..

Questions, questions... Much is not yet clear. In any case, it is better to get rid of cracked and broken mirrors as soon as possible. How? Briefly about this ... With a wet broom (not a mop!) Notice the fragments and take them out of the house as quickly as possible ...

A strange custom exists almost all over the world: hanging or turning mirrors to the wall in front of the dead. It is so firmly rooted in the traditions of our people that even in the era of militant atheism, during the funeral of the highest statesmen, mirrors were removed from the premises or hung with black cloth. This custom is explained in different ways. But it is almost always said that the mirror is a kind of door in through which souls can pass both in one direction and in the other. Some claim that through the "open window" the soul of the deceased can drag someone close to him "there", into another world: wait for a new death.

Others believe that the thirst for life of the deceased can lead to the fact that he will come to us through the mirror from the "other world" and remain restless - a poltergeist. Still others say that while the deceased is in the house and the "window" from the other world is "ajar", dangerous ones, including other people's restless souls, can enter our home. And this allegedly can be the cause of some mental illnesses of family members (associated, for example, with a split personality) and even the displacement (replacement) of the soul.

Where do such beliefs come from? Some of them, I think, are echoes of some real, but not correctly understood events. For example, every now and then they say that in the house of the deceased, in an uncurtained mirror, they saw the figure of the deceased: either going somewhere “deep”, then, on the contrary, looking, as it were, from the “mirror”. This can be explained, for example, by the fact that the astral body of the deceased was reflected from the psi-surface of the mirror and became visible, which, as is known, has been near the deceased for quite a long time. But there may be another reason for the "vision". Some researchers believe that under certain lighting, the once “remembered” physical appearance of the owner of the mirror can “manifest” and become visible to an outside observer.

There is a popular belief that the soul of the deceased can enter an uncurtained mirror and remain in it, as if in a trap, forever. Moreover, they warn: if such a mirror is received as a gift or bought, then the consequences can be quite tragic. To the point of bringing a curse on the whole family. They tell how to recognize such mirrors: they are very cold to the touch and church candles go out in front of them. And that no “cleaning” of such mirrors helps: they are advised to simply break them and thereby free the soul of a person who once died in them.

I hardly believe in the souls of the dead, stuck in the mirrors. But the fact that some mirrors have extremely strong negative energy seems to be a reality. This is especially true of old mirrors, which remember the negative emotions of quarrels that took place in front of them, scenes of violence, and even more so murders. It is believed that such mirrors can greatly affect the human psyche and even change his character. They are especially dangerous for children: nightmares, someone else's memories will haunt them ... And then you should think carefully before taking a mirror left over from the dead into the house. And even more so, you need to be careful when buying an antique mirror, the history of which is unknown. But if you are “lucky” and the candles go out in front of your mirror, take it away from home and break it ...

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